All submitted documents must follow Section 4 of the Planning & Zoning Board Administrative Rules & Regulations, "Rules for the Submission of Documents."
Any person who submits a Definitive Plan of a subdivision to the Board for approval shall file with the Board by delivery to the Board, or by registered mail under the provisions of MGL c. 41, § 81T, the following:
One original and one copy of the application Form C (as found in These Rules and Regulations). The copy should be filed with the Town Clerk.
Certified List of Abutters. Name and mailing address of all the abutters as they appear in the most recent tax list, including owners of land separated from the subdivision only by a street.
One copy of the deed(s).
Statement that the Definitive Plan considers the Board's action on the Preliminary Plan, if submitted, and that it conforms to the Board's rules and regulations.
The applicant shall also by delivery or certified or registered mail, file written notice to the Town Clerk stating the date of submission of the Definitive Plan, accompanied by a copy of the completed application (Form C).
The fee, as outlined in Article XI Fees of these Rules and Regulations.
A plan, along with the appropriate and properly executed submittal forms, shall be officially submitted to the Planning & Zoning Board Office or by registered or certified mail to the Board in care of the Town Clerk. If so mailed, the date of mailing shall be the date of submission of the plan. In addition, written notice of such submission, on the appropriate form, shall be given by the Applicant to the Town Clerk by delivery or by registered or certified mail.
Electronic Submission.
All documents, including any reports, briefs, memos, or other information submitted as part of any application, should be submitted both in print and electronically. Applicants may submit documents in any of the following formats:
Portable Document Format (.pdf) preferred format for all documents
Microsoft Word 97-2003 (.doc)
Microsoft Word 2008 (.docx)
CAD (.dwg)
ArcGIS (.shp)
All plans should be submitted electronically both as a .pdf copy of the printed plans and as a Standard and shall comply with the MassGIS "Standard for Digital Plan Submittal to Municipalities," or successor standard, Level 1 (see definitions).
Electronic submission must be made at the same time as submission by any other means.
Electronic copies may be submitted on a CD or by email to the Department of Planning & Community Development.
Any evidence that cannot be submitted in print, such as video, will not be accepted.
Documents, Reports & Studies Required for All Subdivisions.
Board of Health Review as to Suitability of the Land.
At the time of filing of application for Subdivision Approval, two copies of the Definitive Plan shall also be filed with the Board of Health.
The Board of Health shall, within 45 days after filing of the plan, report to the Board in writing its approval or disapproval of said plan. A copy of such report shall be sent to the applicant. If the Board of Health disapproves said plan, it shall make specific findings as to which, if any, areas shown on such plan cannot be used for building sites without injury to the public health, and include such specific findings and the reasons therefore in such report, and, where possible, shall make recommendations for the adjustment thereof. Failure of the Board of Health to report shall be deemed approval by such Board. Any approval of the plan by the Board shall then only be given on condition that the designated lots or land shall not be built upon or served with any utilities (including cesspools, septic tanks, and drainage) without prior consent of the Board of Health. The Board shall endorse on the plan such condition, specifying the lots or land to which such condition applies.
The approval by the Board of Health shall not be treated as an application for a permit or approval for the construction of an individual sewerage system on any lot as set forth under MGL c. 41, § 81U, as amended.
Any approval of the Easton Board of Health and/or Board is given conditionally; if at any future time unsatisfactory percolation tests are taken on a particular lot, then the applicants must satisfy the requirements of the Board of Health. The responsibility to assure satisfactory percolation remains with the applicant.
The Board of Health may charge a separate fee for this review.
Boring logs and test pit logs (two copies). Sufficient percolation tests and test pits shall be taken by the applicant to clearly indicate the general subsurface soil conditions. Percolation tests shall be witnessed by the Town of Easton Board of Health Inspector. Additional tests may be required by the Board if, in its opinion, there are marginal lands which may be detrimental to building and/or construction, public health or safety, or existing tests are not representative of the land area involved. The cost of such additional test or tests shall be borne by the applicant. All percolation tests shall be executed in accordance with the Town of Easton Board of Health Rules and Regulations and Title 5 of the State Environmental Code - "Minimum Requirements for the Subsurface Disposal of Sanitary Sewage".
Environmental Impact Report (eight copies).
In connection with any definitive plan or plan for access ways submitted for review by the Board, the applicant shall also submit a brief written Environmental Impact Statement which shall provide the following information. Graphics are encouraged to support text:
Describe the existing use, general topography, any unusual geologic formations and soils, and how the project will affect these features.
Indicate location and significance of any historic element or archeological sites on or adjacent to the project.
Indicate whether the subdivision is within any Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Habitat (NHESP) mapped habitat. If so, describe what measures are taken to protect that habitat, and what approvals, if any, have been received from NHESP.
