[R.O. 2003 § 205.010; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.010, 4-12-1999]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall mean:
Normal and prudent attention to the needs of an animal, including wholesome food, clean water, shelter and health care as necessary to maintain good health in a specific species of animal.
To reasonably restrain or govern an animal so that the animal does not injure itself, any person, any other animal or property.
Every living vertebrate except a human being.
That person so designated by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, if none, shall mean any Police Officer of this City.
A facility which is used to house or contain animals and which is owned, operated, or maintained by a duly incorporated humane society, animal welfare society, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or other not-for-profit organization devoted to the welfare, protection, and humane treatment of animals.
Any dog shall be at large whether on or off the premises of the owner when not attached to a leash, the other end of which is securely held or when not confined by a fence or enclosure.
A member of canine (genus canis) family, female as well as male, over six (6) months of age.
To put to death in a humane way.
When bitten by, or fought with, or has come in close contact with a dog or other animal shown to be infected with the rabies virus as determined by standard laboratory testing.
To take into custody any animal, by any means, for the purpose of confinement.
In addition to its ordinary meaning, any person who keeps or harbors an animal or professes to be owning, keeping or harboring an animal.
Birds, rabbits or rodent which damage property or have an adverse effect on the public health, but shall not include any endangered species listed by the United States Department of Interior nor any endangered species listed in the Wildlife Code of Missouri.
Is mandatory.
Designed object issued by the City of Gallatin showing the registration number.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.020; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.020, 4-12-1999]
No dog owner shall keep any dog over the age of six (6) months within the City of Gallatin unless a license has been secured. A license shall be issued by the City Clerk for the following fees:
Unspayed or unneutered dogs: five dollars ($5.00).
Spayed or neutered dogs: three dollars ($3.00).
Applicants for a license for a spayed or neutered dog shall present a statement from a qualified veterinarian indicating that the dog has been spayed or neutered. License shall expire on the 30th day of June next following their issuance.
The licensing provisions of this Section shall not apply to owners who are non-residents temporarily within the City or owners who bring dogs into the City for the purpose of participating in a dog show or similar functions, nor the owner of a "seeing eye" dog when the dog is actually being used and owned by a blind person.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.030; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.030, 4-12-1999]
It shall be the duty of each owner of a dog to pay the license fee imposed in Section 205.020 to the City Clerk on or before the 15th day of July in each year, or upon acquiring ownership or possession of any unlicensed dog, or upon establishing residence within the corporate limits of the City of Gallatin. The City Clerk shall cause notice to be printed in the official newspaper prior to the 15th day of June in each year notifying dog owners that the animal license fee is due and payable.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.040; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.040, 4-12-1999]
Upon receipt of the license fee, the City Clerk shall forthwith enter in the "City Dog Register" the date of payment, number of entry, by whom and for whom paid, the bred, sex, color, age, size and name of such dog. The said Clerk shall also furnish a tag engraved thereon, words or figures indicating the year for which the fee has been paid, and a number corresponding with the number of entry on said City dog register. The Clerk shall also issue the person paying a receipt for the dog license.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.050; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.050, 4-12-1999]
The owner shall cause said license tag to be affixed by a permanent fastening to the collar of the dog so licensed in such a manner that the tag may be easily seen by officers of the City of Gallatin. The owner shall see that the tag is constantly worn by such dog.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.060; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.060, 4-12-1999]
In case any dog tag is lost, a duplicate may be issued by the City Clerk upon presentation of a receipt showing the payment of the license fee for the current year. A charge of one dollar ($1.00) shall be made for each such duplicate tag.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.070; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.070, 4-12-1999]
Dog tags shall not be transferred from one (1) dog to another and no refund shall be made on a dog license fee because of leaving the City of Gallatin, death of the dog or any other reason before expiration of the license period. However, if there is a change in ownership of a licensed dog during the license year, the new owner may have the current license and tag transferred to his/her name upon application being made to the City Clerk.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.080; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.080, 4-12-1999]
