No person shall engage in any of the following activities in Town waters or the bottoms of the Town waters or the bay beach area or ocean beach area as defined herein unless authorized by a permit issued by the Board of Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Southampton:
Clear, dig, dredge or in any way add to, alter or remove any material;
Place or deposit or permit to be placed or deposited any debris, fill, sand, gravel, artificial beach nourishment or other material, including vegetation, rocks, sand fencing and rip-rap;
Erect, construct, reconstruct, alter, enlarge, drive, place, remove, demolish, or deconstruct any structure, including a dock, pile, tie-off poles, moorings, or other obstruction, or bulkhead, jetty, retaining wall, groin, revetment, rip-rap, ramp, catwalk, walkway, stairs, sand fencing or any structure constructed for the purpose of providing access to and from the shoreline;
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Res. No. 2021-140]
Clear, dig, or dredge any channel or basin, or in any way alter any upland area to afford access to Town waters;
Drain or discharge any pollutant or effluent, including solid and chemical wastes, sewage and swimming pool waters; or
Construct, create, eliminate, enlarge or diminish in size any Town waters or any wetlands adjacent to and associated with Town waters.
Permits will be issued in duplicate, under the seal of this Board, and are good for a period of one year; said permit shall be made out to the owner of the property involved. The original shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board, and a copy shall be kept in the possession of the person in charge of the work at the site thereof, and such permit shall be displayed upon demand. The Trustee permit shall be conspicuously posted, along with copies of the applicant's New York State Department of Environmental Conservation permit and United States Army Corps of Engineers permit, as applicable, at the job site and in a location visible from the nearest access road. In the event of any dispute arising, the form of the permit filed with the Clerk of the Board shall control.
Dredging permits will only be issued upon written application addressed to and filed with this Board, setting forth in detail the purpose for which a permit is desired, the exact location of the bottom or waters to be affected, and the maximum duration of the work; and if the permit is for digging, dredging, and removing the bottom of any waters for the purpose of making a fill, the application must state the maximum yardage to be taken.
All applications shall be signed by the owner of the property to be benefited, improved or in any manner served by the project in which a permit is sought, or by the person, firm or corporation by whom the work is to be performed acting as agent for the owner of the land.
Applications must be filled out completely and accurately.
In conjunction with the application.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Res. No. 2021-140]
In conjunction with the application for work, the Trustees require the following for all new work, reconstruction and replacement of existing structures:
Two copies of the following:
Property survey, done by a New York State licensed surveyor, and updated no more than one year prior to the application date. The survey submitted must bear the original seal of the licensed surveyor or engineer.
Initial drawings/plans, drawn to scale, as part of a survey or independent of one.
[Amended 9-26-2022; 1-23-2023]
Photographs of the site and proposed work area must be included.
Copies of any covenants or restrictions on the property, if applicable, must also be submitted with application.
An electrical permit from the Building Department of the jurisdiction where the property is located, if applicable.
[Amended 3-8-2023]
An inspection/application fee, established by resolution duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, shall be charged on applications for permits, nonrefundable, with additional fees on docks, ramps, catwalks, tie-off poles, bulkheading, rip-rap, rock revetments, retaining walls, sand fencing, groins, and dredging; applicable permit fees will be calculated as of the date of the passage of the Trustee resolution granting the permit.
[Amended 6-17-2024]
Preconstruction fee. If any building or commencement of any construction activity is without the benefit of applicable permits, all fees associated with any building or construction activity shall be equal to double the otherwise applicable fee for all applications and permits as provided for herein.
Prior to final permit approval, the Trustees require the submission of a final set of drawings/plans, drawn to scale, as part of a survey or independent of one, showing the original stamp or seal of the job appropriate New York State licensed design professional (engineer, architect, or landscape architect), unless plans/drawings showing said stamp or seal have already been submitted and required no changes.
[Added 1-23-2023[1]]
Editor's Note: This amendment renumbered former Subsection F(2) as Subsection F(3).
In conjunction with the application for removal/demolition/deconstruction of a structure (herein after “demolition permit”); including a dock, pile, tie-off poles, moorings, or other obstruction, or bulkhead, jetty, retaining wall, groin, revetment, rip-rap, ramp, catwalk, walkway, stairs, sand fencing or any structure constructed for the purpose of providing access to and from the shoreline, the Trustees require two copies of the following. The following requirements may be waived upon good cause as determined by the Board of Trustees:
Completed demolition permit application form.