Provide a summary table showing the percentage of the tract to be occupied by building(s), lot coverage proposed for every lot, parking and other paved vehicular areas, and usable open space.
Discuss the heights of the structures in relation to the surrounding area, any architectural and landscaping techniques that will be used to blend the structures with the surrounding area, and the project's visual impact and possible interference with natural views.
Discuss the building to be constructed, height and type of construction, classification Mass. Bldg. Code and fire access.
Estimate the gallons per day of water required to serve the project for domestic consumption and fire protection. Evaluate how and to what extent the project will affect the quality and quantity of any existing or potential public or private water supply, including watersheds, reservoirs and groundwater.
Estimate, using Trip Generation, 8th Edition: An ITE Informational Report, or another standard source or methodology, the number of vehicle trips generated by the proposed subdivision. For non-residential subdivisions, also discuss future vehicular circulation patterns including number and types of vehicles, and describe the proposed bicycle and pedestrian circulation pattern.
Calculate the linear feet of street drains, culverts, sanitary sewers and waterlines to be publicly maintained.
For a commercial or industrial subdivision, describe any noise likely to be generated by the project.
Any map submitted as part of the statement may be at a scale of up to 1" = 600'. The Environmental Impact Statement may refer to the Stormwater Report or other documents submitted as part of the application package. The Board requires that the statement be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer.
Proof of Ownership.
The Applicant shall demonstrate the Board his/their authority to apply for a Subdivision. This proof may take the form of signatures from every owner listed on the deed(s) for every parcel within the subdivision on the subdivision application (Form C). If any owner is a corporation, evidence in the form of a list of their officers and designated authority to sign legal documents shall be required.
The Board may require additional information to clarify the Applicant's legal standing to apply for Subdivision Approval.
Solar Orientation Report (eight copies). Describe opportunities for passive heating and lighting on the site. This report should make reference to a plan to be provided with the report indicating tsolaor orientation on the site and depicting the location of south-facing windows.
Soil Report (three copies). Show soil conditions in a general way; using the most recent U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Soil Conservation Study to describe:
Relationship of soils to seasonal high-water table.
Soil limitation for roads.
Soil limitation for house sites.
Soil limitation for on-site septic systems.
Stormwater Report (two copies). See § 501-35 of these Rules and Regulations for detailed Stormwater Report guidelines.
Waivers (eight copies). A complete list of all waivers being sought with explanations for each. See rules and regulations for requesting waivers in § 501-38 of these Regulations.
Addition[1] Information Required for Some Subdivisions.
Hydrogeological Study (two copies).
A hydrogeological study may be required at any other proposed subdivision when such site contains or is adjacent to environmentally "sensitive" areas, including surface bodies of water, wetlands as determined under MGL c. 131, § 1, et seq., and the Aquifer Protection District. Such determination shall be made by the Board within 30 calendar days of the opening of the public hearing. All expenses incurred by the Town in conjunction with such study shall be borne by the applicant.
If the Board determines that a hydrogeological study will be required, the Town acting by its Planning & Zoning Board, may engage a consultant - a professional hydrogeologist, geologist, or registered civil engineer with a water resources background - to conduct a hydrogeological study of the particular site. All expenses incurred by the Town in conjunction with the study shall be borne by the Applicant.
The scope of work and extent of such a study shall differ depending on the characteristics of each site. The Board, in conjunction with the consultant, shall perform an initial cursory evaluation of each site in question and shall determine the extent of the necessary hydrogeological investigations. A definitive proposed scope of work and schedule of such work shall be determined and presented to the applicant within thirty (30) calendar days after the requirement for a hydrogeological study has been made.
K-Pipe Analysis (three copies). The Board may require the applicant shall submit a "K pipe" analysis or other suitable water distribution analysis to demonstrate that adequate flows and pressures will exist in the proposed water system. At the request of the Board or Water Division the applicant shall conduct both static and residual water pressure tests taken at the nearest hydrants and related to the furthermost and highest proposed dwelling in the subdivision to assure that adequate water pressures will be available for domestic and fire purposes. All pressure tests are to be witnessed by the Water Division.
Traffic Study (eight copies). The Board may require a traffic projection study of existing streets serving any proposed subdivision prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer. Any improvement made necessary by the proposed subdivision shall be the responsibility of the developer and shall be shown on the subdivision plans.
Editor's Note: So in original; should read "additional."
Submission Deadlines.
Fourteen-Day Deadline for Material Submitted by Applicant, New Filings.
For new filings, any material submitted to the Board by the applicant in support of Definitive Subdivision Approval must be submitted 14 days prior to the first hearing.
Six-Day Deadline for non-Applicants, Continued Filings.
