[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Warrington 12-20-1977 by Ord. No. 77-9 (Ch. 1, Part 1A, of the 1995 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The office of Township Manager is hereby continued subject to the right of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Warrington, by ordinance, to abolish said office at any time.
The Board of Supervisors shall, from time to time and wherever there is a vacancy, by majority vote of all its members, elect one person to fill said office, who shall serve until his successor is elected and qualified. Any such Township Manager shall be subject to removal by the Board of Supervisors by majority vote of all its members subject to any employment agreement between the Township and Manager in effect at such time.
[Amended 6-16-1987 by Ord. No. 87-8]
The Manager shall be chosen solely on the basis of his executive and administrative abilities, with special reference to his actual experience in or his knowledge of accepted practices in respect to the duties of the office as herein outlined. The Manager need not be a resident of the Township of Warrington.
Before entering his duties, the Township Manager shall give a bond to the Township of Warrington, with a bonding company as surety, in the sum of $5,000, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties, premium for the said bond to be paid for by the Township of Warrington. The bond of the Township Manager may be included in, and the Manager may be bonded under and covered by the blanket bond now in force and effect for all Township employees in the aforesaid amount of $5,000.
The compensation of the Township Manager shall be set by resolution, which may encompass employment agreement provisions.
The Township Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the Township and he shall be responsible to the Board of Supervisors of Warrington Township as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Township of Warrington. His powers and duties shall relate to the general management of all Township business not expressly imposed or conferred upon other Township officers.
The Board of Supervisors of Warrington Township hereby authorizes the Township Manager or any duly appointed interim Township Manager to execute on behalf of the Board of Supervisors contracts, deeds, easements, plans, or other documents which have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors at a public meeting.
[Added 7-12-2016 by Res. No. 2016-R-42]
[Amended 9-14-1982 by Ord. No. 82-9]
Subject to recall by ordinance, the powers and duties of the Township Manager shall include the following:
The supervision and responsibility for the activities of those municipal departments as determined from time to time by the Board of Supervisors by formal resolution.
Responsibility for hiring, and when necessary for the good of the Township, discharging or disciplining employees of the Township under his supervision; provided, that any employee covered by civil service status or covered by the tenure acts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be hired, disciplined, or discharged in accordance with such statutes. The Manager shall report, at the next regularly meeting thereafter of the Board of Supervisors, any action taken by the authority of this section. No person shall be discharged or disciplined without cause.
Preparation and submission to the Board of Supervisors an annual budget together with an explanatory budget message in conformity with the applicable provisions of the Second Class Township Code.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
Responsibility for the administration of the budget after it is adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
Responsibility for attending and preparing the agenda for all meetings of the Board of Supervisors including any necessary documentation relative thereto. He shall receive notice of all committees, boards and commissions of the Township and be entitled to take part, to attend and take part in such meetings as he deems necessary to fulfill his duties hereunder.
In informing the Board of Supervisors as to the conduct of Township affairs and in furtherance thereof submitting periodic reports on the condition of the Township finances and such other reports as the Board of Supervisors may from time to time request.
Responsibility for letting of contracts in due form in accordance with law and supervision of the faithful performance of all contracts, except in such instances as these duties are expressly imposed upon some other Township official by law.
Responsibility for enforcing the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Township and collection of all monies due and owing to the Township or proceedings which may be necessary for security and collection of all Township claims.
Responsibility for action as the purchasing agent of the Township and in this capacity all purchases shall be made in strict compliance with the provisions of the Second Class Township Code,[2] including maintenance of an accurate account of all purchases made and the issuance and implementation of appropriate rules and regulations governing the requisition and purchasing of all municipal supplies and equipment.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
Responsibility for investigation and disposition of all complaints regarding services or personnel of the Township including and submission of timely reports thereon to the Board of Supervisors.
Employment by and with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any functions of the Township acting at all times in the best interest of the Township and in conformity with the Second Class Township Code.[3]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
In case of illness or the absence of the Manager from the Township, the Board of Supervisors shall delegate one qualified member of the Township staff who shall perform the duties of the Manager during his absence or disability.
[Amended 9-14-1982 by Ord. No. 82-9]
The Township Manager shall receive benefits as set forth in the Township Personnel Manual or otherwise as determined from time to time by the Board of Supervisors by formal resolution. The Township Manager shall also be entitled to reimbursement for all incidental expenses incurred by him in his capacity as Township Manager. An itemized list of such expenses shall be submitted periodically to the Township.