Property survey, done by a New York State licensed surveyor, and updated no more than one year prior to the application date. The survey submitted must bear the original seal of the licensed surveyor or engineer.
A description of the land and body of water upon which the proposed work is to be done.
The full name and address of the owner(s) and of the applicant and the names and addresses of their responsible officers, if any of them are corporations.
A brief description of the nature of the proposed work, including, but not limited to, any implementation of erosion and sediment controls.
A structural engineering report regarding the condition/integrity of all structures that are part of the demolition permit application.
A statement of the use or occupancy of all parts of the land as commercial or residential.
A certified copy of the most recent deed recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office.
A hold harmless form duly executed in favor of the Board of Trustees. (The application and the hold harmless form shall be signed by all owners listed.)
Color photographs of all structures that are part of the demolition permit application. The Trustees shall have 45 days from the date of receipt of a complete demolition permit application to render a report and/or recommendations.
Four one-year renewals of a permit issued for dredging, docks, bulkheading and channels provided, provided that there has been no change in the description of the work submitted with the existing permit which would warrant reconsideration of the permit or if any proposed modification in the description of work is less restrictive and will not result in any new adverse impact, will be approved by the Board for good cause, if applied for within three months of date of expiration of the original permit, upon payment of the application fee.
All work for which a permit is issued shall at all times be subject to inspection by this Board, or its designated agent, for a violation of any of the statements in the application therefor or any provision of the permit, or for any operation outside the limits shown on surveys accompanying the application, and said inspection is at all times reserved, whether or not set forth in express terms in any permit. The Board reserves the right to cancel any permit when it finds that it is in the public interest to do so. A copy of these rules shall form a part of every permit issued.
All lumber used on Trustee-approved structures (e.g., for the construction of docks, bulkheads, pilings, sand fencing, etc.) must be untreated and may not contain any chemical wood preservatives.
Areas outside Trustee jurisdiction, but still within the Town: There are several areas in the Town where bulkheads and docks are permitted but do not fall in the Trustee's jurisdiction (e.g., Noyack Bay, Little Peconic Bay, Great Peconic Bay, and Flanders Bay). A ban on treated lumber has been in effect since June 3, 2002, on materials used on any Trustee-permitted structures. No treated lumber may be used.
Procedure for evaluating permit applications for public hearings:
The Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, require that a public hearing be held on applications where the proposed project raises a significant degree of public interest or where public input can aid in the decision-making process.
The Board of Trustees shall give notice of a public hearing as follows:
By requiring the applicant to erect a white sign or signs with black lettering, measuring not less than two feet long and one-foot wide, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public street on which the property abuts, giving notice of the date, time and place where the public hearing will be held. The sign shall not be set back more than 10 feet from the street line and shall not be less than two or more than six feet above the grade at the street line. The sign shall be made of durable material and shall be furnished by the Board of Trustees. It shall be displayed for a period of not less than 10 days immediately preceding the public hearing date. No additional posting shall be required for any adjournment date. The applicant shall file an affidavit that he or she has complied with the provisions of this section.
By requiring the applicant to mail written notice of the date, time and place of the hearing, together with a copy of the application and survey submitted to the Board of Trustees, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to every property owner, as shown on the current Town of Southampton assessment rolls, of parcels abutting the property which is the subject of the application, proof of which shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees on or before the commencement of the public hearing in the form of an affidavit with postal receipts annexed thereto confirming mailing of said notices at least 10 days prior to the hearing date.
Failure of the applicant to provide the Board of Trustees with the required proofs of notice shall require that the matter be adjourned and renoticed. After the second occurrence in which an applicant fails to provide the Board of Trustees with the required proofs of notice, an applicant shall bear all further costs of publishing associated with matters that must be renoticed.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Res. No. 2021-140]
Time period for public hearing.
[Amended 6-7-2021 by Res. No. 2021-140]
The public hearing for a formal application shall be held no sooner than 15 days from the date an application is deemed complete, as evidenced by a notice of complete application.
