[Adopted 5-7-2012 ATM (formerly designated Art. XV, § 17)]
[Amended 5-6-2019 ATM, Art. 28]
This bylaw is proposed for the purpose of maintaining the rural and scenic character of Norwell's neighborhoods, conserving the value of real estate, and lessening the threat of an adverse environmental impact by restricting the length of time the storage of construction machinery, excluding that which is owned by the property owner, used or intended to be used in the construction, maintenance, and demolition of structures or altering of land may be permitted.
No hoisting, excavating, hauling, pushing, grading, paving, drilling, or pile driving machinery, excluding that which is owned by the property owner, intended to be used to construct, maintain or demolish structures or alter land may be stored unused for the primary purpose for which it was intended for a period greater than 10 consecutive days at any site, other than for municipal use, upon which said construction, maintenance, and/or demolition of structures or altering of land is proposed but for which no certification has been issued by the Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer that such action is in compliance with then-applicable zoning, or without review by him regarding whether all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by federal, state or local law.
No hoisting, excavating, hauling, pushing, grading, paving, drilling, or pile driving machinery, excluding that which is owned by the property owner, used to construct, maintain or demolish structures or alter land may be stored unused for the primary purpose for which it was intended for a period greater than 45 consecutive days at any site, other than for municipal use, upon which said construction, maintenance, and/or demolition of structures or altering of land pursuant to a valid building or demolition permit issued by the Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer is pending, delayed or completed.
[Amended 5-8-2021 ATM by Art. 11]
The Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer shall enforce this article. Each day of any violation shall be considered a separate offense punishable by a fine of not more than $50. The Select Board shall have the authority to dispose of said violations in accordance with the procedures and provisions of MGL c. 40, § 21D.