For new filings, any written material submitted by any party other than the applicant (including abutters) regarding a Definitive Subdivision Approval may submit documents to the Department up to six days prior to the meeting. Any material submitted by the applicant in support of any request, other than those listed in § 501-12A may be submitted up to six days prior to the hearing.
For continued filings, the applicant or any other party may submit material up to eight days prior to the meeting.
The Board may continue a hearing to review material submitted after the six-day deadline has passed.
No documents will be reviewed during or prior to a meeting if they have not been submitted at least six days before the meeting.
General Requirements for the Definitive Plan.
The Definitive Plan shall be prepared by a registered professional civil engineer and a professional land surveyor licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The initial submission may be submitted on paper. Mylar is not required at the time of submittal. At the time of approval, two copies of the full plan set shall be submitted to the Board for signature printed upon stable base material satisfactory to the Registry of Deeds for recording purposes, such as mylar (see, § 501-17 Additional Submittal Requirements).
Number & Format of Copies.
All plans submitted on sheets of paper larger than 8.5" X 11" must be folded to fit in an envelope sized no larger than 9" X 14."
All plans must be folded. Please do not submit rolled plans.
All multi-paged documents, except site and architectural plans or other large-format documents, shall be printed on both sides of the paper.
Documents have a page number each page of the document. Applicants should use the format "Page 1 of X," where X is the total number of pages in a document.
When multiple plan sheets are used, match lines shall be shown on the index with plan numbers indicated between the match lines. The match lines shall correspond to those which shall be on each sheet. The match lines shall be arranged to extend one inch beyond the intersecting match line so that if two adjoining sheets are connected they will match by stationing and direction. An index sheet shall be included in the plans showing the entire subdivision with a key plan.
Color Coded Plans. In general, plans should be color coded for clarity. Existing conditions and proposed changes should be shown in different colors when shown on the same plan.
Revised Plans. On revised plans, changes from previous versions shall be shown in red.
All of the information included in this section shall be included in the Definitive Plan set. The Board may additionally required additional information to be shown on the plan, including any information related to conditions of approval or necessary for the determination of compliance with these Regulations.
General Information.
Scale. Plans, except reduced plans, should be drawn to scale, one inch equals 40 feet., unless an alternate scale is approved by the Board.
Standard Details. Every sheet of the plan shall have:
Subdivision name;
Plan title;
A magnetic north point;
Graphic scale bar(s);
Plan date;
Any revision dates and a brief description of the revision;
Engineer and surveyor stamp, signature, name, and address;
Record owner; and
Page number (if applicable).
Locus Map. The locus map shall show the limits of the subdivision, the location of the proposed ways, and shall generally follow the orientation of the plan. The scale of the locus map shall be 1" = 2,083' (1:25,000).
Additional Identifying Information.
Names and address of record owner and applicant, the book and page number of the recording of the deed.
Names of all abutters as determined from the most recent local tax list unless the applicant shall have more recent knowledge of such abutters, including owners of land separated from the subdivision only by a street; and zoning district boundaries, if any.
House numbers of each house abutting the property sidewalk, lots, rights-of-way, easements, and any public or common areas within the subdivision. (The proposed names of proposed streets shall be shown in pencil until they have been approved by the Board). Purpose of easement shall be indicated.
Location, names, and present widths of streets bounding, approaching, or within immediate proximity of the subdivision, showing both the roadway widths and right-of-way widths.
Suitable space to record the action of the Board and the signatures of the members of the Board on each sheet of the Definitive Plan. Where the applicant elects to secure completion of required improvements by covenant (rather than bonds or surety), there shall be a notation above such space as follows:
Approved__________, subject to a covenant conditions set forth in a covenant executed by____________________ dated__________, and to be (recorded-registered) herewith.
Physical Features & Topography.
Location of natural waterways and water bodies within and existing adjacent to the subdivision.
Major existing site features, such as stone walls, fences, buildings, trees 10" or larger within 50' on each side of the proposed center line of roadways or rights-of-way, rock ridges and outcroppings, identifiable historical sites, and swamps. Special attention should be given to noting physical features which define the boundaries of the subdivision.
Existing and proposed topography, with two-foot contour intervals, unless a smaller contour interval is required to properly define the existing or proposed topography. The surface and bottom elevation of all water bodies within the subdivision shall be given and ground surfaces identified as to type, such as woodland, swamp, ledge outcrops, wetland and flood plain as defined under the zoning regulations. The location of all watercourses exiting the subdivision shall be tied into the nearest perimeter monument.
In the event that there are no wetlands and/or flood plains on any land within 100 feet of the perimeter of the subdivision a statement to this effect shall be so noted on the plans as applicable.
All work done outside the limits of the proposed subdivision shall be shown on a separate sheet.
In any subdivision of land where earth removal will be done the applicant must show all areas of clearing and earth removal necessary for construction, roadways, easements, drainage basins, etc.
