For purposes of this chapter, and unless otherwise expressly
stated or unless the context otherwise requires, the terms in this
chapter shall have the meanings employed in the State of New York
Public Service Commission's Uniform Business Practices or, if
not so defined there, as indicated below:
Aggregated and anonymized information, including the number
of consumers by service class, the aggregated peak demand (kW) (for
electricity) by month for the past 12 months, by service class to
the extent possible, and the aggregated energy (kWh) for electricity
or volumetric consumption for gas by month for the past 12 months
by service class.
Town of Canandaigua or third-party CCA administrator duly
authorized to put out for bid the total amount of electricity and/or
natural gas being purchased by participating consumers. The CCA administrator
is responsible for program organization, administration, procurement,
and communications unless otherwise specified.
Customer-specific information, personal data and utility
data for all consumers in the municipality eligible for opt-out treatment
based on the terms of the PSC CCA order and the CCA program design,
including the customer of record's name, mailing address, telephone
number, account number, and primary language, if available, and any
customer-specific alternate billing name, address, and phone number.
An agreement between the distribution utility and the municipality
that obligates each party to meet, collectively: i) all national,
state and local laws, regulations or other government standards relating
to the protection of information that identifies or can be used to
identify an individual eligible consumer with respect to the CCA administrator
or its representative's processing of confidential utility information;
ii) the distribution utility's internal requirements and procedures
relating to the protection of information that identifies or can be
used to identify individual eligible consumers with respect to the
CCA administrator or its representative's processing of confidential
utility information; and iii) the PSC CCA order and PSC rules, regulations
and guidelines relating to confidential data.
Supply service provided by the distribution utility to consumers
who are not currently receiving service from an energy service company
(ESCO). Eligible consumers within the municipality that receive default
service, and have not opted out, will be enrolled in the program as
of the effective date.
Local renewable energy projects, shared renewables like community
solar, energy efficiency, demand response, energy management, energy
storage, microgrid projects and other innovative Reforming the Energy
Vision (REV) initiatives that optimize system benefits, target and
address load pockets/profile within the CCA's zone and reduce
cost of service for participating consumers.
Owner or controller of the means of distribution of the natural
gas or electricity that is regulated by the Public Service Commission.
Eligible customers of electricity and/or natural gas who
receive default service from the distribution utility as of the effective
date, or new consumers that subsequently become eligible to participate
in the program, at one or more locations within the geographic boundaries
of the municipality, except those consumers who receive default service
and have requested not to have their account information shared by
the distribution utility. For the avoidance of doubt, all eligible
consumers must reside or be otherwise located at one or more locations
within the geographic boundaries of the municipality, as such boundaries
exist on the effective date of the ESA.
Consumers of electricity that become eligible consumers after
the effective date of the ESA, including those that opt in or move
into the municipality.
Eligible consumers enrolled in the program, either because
they are consumers who receive default service from the distribution
utility as of the effective date and have not opted out or are new
The group responsible for initiating and organizing the CCA.
This group will typically secure buy-in from local governments and
engage in preliminary outreach and education around CCA. The program
organizer may be a nonprofit organization, local government, or other
third party. The program organizer and the CCA administrator may be
the same.
The PSC's Order Authorizing Framework for Community
Choice Aggregation Opt-Out program, issued on April 21, 2016, in Case
14-M-0224, "Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to Enable Community
Choice Aggregation programs."
ESCOs that procure electric power and natural gas for eligible
consumers in connection with this chapter or, alternatively, generators
of electricity and natural gas or other entities who procure and resell
electricity or natural gas.
Participating consumers shall be provided customer service,
including a toll-free telephone number available during normal business
hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., eastern time, Monday through Friday)
to resolve concerns, answer questions, and transact business with
respect to the service received from the supplier.
The municipality may collect, or cause to be collected, funds
from customer payments to pay for administrative costs associated
with running the CCA program.
This chapter shall be effective immediately upon its filing
with the New York State Secretary.
Nothing herein shall require the Town to perform the functions
set forth in this chapter if doing so is determined to be an economic
or administrative impracticality.
The invalidity or unenforceability of any section, subsection,
paragraph, sentence, clause, provision, or phrase of the aforementioned
sections, as declared by the valid judgment of any court of competent
jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, shall not affect the validity
or enforceability of any other section, subsection, paragraph, sentence,
clause, provision, or phrase, which shall remain in full force and