Within 45 days of the close of any public hearing, the Board of Trustees shall render a decision to approve, approve with modifications or special conditions, or deny the issuance of a permit for the proposed activity. The Board of Trustees shall also set the term of any permit issued pursuant to its decision.
The Board of Trustees shall close the public hearing within 60 days of the hearing's opening, and within 180 days from the date an application is deemed complete, as evidenced by a notice of complete application for a formal application, unless an extension is mutually agreed upon by the Board of Trustees and the applicant.
The Board of Trustees, on its own motion, or at the request of the applicant, may modify or extend any of the aforementioned time periods for good cause.
In evaluating applications for permits under this section, the Board of Trustees shall consider the potential impact upon the rights and resources of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Southampton, including whether the activity applied for will unreasonably interfere with the rights of the Freeholders and Commonalty to use their lands or to pass and repass along their rights-of-way. To the maximum extent practical, the protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources shall be given appropriate weight with social and economic considerations. The Board may consider the objections, or lack thereof, of abutting landowners.
Applications for, or the acceptance of and payment for, a permit by an applicant shall be deemed to have been abandoned by the applicant if no response or activity has taken place by them for one year from the last communication sent to them by the Trustees' staff regarding the application.
[Added 6-17-2024]
Any person, firm, or corporation making application for a permit to dredge a channel or basin, or to afford boat access to upland, shall agree to place and at all times maintain a legible sign, not less than 18 inches square, on the upland and within 10 feet of the shore, opposite said channel or boat way, warning of the depth of water therein and the extent thereof along shore, and shall cause a white stake or stone to be placed and maintained on the upland marking the lines of such channel or boat way. The applicant further agrees to promptly place and maintain such signs and, upon failure to do so, authorizes the Trustees, their employees or agents, to obtain, place and maintain same, with the right to recover the cost of making, placing and maintaining such signs.
All digging or dredging for filling shall be done in the area most reasonable and likely to aid navigation and shall be done so that the depth of the water in such area shall not be increased more than five feet in each 25 feet. All areas dug or dredged shall be left with shelving sides at a grade of 1 to 5.
New dredging in the bottoms of waters of the Town of Southampton shall be authorized upon the vote of a majority plus one of the Board of Trustees.
Upon application for dredging in an area that has been previously dredged, the applicant shall have the burden of proving, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, that the area has been previously dredged.
The Trustees reserve the right to make a yardage charge for material in all cases that a direct public benefit does not result by reason of such dredging. Any dispute over yardage shall be determined by a Board-appointed engineer, at the expense of the applicant.
An applicant shall be allowed to reconstruct a structure, within 18 inches, if proof is provided that only one bulkhead or retaining wall has previously been constructed. In addition, one refacing of a second structure will be permitted. In all other cases, bulkheads and retaining walls shall be reconstructed in place, utilizing construction methods deemed appropriate by the Trustees.
A permit will be required to undertake any repairs or modifications of existing structures of any kind.
All applications for new bulkheads, retaining walls, or reconstruction of existing structures shall provide a minimum ten-foot setback for all fertilized vegetation to prevent the lateral movement of silts and fertilizers into the marine environment.
All applicants shall be required to agree to give and maintain a public passing way, on the upland, not less than five feet in width, to enable persons to pass and repass around bulkhead and basins.
Any person erecting a bulkhead or causing a bulkhead to be erected shall be at all times liable for any damage or injury sustained by reason of the erection and maintenance of said bulkhead. All applicants are required to maintain the structural integrity of the bulkhead so as not to cause a threat to the person or property of others.
Filter cloth backing is to be installed on the inside of the new bulkheading to prevent sedimentation through the wall.
To hinder siltation, the final grading of disturbed soils behind the new bulkhead shall be a minimum of four inches below the finished height of the wall.
Should it be deemed necessary to add backfill after grading has begun, only clean sand or gravel will be permitted. No organic topsoils are to be placed along the inside of the new bulkhead.
The homeowner must agree to give and maintain a public passing way, on the upland, not less than five feet in width to enable persons to pass and repass around said bulkhead.
No chemically treated lumber may be used on any construction performed with a permit issued by the Board of Trustees. Absolutely no CCA is allowed.
It must be clearly stated/shown on the application/drawings exactly what is being placed within the ten-foot buffer zone, whether it is beach grass (type), gravel/sand, or walkway, etc.