It is unlawful to counterfeit or attempt to counterfeit the tags provided for in Section 205.040 of this Chapter or take from any dog a tag legally placed upon it by its owner, or to place such tag upon another dog or to fraudulently procure a duplicate tag.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.090; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.090, 4-12-1999]
Every application for a license shall be accompanied by a certificate showing that the dog to be licensed has been vaccinated against rabies not more than thirty (30) days prior to application for license. A three-year vaccination shall be recognized as good and sufficient vaccination for two (2) consecutive years for licensing purposes.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.100; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.120, 4-12-1999]
The owner of any dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, within the City limits of Gallatin, Missouri, shall keep said dog restrained or confined on the premises occupied by the owner or keeper thereof, except that such owner or keeper may permit such dog to be held by a leash when walking or running over any street, alley, thoroughfare or public park or grounds within the corporate limits of the City.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.110; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.140, 4-12-1999]
It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Officer or Police Officer to enforce all Sections of this Chapter. He/she shall maintain or cause to be maintained the animal shelter in a clean, sanitary condition at all times and see that adequate food, water, shelter and bedding are available at all times to all impounded animals. The Animal Control Officer shall keep accurate records of impoundment, disposition of and euthanization of all dogs coming into his/her custody. The Animal Control Officer shall keep accurate records of all expenses involved in maintenance of the animal shelter and expenses involved in the care and boarding of animals.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.120; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.150, 4-12-1999]
There shall be established an animal shelter for the reception and boarding of impounded animals and the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall establish rules, or cause rules to be established, for the operation thereof.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.130; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.160, 4-12-1999]
The owner of any impounded dog may redeem the animal within a period of ten (10) days after impoundment by paying to the City Clerk the following fees for impoundment and boarding:
First redemption of a dog in a twelve-month period: ten dollars ($10.00).
Second redemption of same dog or same owner of any dog in a twelve-month period: twenty dollars ($20.00)
Any subsequent redemption of same dog or same owner of any dog in a twelve-month period: thirty dollars ($30.00)
Boarding fee per day or fraction thereof beginning after the first forty-eight (48) hours, said fees to be received prior to the time of the release of the dog: five dollars ($5.00)
[R.O. 2003 § 205.140; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.170, 4-12-1999]
When, in the opinion of a licensed practicing veterinarian or the Animal Control Officer, any dog exhibits sickness, illness or injury of such severity that recovery is impossible, the Animal Control Officer is authorized to euthanize the dog. The Animal Control Officer shall keep a record of such euthanization and disposal, which record shall include the name of the owner of the dog (if known), breed, sex, color and date of euthanization and disposal of carcass. Such information shall be kept by the Animal Control Officer or on file at City Hall.
Euthanizations of dogs and other animals shall be done in a humane manner by the Animal Control Officer or by any other person designated by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.150; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.180, 4-12-1999]
The owner of any impounded dog may redeem the animal within a period of ten (10) days after impoundment by paying the City Clerk, or other person designated by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, a fee as set forth under Section 205.130 of this Chapter. Said fees to be received prior to the time of the release of the dog.
Any impounded dog which does not exhibit a valid license tag from the City of Gallatin shall be released to the owner after the owner has complied with the portions of this Chapter relating to the licensing and vaccinations of animals. A non-resident owner of an impounded dog shall pay the costs of impoundment and boarding fees but shall not be required to obtain a license or show proof of vaccination as in the case of a resident owner. A resident owner shall also be responsible for payment of impoundment and boarding of an animal.
Any dog that is not redeemed within ten (10) days after impoundment may be euthanized by the Animal Control Officer, or other designated person, or released to any person other than the owner upon payment of the fees and compliance with all provisions of this Chapter.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.160; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.200, 4-12-1999]
The owner of any dog which bites any person puncturing the skin thereof, whether the dog is vaccinated or not, shall be required to place the dog in a hospital or other place designated by a practicing licensed veterinarian for a period of ten (10) days following the evening of the day of the bite for clinical observation.
All expenses shall be borne by the owner of the animal.
If such animal develops symptoms of rabies, it shall be allowed to die or, if death shall occur while confined for any reason, the head of such animal shall be removed by the veterinarian and submitted to any qualified official laboratory.
