[Amended 2-14-2011 by Ord. No. 1013; 6-20-2016 by Ord. No. 1064; 3-7-2022 by Ord. No. 1103]
The Township of Wilkins hereby adopts the Property Maintenance Code, known as the "International Property Maintenance Code, 2018 Edition," as published by the International Code Council, for the purpose of regulating and governing the conditions of all property, buildings and structures by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use and the demolition of such existing structures as herein provided, providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefore. Each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said property maintenance code on file in the office of the Township of Wilkins are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this article, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in § 310-2 of this article.
[Amended 2-25-2002 by Ord. No. 641; 7-29-2002 by Ord. No. 945; 4-28-2008 by Ord. No. 987; 2-14-2011 by Ord. No. 1013]
The property maintenance code hereby adopted is amended as follows:
Section 101.1, Title, is amended to read:
101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the "International Property Maintenance Code of the Township of Wilkins," hereinafter referred to as "this code."
Section 103.4, Liability, is amended to read:
103.4 Liability. The code official, officer or employee charged with the enforcement of this code, while acting for the jurisdiction, shall not thereby be rendered liable personally and is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage accruing to persons or property as a result of an act required or permitted in the discharge of official duties. This section is subject to the Pennsylvania Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act.
Any suit instituted against any officer or employee because of an act performed by that officer or employee in the lawful discharge of duties and under the provisions of this code shall be defended by the legal representative of the jurisdiction until the final termination of the proceedings. The code official or any subordinate shall not be liable for costs in an action, suit or proceeding that is instituted in pursuance of the provisions of this code; and any officer of the Department of Property Maintenance Inspection, acting in good faith and without malice, shall be free from liability for acts performed under any of its provisions or by reason of any act or omission in the performance of official duties in connection therewith.
Section 103.5, Fees, is amended to read:
103.5 Fees. The fees for activities and services performed by the Department in carrying out its responsibilities under this code shall be as indicated in the schedule adopted by resolution of the Board of Commissioners.
Section 106.4, Violation penalties, is amended to read:
106.4 Violation penalties. Any person who shall violate a provision of this code, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof shall pay a fine or penalty of $1,000, which fine or penalty shall be collected by suit brought in the name of the Township before any Magisterial District Judge, in like manner as debts of like amount may be sued for by existing laws. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. The fine or penalty may be reduced by official action of the Township Board of Commissioners, upon written recommendation of the code official who investigated the violation.
Section 108.1.3, Structure unfit for human occupancy, is amended to read:
108.1.3 Structure unfit for human occupancy. A structure is unfit for human occupancy whenever the code official finds that such structure is unsafe or unlawful as described in Sections 108.1.1 and 108.1.4 or, because of the degree to which the structure is in disrepair or lacks maintenance, is insanitary, vermin- or rat-infested, contains filth and contamination, or lacks ventilation, illumination, sanitary or heating facilities or other essential equipment required by this code or because the location of the structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants of the structure or to the public.
Section 111.7, Court review, is amended to read:
111.7 Court review. Appeals shall be processed as provided in the Pennsylvania Local Agency Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See 2 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 551 et seq., and 751 et seq.
112.4 Failure to comply. Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop-work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to a fine of not less than $600 nor more than $1,000.
Section 302.3, Sidewalks and driveways, is amended to read:
[Added 4-28-2014 by Ord. No. 1040]
302.3 Sidewalks and driveways. All sidewalks, walkways, stairs, driveways, parking spaces and similar areas shall be kept in a proper state of repair and maintained free from hazardous conditions. All sidewalks, walkways or similar areas that are available for use by the public, or persons other than the property owner, shall be cleared of snow and ice no later than 24 hours after any snow or ice storm.
Section 302.4, Weeds, is amended by restating the first paragraph of the section as follows:
[Added 8-10-2009 by Ord. No. 999]
302.4 Weeds. All premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of eight inches. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. "Weeds" shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs; provided, however, that this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens.
Section 302.8, Motor vehicles, is amended to read:
[Amended 6-20-2016 by Ord. No. 1064]
302.8 Motor vehicles.
302.8.1 Except as provided for in other regulations, no inoperative, unlicensed or uninspected motor vehicle shall be parked, kept or stored on any premises, and no vehicle shall at any time be in a state of major disassembly, disrepair, or in the process of being shipped or dismantled. Painting of vehicles is prohibited unless conducted inside an approved spray booth.
Exception: A vehicle of any type is permitted to undergo major overhaul, including body work, provided that such work is performed inside a structure or similarly enclosed area designed and approved for such purposes, but not including a tarp.
302.8.2 Except as provided for in other regulations, no vehicle shall be parked, kept or stored in any residential yard area not part of a garage driveway.
302.8.3. Where vehicle repairs are being conducted on exterior property, no vehicle shall be elevated above the ground on which the tires would normally rest by the use of one or more jacks, jack stands, concrete or wood blocks, or other support devices for more than seven days for the purpose of making repairs. Repairs requiring more than seven days shall be performed inside of a structure approved for such work.
Section 302.10, Dangerous exterior structures, is added to read:
302.10 Dangerous exterior structures.
302.10.1 The continued existence of all unused wells, septic tanks, cisterns or similar structures located on exterior property, and which constitute an imminent hazard, are a violation of this Code and shall be eliminated by the owner pursuant to plans and specifications supplied by the owner and approved by the Township Engineer.