Bulkhead caps are limited to a width of 24 inches.
Full compliance. Any and all permits by the Board for any property are issued contingent upon full compliance with any and all rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees.
Steel bulkhead: Specific to properties between West Landing Road and Gathering Rocks Road situate Red Creek, Hampton Bays, the following resolution was passed on December 3, 2012:
Whereas, due to site specific conditions that exist along this stretch of waterfront such as extreme slope angles, height of bluffs, lack of vegetation and tendency of severe wave and tidal action, a management plan is necessary to insure a consistent erosion control plan.
Now, therefore, bulkheads will be allowed to be reconstructed following a plan to achieve a general straight line connecting with adjoining properties in a manner approved by the Trustees. The use of steel sheathing may be utilized in this special management zone upon submission of an application and upon approval of the Town Trustees.
Shinnecock Beach Road stipulation: If any part of the bulkhead should exist on a Trustees' right-of-way known as Shinnecock Beach Road and, in the future, the public demands restoration of this road, the bulkhead will have to be removed.
Peconic Beach Road stipulation: If any part of the bulkhead should exist on a Trustees' right-of-way known as Peconic Beach Road and, in the future, the public demands restoration of this road, the bulkhead will have to be removed.
General conditions:
Only fixed docks will be allowed in freshwater ponds and lakes.
No chemically treated lumber is to be used on any Trustee-approved structure.
The Trustees will dictate the placement and location of the structure along the subject property so that it is constructed in the most sensible area with regard to environmental concerns.
A photograph of the specific location of the proposed docks structure must be presented to the Trustees before and after completion of the project. This will insure that no damage has occurred to the marsh grasses. If, in fact, it is deemed that marsh grasses have been damaged, the property owner will be responsible for replanting the vegetation.
No part of any dock structure shall be stored on the intertidal marsh. During the winter months, it has become common practice to store floats on the intertidal marsh. The floats must be either in the water or on the property owner's upland.
All floating docks shall have permit number or name of owner permanently affixed or etched into the wood on the seaward end of the dock structure and float.
No residential dock shall exceed 26 inches above high water to top of dock deck.
The Trustees are not compelled to adapt lengths of docks to comply with Department of Environmental Conservation decisions.
Docks must be kept at least 10 feet inside property lines so as not to interfere with neighbors' access to water.
All applicants shall be required to agree to give and maintain a public passing way, on the upland, not less than five feet in width to enable persons to pass and repass around said dock.
Any person erecting a dock or causing a dock/bulkhead to be erected shall be at all times liable for any damage or injury sustained by reason of the erections and maintenance of said dock. All applicants are required to maintain the structural integrity of the dock so as not to cause a threat to the person or property of others.
Any application for a dock to be constructed at the end of a right-of-way will require written consent from all parties having an interest in the right-of-way.
If a dock is to be permitted on a right-of-way or easement, permission shall be obtained by the owner of the described preexisting buildable lot, along with a signed covenant recognizing that said owner is relinquishing his or her rights to berth additional vessels and construct other docking facilities on the subject parcel.
All seasonal dock structures must be removed from the water by December 1 of each year and may be reinstalled April 1.
For all docks 50 feet or longer in length, the seaward end of the pier must be equipped with an all-weather dock light which gives off a steady all-around white light from sunset to sunrise.
Residentially zoned lots shall have a maximum of two boats. (Personal watercrafts count as boats.)
All Trustee-approved structures must be constructed with nontreated materials.
All portions of docks that are landward of the vegetated shoreline shall be supported by posts four inches by four inches. The seaward portion of the structures may be supported by maximum eight-inch-diameter round piles with the butts of the piles faced down.
In Sag Harbor Cove, dock widths will vary between three feet six inches and four feet zero inches, depending upon which area of the cove is in question.
Only one floating dock is permitted per residential dock structure. Maximum size float will be six feet by 20 feet, secured by up to maximum eight-inch-diameter round piles.
Submerged aquatic vegetation, such as the presence of eelgrass, may affect the decision as to whether a dock is approved. If placement of the dock is destructive to eelgrass beds, the project may be denied in favor of a mooring.
