The work of this article includes but is not limited to:
Subgrade preparation.
Base preparation.
Related work specified elsewhere.
Clearing and grubbing: Article IV.
Site excavation and placement of fill material: Article VI.
Finish grading, seeding and sodding: Article X.
Bituminous paving and surfacing: Article XI.
Soil erosion and sediment pollution control: Article IX.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
ROADWAY — Area under and within 10 feet of the edge of paving.
ROADWAY SUBGRADE — The prepared earth surfaces on or over which additional roadway materials will be placed or work is to be performed.
Applicable Standard Details.[1]
DT 02500-1, Local Street Cross Section (Standard).
DT 02500-2, Local Street Cross Section (Alternate).
DT 02500-3, Street Widening Detail.
Editor's Note: Said Standard Details are included as an attachment to this chapter.
Quality assurance.
Reference standards.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
T99, Moisture-Density Relations of Soils, Using a five-point-five-pound Rammer and a twelve-inch Drop.
T191, Standard Method of Test for Density of Soil In-Place by the Sand Cone Method.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
D2167, Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber-Balloon Method.
D2922, Test Method for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), latest revision: Publication 408, Specifications.
Inspections. Inspection by the municipality will, at a minimum, be made of the subgrade prior to placement of the base course, and of the base course prior to placement of the binder surface.
Certificates. Submit certification from aggregate suppliers attesting that materials conform to specifications herein. Certification shall be provided with each load of crushed aggregate delivered to the job site.
One copy of the approved SESPC plan, including approval letter.
Job conditions: as specified in Article VI.
Acceptable materials.
Roadway fill areas: as specified previously under Site Excavation and Placement of Fill Material, Article VI.
Embankment fill areas: as specified previously under Site Excavation and Placement of Fill Material, Article VI.
Excavated areas. Suitability of material for subgrade purposes shall be determined by nonmovement of the material under compaction equipment.
Perform soil erosion control work in accordance with the approved soil erosion plan.
Roadway excavation. Excavate or otherwise remove and satisfactorily dispose of materials located within the limits indicated on the drawings for roadways.
Excavate to roadway subgrade depths required, and cut drainage channels and waterways as detailed on the drawings. Proof roll subgrade to the satisfaction of the municipality.
Remove rock encountered in roadway excavation to a depth six inches below finished subgrade elevation.
Excavate unsuitable subgrade material. Refill such areas to required elevation with acceptable materials.
Roadway grading. Shape subgrade of roadways, intersections, approaches, entrances and adjoining pedestrian walkways to no more than 0.10 foot above or below the design elevations.
Roadway fill. Construction requirements for roadway fill shall be as follows:
Form the roadway fill with acceptable materials.
Compact material to a minimum final density of not less than 95% of the maximum dry weight density at its optimum moisture content plus or minus 2%. Proof roll roadway fill to the satisfaction of the municipality.
Roadway embankment. Construction requirements for roadway embankment shall be as follows:
Break up shale and other rock-like materials formed by natural consolidation of mud, clay, silt and fine sand into a maximum size that can be readily placed and compacted in loose eight-inch layers.
Place rock to form the base of roadway embankments. Place in uniform loose layers not exceeding in depth the approximate average size of the larger rock, but not exceeding eight inches deep.
Smooth and level each layer adding soil or granular material conforming to Article VI, in sufficient quantity to supplement the smaller rock pieces, filling the voids and pockets.
Form the top 18 inches of roadway embankments with soil or granular material conforming to Article VI.
Compact embankment material to a minimum final density of not less than 95% of the maximum dry weight density at its optimum moisture content plus or minus 2%. Proof roll embankments to the satisfaction of the municipality.
During foreign borrow excavation operations, keep the borrow area graded to ensure free water drainage. Following completion of work in the borrow area, grade the area to present a uniformly trim appearance merging into the surrounding terrain and to prevent erosion.
Base courses.
Subbase course.
Compact subgrade material to a minimum final density of not less than 95% of the maximum dry weight density at its optimum moisture content plus or minus 2%. Perform finish rolling on roadway subgrade just prior to installation of aggregate subbase or base course.
