Prior to or not later than 90 days after the granting of final approval, the subdivider shall have installed or shall have furnished adequate bond or other security for the installation within a specified time of the required improvements listed and described in this article. All of the required improvements shall be made in full compliance with the specifications for each of the various units of work, as required by the municipality, or the state and county health authorities, according to the nature of the improvements.
The tract boundary lines and the lines of all streets or roads shall be monumented with concrete, stone or iron monuments with monument caps. Individual properties shall be monumented with iron pins or pipe.
Subgrade, by developer; streets, twenty-eight-foot paved section.
All topsoil shall be removed from the area 14 feet six inches on each side of the center line, unless a fill of three feet or more is required. Fills must be made with material approved by the Village Street Superintendent and shall be placed in layers not over six inches thick, and each layer shall be properly rolled. All muck, quicksand, spongy material and any other objectionable material shall be removed.
The subgrade of all streets and roads shall be graded as follows: The center portion, 14 feet six inches on each side of the center line, shall be 14 inches below the finished grade, as shown on the street profile. After it has been properly shaped, it shall be thoroughly rolled and compacted. Curbs shall be provided on each side of the street, the center line of which shall be 14 feet six inches from the inside edge of the curb. The grade of the outside area or sidewalk and planting strip section shall in no case be lower than the crown of the pavement nor more than eight inches above the crown. No gravel or stone is to be placed on the subgrade until the subgrade is approved by the Street Superintendent.
Base course, by Village; streets, twenty-eight-foot paved section.
The thickness and method of constructing the base course may vary, depending upon the amount of traffic anticipated, the type of material used and the condition of the subgrade. All materials and construction procedure shall be subject to the approval of the Village Board and shall comply with current construction and material specifications of the New York State Department of Public Works.
A base course, consisting of not less than 12 inches of compacted stone or gravel approved by the Street Superintendent shall be installed. Street and road culverts shall be installed by the developer where necessary. Curb breaks for driveways shall be installed by the developer where necessary. Driveway cuts shall not be less than 20 feet in length and shall be of reinforced concrete or of construction to be approved by the Village Street Superintendent. The developer shall secure right-of-way and construct drains or install stormwater sewers to a natural waterway as the Village Board directs.
Surface course, by Village. The surface course shall be as specified by the Village Board. The developer shall pay to the Village general fund the cost of applying a hard surface payment thereon.
Curbs and gutters.
Where curbs exist on abutting properties, their extension by the Village developer will ordinarily be required throughout the proposed subdivision and paid for by the property owner.
Where curbs are not required, adequate gutters shall be graded and protected by seeding or appropriate surfacing by the developer.
Concrete curbs shall be wall type, six by eight by eight inches and shall comply with current construction and material specifications of the New York State Department of Public Works, Item 97.
Asphaltic concrete curbs are to be approved by the Village Board.
Sidewalks. The Village Board may require such sidewalks as it deems necessary to provide for the safety of pedestrians. Concrete sidewalks at least four feet wide and four inches thick shall comply with the current construction and material specifications of the New York State Department of Public Works, Item 105.
The developer shall connect each lot at the curbline with the public water supply, if available.
If, in the opinion of the Board, a subdivision can be reasonably served by the extension of a public sanitary sewer, the developer shall provide sanitary sewers and laterals for each lot for such service to curbline.
Electrical service, gas mains and other available utilities shall be provided within each subdivision prior to acceptance of the gravel base and surface course by the Village Street Superintendent. No cuts shall be made in the street, therefore, without permission of the Village Board, and whenever such permission is given, the developer shall restore the surface of the street to its previous condition to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. In all cases where possible, the developer shall first install all necessary sewer laterals, gas and water laterals to the curbline for each lot on the plan before stone is applied.
Planting strips. The area between the gutter and the property line is to be seeded by developer and maintained by owner.
Street name signs. By Village.
When so required by the Board, a planting screen easement not less than 10 feet wide, across which there shall be no right of access, may be required along the line of lots between the subdivision and industrial, commercial, major street, railroad and other similar uses.