The Board and City may hire any consultant and/or expert necessary to assist the Board and City in reviewing and evaluating the application, including the construction and modification of the site, once permitted, and any requests for recertification.
An applicant shall deposit with the City funds sufficient to reimburse the Board and the City for all reasonable costs of consultant and expert evaluation and consultation to the Board and the City in connection with the review of any application and recertification, including the construction and modification of the site, once permitted. The initial deposit shall be determined by the City, but not to exceed $5,000. If at any time during the process the balance of funds deposited with the City is less than $1,000, the applicant shall immediately, upon notification by the City, replenish the account. Any remaining balance shall be promptly refunded to the applicant.
The total deposit needed and required as set forth herein may vary with the scope and complexity of the proposed project, the completeness of the application or certification and other information as may be needed to complete the necessary review, analysis and inspection of any construction or modification.