When indicated on the drawings, construct subbase in accordance with Publication 408 Specifications, Section 350.
Crushed aggregate base course, standard.
Compaction shall be achieved by means of approved static or vibratory equipment as specified in Publication 408, Section 108.05(c)3. If static roller is used, base course of more than eight inches shall be constructed in two lifts. If approved vibratory roller is used, base course up to 10 inches in compacted thickness may be constructed in one course.
On prepared subgrade (or subbase if required), spread limestone screenings (AASHTO No. 10) to a depth of one inch and compact.
Construct stone base of AASHTO No. 1 aggregate to the compacted depth specified in the standard details.
Spreading coarse material. The coarse material shall be spread uniformly on the initial layer of fine material by approved mechanical stone spreaders to the full width of the base unless otherwise specified for part-width construction. Spreaders shall be adjusted to spread the loose material to obtain a layer of the required depth after compaction. In areas inaccessible to spreading equipment, the material may be spread directly from trucks provided the distribution is equivalent to that achieved by the spreader. All segregated material shall be removed and replaced with well-graded material. The coarse material shall not be spread for a distance of more than an average day's work ahead of choking and compacting.
Compacting coarse material. Immediately after surface corrections have been made to the spread coarse material, it shall be thoroughly compacted. The rolling shall begin at the sides and progress to the center, except on superelevated curves where the rolling shall begin on the low side and progress to the high side. The rolling shall be parallel with the center line of the roadway, uniformly lapping each preceding track, covering the entire surface with the rear wheels ahead of the roller wheels. After each layer of material has been spread and compacted, it shall be checked with approved templates and straightedges, and all irregularities shall be satisfactorily corrected. Red flags shall be placed at the limits of satisfactorily compacted coarse material. The flags shall be moved ahead as additional material is compacted, and no filler shall be applied to the coarse material in advance of the flag-marked sections.
Application of fine material. After the coarse material has been set and keyed by compaction, dry limestone screenings (AASHTO No. 10), in an amount equal to approximately 50% of that required to fill the voids in the coarse material, shall be spread uniformly over the surface. The vibratory compaction equipment shall then be operated over the surface to cause the screenings to settle into the voids. The remaining screenings shall be spread and vibrated in one or more applications to satisfactorily fill the voids; however, the quantity of screenings used and the operation of filling shall not cause floatation of the coarse aggregate. Areas not completely filled, in the foregoing operations, shall be filled by manual methods and need not be further vibrated.
Compacting and bonding. After completing the vibration of the fine material, the surface of single-layer construction, or the surface of each layer of multilayer construction, shall be sprinkled with water and rolled. All excess screenings forming in piles or cakes upon the surface shall be loosened and scattered by sweeping, exercising care that the fine material is not removed below the top of the coarse aggregate. On the surface of single-layer construction or the top layer of multilayer construction, the sprinkling and rolling shall be continued and additional screenings applied where necessary until all voids are filled and until a slight wave of grout forms in front of the roller wheels. Brooms attached to the roller, and hand brooms, shall be used to distribute the grout uniformly into the unfilled voids. After the wave of grout has been produced over the entire section of the base course, this portion shall be left to dry. The surface shall be sprinkled and rerolled as required to bond it thoroughly and to secure a satisfactory surface. The quantity of screenings and water used shall be sufficient to produce a smooth, hard monolithic surface.
Maintenance and traffic. The contractor shall maintain the completed base course until the placement of the surface course. No traffic shall be allowed on the base course other than necessary local traffic and that developing from the operation of essential construction equipment. Any defects which may develop in the construction of the base course or any damage caused by the operation of local or job traffic is the responsibility of the contractor and shall be immediately repaired or replaced at no expense to the municipality.
Crushed aggregate base course, alternate.
Compaction shall be achieved by means of approved static or vibratory equipment. If static roller is used, base course of more than eight inches shall be constructed in two lifts. If approved vibratory roller is used, base course up to 10 inches compacted thickness may be constructed in one course.