A chart indicating lots within the wetlands or flood plain areas of the subdivision shall be provided on the first sheet or cover sheet of the definitive plan.
Layout of Lots and Roadway.
Sufficient data including lengths, bearings, radii, and central angles to determine the exact location, direction, and length of every street and way line, lot line, boundary line, and easement, and to establish these lines on the ground.
Location of all existing and proposed permanent monuments and benchmarks, identified as to whether existing or proposed (see monument requirements in § 501-23H).
All benchmarks shall refer to the NGVD datum system.
Permanent benchmarks shall be on a recordable survey plan in conformance with the procedural and technical standards of the practice of land surveying, and shall show the subdivided property tied into the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinates (1983) system.
Distances between proposed monuments shall be shown on the plan.
Existing and proposed boundary lines, parcel areas in square feet, and dimensions of all proposed lots, with all lots designated numerically and in sequence.
The exterior lines of existing streets entering the subdivision and existing utility lines and appurtenances or easements shall be shown on the plan to clearly indicate location of proposed connections.
Traffic sight distances, vertical and horizontal, for all intersections within the subdivision and for the public ways adjoining the subdivision at location of ingress or egress shall be shown.
Utilities & Construction Details.
Standard utility construction details shall be shown on the plan.
Where any utilities or stormwater management devices are proposed outside of the roadway layout, they shall be clearly marked on the plan as a separate sheet. The purpose of this will be to provide future homeowners a clear understanding of the location and purpose of any utilities for which they may be responsible.
Profiles on the lines of proposed streets and 100 feet beyond at a horizontal scale of 1" = 40' and a vertical scale of 1" = 4', or such other scales acceptable to the Board. All elevations shall refer to NGVD datum. Profiles shall also indicate the location of any intersecting public or private ways, and the location, material and size of existing and proposed storm drains, water mains, and sewers and their appurtenances, fire alarm, street lighting, and other underground utilities to be placed in the right-of-way.
On the same sheet, there shall be drawn typical cross sections of the proposed street, properly located and identified by station number, at such intervals along the streets as will adequately indicate any variations in its section, supplemented, where necessary, by lines on the layout plan showing the width and location of proposed roadways, planting strip, gutters, sidewalks, and similar physical features.
Any special construction details or other pertinent information which the Board may request as being necessary to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed design of the subdivision.
Detail drawings. Any special construction features, deviating from or not covered by Standard Specifications shall be shown on detail drawings. Such detail drawings may be incorporated as part of a utility plan or profile or may be executed on a separate sheet or sheets and shall provide information as to dimensions, location, elevations, cross sections, materials, etc., of the construction details involved. The requirement for detail drawings shall be applicable, but not limited to, bridges, culverts, structurally stabilized slopes, utility piping encased in concrete, ditches and brooks shaped or constructed to a definite cross section, dams and spillways, steps within the exterior lines of the street and similar construction features indicating surface water flows to the subdivision, within the subdivision, and impact after exiting the subdivision. The plan shall cross-reference the drainage calculations included in the Stormwater Report.
Any proposed landscaping, required or otherwise. Required trees (see § 501-31 for tree planning requirements) shall be clearly marked and numbered, and should be shown in color.
Where a vegetated buffer is required, the landscaping plan shall include a detailed planting plan. Where the vegetated buffer is proposed to be provided by natural, existing vegetation, an approximate mix and location of existing species shall be shown on the plan sufficient to demonstrate to the Board that the existing vegetation is sufficiently dense.
Where any rain gardens or other bioengineered stormwater management techniques are proposed, detailed landscaping plans shall be included in the Definitive Plan set.
Community or Common Facilities.
Snow storage areas
Common mail box (if applicable)
Dumpsters or garbage areas (if applicable)
Any other proposed common or community facilities or structures
This information required in this section may be submitted either as separate plans as part of the applicant package or as part of the Definitive Plan set.
Sketch Plan (seven copies). A sketch plan showing a possible or prospective street layout for any adjacent unsubdivided land owned or controlled by the owner or applicant of the subdivision. This plan may be submitted on 11" X 17" sheets of paper.
Watershed plan (two copies). A plan with a suitable scale, satisfactory to the Board, outlining the entire watershed which includes the subject subdivision therein shall be submitted indicating surface water flows to the subdivision, within the subdivision and impact after exiting the subdivision. The plan shall cross-reference the drainage calculations.
At the time of plan approval, the Applicant shall provide:
Two copies of the approved plan printed on mylar, or other stable base material approved by the Board
This plan should include, as notes, every condition for approval
A digital submission of the plan (by email or on CD) conforming to the MassGIS Standard for Digital Submission to Municipalities, Level 1 (see definitions)