[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Canandaigua 3-20-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017;[1] amended in its entirety 8-15-2022 by L.L. No. 7-2022. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This local law was originally adopted as Ch. 17 but was renumbered to maintain the alphabetical organization of the Code.
This chapter shall be known as the "Agricultural Advisory Committee Law of the Town of Canandaigua, New York."
The purpose of this chapter is to:
Recognize the importance of agriculture as both a vital local economic base and as a landform that provides the Town of Canandaigua with much of its rural, rustic character and charm.
Assure the continued viability of farming as an industry which is important to the local economy and to the preservation of open space and vistas.
Provide for the most beneficial relationship between the use of land and buildings and the agricultural practices of the community and to further encourage the wise use and management of the Town's natural resources through modern farming practices.
Provide the Town Board, the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Environmental Conservation Board, and other relevant boards and committees of Town government with a conduit for recommendations from the agricultural community on the long- and short-term impact of a variety of matters and questions considered by these groups.
Fulfill the goals of the Town of Canandaigua's Agriculture Enhancement Plan (December 2016) by establishing an advisory committee to coordinate public awareness of agricultural issues and the implementation of the Agriculture Enhancement Plan.
The Town Board of the Town of Canandaigua hereby establishes an Agricultural Advisory Committee for the Town of Canandaigua. The Committee shall be composed of seven members from the agricultural community appointed by the Town Board, including, but not limited to, producers, educators, landowners, industry professionals, etc.
The members appointed to the Committee shall serve for a five-year term.
Appointments shall be from January 1 through December 31.
Members shall serve without salary.
The Town Board shall designate one member of the Agricultural Advisory Committee to serve as Chairman thereof at its annual organizational meeting each year.
At its first meeting of each year, the Agricultural Advisory Committee shall select a Recording Secretary.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall adopt rules and procedures to govern its meetings.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall keep accurate records of its meetings and activities to be filed with the Town Clerk and shall file an annual report as provided in § 4-7 of this chapter.
A quorum shall consist of three members and the Committee shall be authorized to hold meetings and conduct business if any three members are present.
All applications made to the Town Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, or the Planning Board for land development within any areas described as farm parcels, adjacent to farm parcels, preserved land, adjacent to preserved lands (PDR farms), or open space identified in the Town of Canandaigua Agricultural Enhancement Plan (December 2016 or as periodically updated), as adopted by the Town Board, shall be referred to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for review and comment. Such referral shall occur once the information and materials submitted by an applicant have been deemed appropriate by the Development Office staff and/or the respective board chair for placement on that board's agenda.
The Development Office staff shall be responsible for ensuring timely referral of said applications.
At its own discretion, the Town Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Environmental Conservation Board, or the Planning Board may also refer to the Agricultural Advisory Committee any other matter for review and comment.
At its next regularly scheduled meeting after referral of an application, the Agricultural Advisory Committee shall review said application and cause all comments regarding same to be forwarded to the referring board before the referring board's next meeting.
Comments made by the Agricultural Advisory Committee to referring agencies shall further the goals and objectives as stated in the Town of Canandaigua Comprehensive Plan, the Town of Canandaigua Agriculture Enhancement Plan, and other related documents adopted by the Town Board.
At no time shall Agricultural Advisory Committee referral or review delay the legally established review process for an application.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
Advise the Town Board and the Ontario County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board in relation the proposed establishment, modification, continuation, or termination of any county agricultural district. The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall present advice relating to the desirability of such action, including advice as to the nature of farming and farm resources within any proposed or established area.
Provide recommendations and support to the Town Board for the general implementation of the Town of Canandaigua's Agriculture Enhancement Plan.
Review proposed zoning changes or development in agricultural districts.
Whenever a proposed zoning, policy change, or development (residential, business, or industrial) affecting Town agricultural zoning districts is presented to the Town Board within or contiguous to a county agricultural district or Town agricultural zone, it shall be referred to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for review and comment.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall present advice relating to the desirability of such action, including advice as to the nature of farming and farm resources within any proposed or established area. This recommendation(s) shall include a determination as to whether the proposed action(s) will have an unreasonably adverse effect on the continuing viability of a farm enterprise or enterprises within the county or Town agricultural districts. This recommendation(s) shall be advisory only.
Review county, state, and federal legislation affecting agricultural issues and communicate the effect to the appropriate board and/or the Town Board.
Serve as a vehicle for communication between the agricultural community, the Town of Canandaigua, and the Ontario County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee shall submit an annual report to the Town Board not later than the first day of January each year concerning the status of the implementation of the Town of Canandaigua's Agriculture Enhancement Plan and the activities and work of the Agricultural Advisory Committee and from time to time shall submit such other reports and recommendations as may be required.
This chapter shall be deemed an exercise of the powers of the Town of Canandaigua to preserve and improve the quality of the natural and man-made environment on behalf of the present and future inhabitants thereof. This chapter is not intended and shall not be deemed to impair the powers of any other public corporation.