[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg 4-7-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-3. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Sewers and drainage systems — See Ch. 164.
Stormwater management — See Ch. 193.
Water and sewers — See Ch. 235.
Private water systems — See Ch. 239.
It is the objective of the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg to:
Promote the Town's health, safety and general welfare by controlling and/or eliminating nonstormwater discharges into the storm drain system.
Protect and enhance the Town's and greater local watershed's water quality in a manner pursuant to and consistent with federal, state and local laws and regulations.
In the event of any conflict with the provisions of any other law of the Mayor and Council of Federalsburg, the provisions of this chapter shall govern.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any discharge to the Town storm drain system which is not composed entirely of stormwater or which is not otherwise expressly permitted by this chapter.
Any water not associated with storm runoff and that originates on or traverses any property.
Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group, public or private.
A Town drain, device or structure which is intended to carry storm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and industrial wastes, other than unpolluted cooling water.
Without prior written approval of the Town's designee, no person shall construct or modify or cause to be constructed or modified any structure, facility or appurtenant items which may alter the normal functioning of a Town storm drain, including actions which may alter the capacity, fall or structural integrity of a storm drain, channel or related structures.
No person shall discharge directly or indirectly into any Town storm drain any nonstormwater or other solid, liquid or gaseous matter, other than the discharges permitted in § 192-6. All such discharges shall be considered illegal discharges, subject to the violations and penalties set forth in this chapter.
The discharge or diversion of nonstormwater is permissible when connection to a storm drain is made in accordance with a Town permit or Town-approved plan.
The following discharges are permitted:
Waterline flushing and other discharges from potable water sources, provided that the chlorine residual in any heavily chlorinated water used to disinfect water storage facilities or water mains is thoroughly neutralized prior to contacting receiving waters;
Landscape irrigation, lawn watering and irrigation water;
Uncontaminated pumped groundwater, foundation and footing drains, water from crawl space pumps, and air-conditioning condensation;
Individual residential car washings, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges; and
Flows from firefighting.
Any person found to be violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a municipal infraction and subject to a fine in the amount of $500 for the first violation and a fine of $1,000 for each subsequent violation. Each day that a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall also become liable to the Town for any expense, loss or damage occasioned to the Town by reason of such violation, including but not limited to the cost to abate any illegal discharge.