Res. 10/10/1892
Untitled resolution authorizing a referendum on October 17, 1892, on the question of accepting or rejecting the provisions of the Act of April 16, 1875, and its supplement of June 16, 1891, on the levy of a tax for streetlighting
Ord. 3/14/1902
Authorizing the issue of $20,000 "Water Bonds" for the purpose of providing a supply water for use of the public within Borough by erecting water works and providing for the collection of an annual tax for the liquidation of the principal and payment of the interest of said bonds
Ord. 10/14/1907
Authorizing the execution by the Borough of a contract with the Glen Rock Electric Light and Power Company for the furnishing of electric light to the said Borough and to residents therein from November 5, 1907, to November 5, 1918, and fixing the prices and terms thereof and granting to the said Company the exclusive right for said purposes during said term
Ord. 36
Authorizing the Borough to enter into a contract with the Glen Rock Electric Light and Power Company for the furnishing of electric lighting to said Borough for the term of 10 years from March 1, 1919, fixing the price thereof, and giving the conditions under which the same is to be furnished and granting to said Glen Rock Electric Light and Power Company the exclusive right during said term to furnish electric light in said Borough
Ord. 59
Providing for the furnishing of electric streetlighting service to the Borough
Ord. 73
Signifying the intention and desire of the municipalities of the Borough of Glen Rock, York County, Pennsylvania, to organize jointly with the Borough of Shrewsbury, the Borough of Railroad, the Borough of New Freedom, the Township of Codorus and the Township of Shrewsburry, an Authority under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, as amended, to be known as Southern York County Joint School Authority; appointing 1 member of the Board of said Authority and specifying his term of office; specifying the project to be undertaken; and authorizing other necessary actions
Ord. 157
Authorizing and approving an agreement to be dated as of July 20, 1966, between this Borough and Glen Rock Sewer Authority, whereby said Glen Rock Sewer Authority covenants to acquire and construct a sanitary sewage collection and treatment system, including all related and necessary facilities for rendering sewage service in and for this Borough and whereby this Borough makes certain covenants and agreements with respect to the proposed sewer system to be acquired and constructed by Glen Rock Sewer Authority, including the enforcement of fitted, improved and accommodated by any sanitary sewer constituting a part of the aforesaid sewer system, to connect therewith, the granting of certain easements and rights-of-way to said Glen Rock Sewer Authority and other allied matters; authorizing and directing execution, acknowledgment and delivery of said agreement in behalf of this Borough; and authorizing and directing other necessary and proper action
Ord. 161 (66-9)
Providing for the furnishing of electric streetlighting service. (Contract with the Metropolitan Edison Company.)
Ord. 174 (68-4)
Obtaining services in the analysis, modernization and codification of ordinances of Glen Rock Borough. This agreement was with Penns Valley Publishers, Inc.
Ord. 180 (70-1)
Entering into contract for planning assistance and subcontract for codification of ordinances
Ord. 212 (73-2)
Expressing the intention to refund or credit certain taxes. (This was for abatement of real estate taxes on property damaged or destroyed by flood in 1972.)
Ord. 229 (76-1)
Providing for the furnishing of electric streetlighting service to the Borough. (Contract with the Metropolitan Edison Company.)
Ord. 295 (88-1)
Authorizing the appointment of an Independent Auditor for Glen Rock
Ord. 296 (88-2)
Authorizing the execution of contracts with Metropolitan Edison Company for electric streetlighting service
Ord. 309 (89-6)
Amending agreement between the York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority and Glen Rock Borough
Ord. 317 (90-5)
Adopting a municipal Drug Task Force Agreement with the Office of Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to enforce narcotics and illegal drug laws in order to preserve the safety and welfare of the community and to provide intergovernmental cooperative activities with adjacent and nearby municipal governments
Ord. 327 (91-4)
Authorizing a nonexclusive cable television franchise renewal to GS Communications, Inc.
Ord. 341 (92-9)
Authorizing the Borough to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement between Glen Rock Borough and Seven Valleys Borough for mutual assistance and provision of police services in each of the Boroughs
Ord. 361 (94-9)
Authorizing Glen Rock Borough to join with Shrewsbury Township, New Freedom Borough, Railroad Borough and Southern York County School District in an agreement providing for the creation of a joint recreation board to administer park and recreation programs within the respective municipalities pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act
Res. 2006-16
Beverly J. Kaufman be and hereby is appointed to serve as a member of the Glen Rock Recreation Board for a term expiring October 12, 2009
Res. 2006-17
Edward Chandler be and hereby is appointed to serve as a member of the Glen Rock Recreation Board for a term expiring October 12, 2009
Res. 2006-18
Garry Ferree be and hereby is appointed to serve as a member of the Glen Rock Recreation Board for a term expiring October 12, 2009
Ord. 430
Authorizing an intergovernmental cooperation agreement establishing a UCC Board of Appeals with other participating municipalities of the County of York
Ord. 455 (2008-7)
Approving intergovernmental cooperative agreement for multi-municipal planning; representatives of Glen Rock Borough appointed to the Southern York County Regional Planning Commission are authorized to participate on behalf of Glen Rock Borough
Ord. 456 (2008-08)
Approving a proposed amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Glen Rock Water Authority to extend the existence of said Authority; providing an effective date; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent herewith
Ord. 474 (2013-1)
Amending and/or restating joint municipal agreement authorizing intergovernmental cooperation between Glen Rock Borough, New Freedom Borough, and Shrewsbury Borough, for purpose of providing law enforcement services to the various municipalities
Ord. 479 (2015-01)
Authorizing intergovernmental agreement for the implementation of the York County Regional Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan
Ord. 481 (2015-03)
Authorizing intergovernmental agreement between Glen Rock Borough and Shrewsbury Township to provide for the sharing of essential public services between the municipalities
Ord. 486 (2017-01)
Authorizing intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Boroughs of Glen Rock, Railroad and Shrewsbury, and the Township of Shrewsbury for establishing the South Central York County Emergency Management Agency
Ord. 487 (2017-02)
Amending and restating the joint municipal agreement authorizing intergovernmental cooperation between Glen Rock Borough, New Freedom Borough, Stewartstown Borough, and Shrewsbury Borough, for the purpose of providing law enforcement services to the various municipalities
Ord. 488 (2017-03)
Authorizing an amended and restated intergovernmental cooperation agreement for the implementation of the York County Regional Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan
Ord. 489 (2017-04)
Authorizing Glen Rock Borough to join with other local government units as a member of the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Risk Management Association
Ord. 510
Approving the intergovernmental cooperative planning agreement for multimunicipal planning