302.10.2 If wells, septic tanks, cisterns or similar structures are in use and constitute an imminent hazard, those structures shall be rendered nonhazardous by the owner.
303 Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs
303.1 Swimming pools. Swimming pools shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and in good repair.
303.3 Below grade swimming pools, the use of which is temporarily discontinued, shall be covered with material which will prevent access to the pool basin and be of sufficient strength to sustain the weight of 100 pounds.
303.4 Below grade swimming pools, the use of which is permanently discontinued, shall be filled to ground level with earth and/or other material in accordance with plans and specification supplied by the property owner and approved by the Township Engineer.
"Permanently discontinued" is defined as not in use for more than 18 months, beginning on June 1 of any year.
303.5 Above grade swimming pools, the use of which is permanently discontinued, shall be dismantled and removed from the property.
Section 304.14, Insect screens, is amended to read:
304.14 Insect screens. During the period from April 15 to October 15, every door, window and other outside opening required for ventilation of habitable rooms, food preparation areas, food service areas or any areas where products to be included or utilized in food for human consumption are processed, manufactured, packaged or stored shall be supplied with approved tightly fitting screens of not less than 16 mesh per inch (16 mesh per 25 mm), and every swinging door shall have a self-closing device in good working condition.
Section 507, Storm drainage, is amended to read:
507 Storm drainage. Drainage of roofs and paved areas, yards and courts and other open areas on the premises shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance nor which is in violation of § 333-52 of this Township's Code or any federal, Pennsylvania or Allegheny County law or regulation.
Section 602.3, Heat supply, is amended to read:
[Amended 2-12-2024 by Ord. No. 1121]
602.3 Heat Supply. Every owner and operator of any building who rents, leases or lets one or more dwelling unit, rooming unit, dormitory or guest room on terms, either expressed or implied, to furnish heat to the occupants thereof shall supply heat during the period from September 15 to May 15 to maintain a temperature of not less than 65° F. (18° C.) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms.
Exception: When the outdoor temperature is below the winter outdoor design temperature for the locality, maintenance of the minimum room temperature shall not be required, provided that the heating system is operating at its full design capacity. The winter outdoor design temperature for the locality shall be as indicated in Appendix D of the Plumbing Code.
Section 602.4, Occupiable work spaces, is amended to read:
[Amended 2-12-2024 by Ord. No. 1121]
602.4 Occupiable Work Spaces. Indoor occupiable work spaces shall be supplied with heat during the period of September 15 to May 15 to maintain a temperature of not less than 65° F. (18° C.) during the period the spaces are occupied.
Processing, storage and operation areas that require cooling or special temperature conditions.
Areas in which persons are primarily engaged in vigorous physical activities.
Section 603.4 is amended to read:
[Added 6-20-2016 by Ord. No. 1064]
603.4 Safety controls.
603.4.1 Quarter-turn shutoff valve. Every gas-fired appliance shall have a quarter-turn shutoff valve located within six feet of the appliance. The shutoff device shall be located so as to be easily and readily accessible. Those that are not quarter-turn shall be converted to the quarter-turn type.
Section 605.2 is amended to read:
[Added 6-20-2016 by Ord. No. 1064]
605.2. Receptacles.
605.2.1 Ground-fault circuit interrupter protection. All electrical outlet receptacles within six feet of any sink with running water (faucet) shall be the ground-fault circuit interrupter protection type and in working condition.
605.3. Luminaries.
[Amended 9-11-2023 by Ord. No. 1117]
605.3.1. Control of Nuisance and Disabling Glare
605.3.1.1. All outdoor lighting whether or not required by this ordinance, on private, residential, commercial, industrial, municipal, recreational or institutional property, shall be aimed, located, designed, fitted and maintained so as not to present a hazard to drivers or pedestrians by impairing their ability to safely traverse (disabling glare), and so as not to create a nuisance by projecting or reflecting objectionable light onto a neighboring use or property (light trespass and nuisance glare).
605.3.1.2. Flood or spot lights, when permitted, shall be so installed and aimed so that they do not project their output into the window of a neighboring residence, an adjacent use, skyward or onto a roadway.
605.3.1.3. Vegetation screens shall not be employed to serve as the primary means for controlling glare. Rather, glare control shall be achieved primarily through the use of such means as full-cutoff fixtures, shields and baffles, and appropriate application of mounting height wattage, aiming angle and fixture placement.
Section 705 is added to read:
[Added 6-20-2016 by Ord. No. 1064]
705.1. Every one- and two-family dwelling burning fossil fuel(s) shall provide a working carbon monoxide detector in the area leading to the sleeping rooms and the basement or area where fossil-fuel-burning equipment may be located.
In all matters that are regulated by the law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or by regulations of departments or agencies of the commonwealth promulgated by authority of law, such laws or regulations, or other ordinances of the Township of Wilkins, as the case may be, shall control where the requirements thereof are the same as or in excess of the provisions of this article. The code shall control in all cases where the state requirements, or the requirements of other ordinances of the Township of Wilkins, are not as strict as those contained in this article.
The provisions of this article so far as they are the same as those of ordinances and/or codes in force immediately prior to the enactment of this article, are intended as a continuation of such ordinances and codes and not as new enactments. The provisions of this article shall not affect any act done or liability incurred, nor shall they affect any suit or prosecution pending or to be instituted to enforce any right or penalty or to punish any offense under the authority of any of the repealed ordinances.