On prepared subgrade (or subbase if required), construct stone base of PennDOT 2A coarse aggregate to the compacted depth specified on the standard details.
Spreading coarse material. The aggregate material shall be spread uniformly by approved mechanical stone spreaders to the full width of the base unless otherwise specified for part-width construction. Spreaders shall be adjusted to spread the loose material to obtain a layer of the required depth after compaction. In areas inaccessible to spreading equipment, the material may be spread directly from trucks, provided the distribution is equivalent to that achieved by the spreader. All segregated material shall be removed and replaced with well-graded material. The aggregate material shall not be spread for a distance of more than an average day's work ahead of compacting.
Compacting coarse material. Immediately after surface corrections have been made to the spread material, it shall be compacted. The rolling shall begin at the sides and progress to the center, except on superelevated curves where the rolling shall begin on the low side and progress to the high side. The rolling shall be parallel with the center line of the roadway, uniformly lapping each preceding track, covering the entire surface with the rear wheels and continuing until the material does not creep or wave ahead of the roller wheels. After each layer of material has been spread and compacted, it shall be checked with approved templates and straightedges, and all irregularities shall be satisfactorily corrected. Red flags shall be placed at the limits of satisfactorily compacted material. The flags shall be moved ahead as additional material is compacted.
Maintenance and traffic. The contractor shall maintain the completed base course until the placement of the surface course. No traffic shall be allowed on the base course other than necessary local traffic and that developing from the operation of essential construction equipment. Any defects which may develop in the construction of the base course or any damage caused by the operation of local or job traffic is the responsibility of the contractor and shall be immediately repaired or replaced at no expense to the municipality.
Crushed aggregate base course for street widening.
PennDOT 2A: Subsection B(3).
3A modified aggregate gradation as follows:
2 1/2 Inches
1 Inch
3/8 Inch
No. 4
No. 10
No. 40
No. 100
% passing
Placement same as Subsection B(3).
Crushed aggregate shoulders: as specified in Article VIII, § 97-32B(3).
Pavement base drain: see Article XIX.
Field quality control.
Surface tolerance. After the base course has been completed as specified, the surface smoothness shall be checked with approved templates, string lines, or straightedges.
Templates. The contractor shall furnish and use approved templates of required length and cut to the required crown of the finished surface of the base course, for checking the crown and contour thereof. The templates shall be equipped with metal or other approved vertical extensions attached to each end, so that the bottom of the template will be at the elevation of the top of the aggregate. At least three such templates shall be furnished and used at intervals of not more than 25 feet.
String lines. String lines, for controlling the finished elevation of the proposed base course, shall be furnished with ample supports and offset along each side of the base course, and shall be maintained until all irregularities have been satisfactorily corrected.
Straightedges. Approved straightedges 10 feet in length shall also be furnished and used for testing longitudinal irregularities in the surface of the base course.
Surface irregularities. Any surface irregularities that exceed 1/2 inch shall be remedied by loosening the surface and removing or adding material as required, after which the entire area, including the surrounding surface, shall be rolled until satisfactorily compacted.
Tests for depth of finished base course. During the progress of the work, the depth of the base course will be measured by the municipality and unsatisfactory work shall be repaired, corrected, or replaced. The municipality will not be liable for payment for any excess depth of base course. The initial layer of fine material placed as a bed and filler will be measured and considered as part of the base course in determining the compacted depth of the finished base course.
The depth will be determined by cutting or digging holes to the full depth of the completed base course. One depth measurement shall be made for each 1,500 square yards, or less, of completed base course. Any section in which the depth is 1/2 inch or more deficient in specified depth shall be satisfactorily corrected at no expense to the municipality.
All test holes shall be backfilled with similar material and satisfactorily compacted by and at the expense of the contractor. This operation shall be performed under the observation of the municipality who will check the depth for record purposes.
Field moisture-density tests. Conduct such tests as specified under Site Excavation and Placement of Fill Material, Article VI.