If at the end of said ten-day period the animal is alive and healthy, it may be released to its owner, provided all other conditions of this Chapter are fulfilled.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.170; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.210, 4-12-1999]
The owner of any dog which exhibits clinical symptoms of rabies shall be required to have the dog confined under the supervision of a practicing licensed veterinarian for a period of ten (10) days for clinical observation. All expenses under this procedure shall be borne by the owner of the dog.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.180; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.220, 4-12-1999]
The owner of any dog which has been exposed to rabies shall have such dog destroyed or follow one (1) of the following alternatives:
If the dog has a current vaccination, the dog shall be revaccinated or restrained or confined for a thirty-day period. If rabies symptoms appear, the dog shall be placed under the care and direction of a licensed veterinarian.
If the dog does not have a current vaccination, the dog shall be placed under the care and direction of a licensed veterinarian. Any costs incurred in complying with this Section shall be an obligation of the owner.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.190; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.230, 4-12-1999]
Whenever the Animal Control Officer, Chief of Police or the Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall deem it necessary because of the prevalence of rabies among the animal population of the City, County or State, strict quarantine may be placed on all dogs in the City for a time period as determined by the Animal Control Officer, Chief of Police or the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Upon such proclamation by the Animal Control Officer, Chief of Police or the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, all animals shall be confined on the owner's premises in a manner making such animal inaccessible to rabid animals. Any animal not so confined shall be impounded.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.200; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.240, 4-12-1999]
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or harbor within the City of Gallatin any dog or dogs which by loud barking, howling, yelping or fighting disturbs the peace or substantially deters from any residents quiet use and enjoyment of their property. Such dog or dogs shall be declared as a public nuisance and the owner of such dog or dogs, upon being notified to do so by the Animal Control Officer shall have the nuisance abated immediately. This Section shall not apply to veterinarian hospitals, clinics and other premises operated by a licensed veterinarian for the care and treatment of animals within the City of Gallatin or the City animal shelter.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.210; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.250, 4-12-1999]
It shall be unlawful to keep any dog in any structure, pen, coop or yard that is not maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. Said structure, pen, coop or yard shall be devoid of all rodents and vermin and free from offensive, disagreeable or obnoxious smells or odors in order to prevent injury, annoyance or inconvenience to anyone. Proper shelter, shade, bedding, food and water shall be made available to any dog or dogs at all times. No person shall intentionally beat, kick, or otherwise inflict undue punishment upon any dog. No person shall conduct contests where dogs are made to fight each other or intentionally cause dogs to fight or attack other animals.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.220; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.260, 4-12-1999]
It shall be unlawful for any owner of any dog that dies or is killed to permit the body of such dog to create a nuisance or health hazard by remaining undisposed of in a proper manner for over twenty-four (24) hours.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.230; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.270, 4-12-1999]
It shall be unlawful for any person to permit the breeding of dogs within the City of Gallatin, unless the same be done out of public view.
Female In Heat. All female dogs in heat shall be confined in a building or secure enclosure in such a manner that such female dog cannot come in contact with other dogs, except for intentional breeding purposes, in which case the breeding shall be done out of public view. It shall be the duty of any Animal Control Officer to impound any female dog in heat found outside a building or secure enclosure. Said dog shall be confined to the animal shelter until period of heat is over or until redeemed by the owner and properly confined so as to comply with this Chapter. All expenses of impoundment shall be borne by the owner.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.240; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.360, 4-12-1999]
No person shall possess, harbor or maintain care or custody of any dog for the purpose of dog fighting, nor shall any person trail, torment, badger, bait or use any dog for the reason of causing or encouraging the dog to attack human beings or domestic animals.
[Ord. No. 1068-08 § 1, 4-14-2008]
No person shall at any time keep or harbor at any one (1) residence in areas zoned for residential use within the City more than a total of three (3) dogs over six (6) months of age. No person shall at any time keep or harbor at any location in areas zoned commercial or industrial more than three (3) dogs over six (6) months of age; provided, however, this provision shall not apply to a lawfully operated commercial kennel, a kennel maintained in connection with a small animal hospital, or the City Pound.