Special exceptions will be made for a handicap facility; however, the facility must be removed upon sale of the subject premises to a third party. A covenant to that effect must be filed with the Suffolk County Clerk's office, and a copy of the covenant and the recording page must be sent to the Trustee's office within 60 days of the date of the permit.
The Trustees always consider site-specific conditions; for example, if the minimum amount of length increase will give the homeowner appreciable water depth.
No person shall cause any sandblast debris, sanding dust or power-washing effluent to enter any water body.
The Trustee's office shall be notified within 24 hours prior to the commencement of any project subject to an approved permit.
Dune decks. Walkways and/or catwalks leading to the water or the beach areas of the Town of Southampton shall not include any deck area or expanded area (within the dune area) other than the walkway itself; a bench may be considered for seating purposes only, attached to or made part of the walkway upon approval of the Board of Trustees.
Full compliance. Any and all permits by the Board for any property are issued contingent upon full compliance with any and all rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees.
Shinnecock Beach Road stipulation: If any part of the dock should exist on a Trustees' right-of-way known as Shinnecock Beach Road and, in the future, the public demands restoration of this road, the dock will have to be removed.
Peconic Beach Road stipulation: If any part of the dock should exist on a Trustees' right-of-way known as Peconic Beach Road and, in the future, the public demands restoration of this road, the dock will have to be removed at the property owner's expense.
Dock shall be designed using the following specifications:
Category I (Commercial):
Maximum pile diameter: 10 inches.
Maximum width of fixed dock: six feet.
Maximum height of dock above high water: three feet.
Category II (Residential):
Maximum pile diameter: eight inches.
Maximum width of fixed dock: four feet.
Maximum height to top of deck above high water: 26 inches.
Maximum width of floating dock: six feet.
One dock per residential lot.
Category III (Residential):
Maximum post size: four inches by six inches.
Maximum width of fixed dock: four feet.
Maximum height to top of deck above high water: 26 inches.
Maximum width of floating dock: six feet.
One dock per residential lot.
Category IV (Residential):
Floating docks: six feet by 20 feet.
Maximum catwalk width: four feet.
Maximum diameter posts to secure float: four inches by six inches.
One dock per residential lot.
The length of docks shall be determined utilizing depth measurements, safe navigation considerations and efficient shellfish and baitfish harvesting methods.
Shallow water areas: Dock and float shall not exceed 100 feet in length measured from the mean high-water mark or bulkhead or past a depth of 30 inches average low water, whichever comes first.
Deep-water areas: Dock and float shall not exceed 25 feet in length measured from the mean high-water mark or bulkhead or past a depth of 30 inches average low water, whichever comes first.
If a depth measurement shows that no appreciable change of depth is gained from 25 feet to 100 feet, then the minimum length dock or a mooring shall be deemed adequate. If appreciable change of depth from 25 feet off shore to 100 feet is not reached, then the twenty-five-foot dock or mooring shall suffice.
[Amended 10-3-2016]
Notwithstanding the foregoing restrictions listed in Article VII, § 52 herein, the following pier line lengths shall apply unless there already exists an established pier line that is contrary:
Mecox Bay and connecting bodies of water: Docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 50 feet in length measured from the average high-water line in Mecox Bay and connecting bodies of water; except that in the area of Mecox Bay known as Burnett's Cove beginning at the property known as 1025 Flying Point Road, Water Mill (SCTM: 900-178-2-18) and ending at the property known as 33 Burnett's Cove Road, Water Mill (SCTM: 900-179-1-2), the docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 65 feet in length as measured from the edge of the vegetated shoreline.
[Amended 3-5-2018]
Davis Creek: Docks may not extend more than 40 feet into David Creek.
Kellis Pond: Docks may not extend more than 10 feet into Kellis Pond.
North Sea Harbor. Docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 60 feet in length from the average high-water line into North Sea Harbor.
Quantuck Bay: Docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 50 feet in length from the average high-water line into Quantuck Bay.
Sag Harbor Cove: Docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 75 feet in length measured from the average high-water line into Sag Harbor Cove from the outer boundary lines of SCTM No. 0900-009-03-055.1 to SCTM No. 0900-008-01-024 inclusive of the properties on Seal Island. All other docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 60 feet in length measured from the average high-water line into Sag Harbor Cove.
[Amended 9-20-2021 by Res. No. 2021-228]
Shinnecock Bay: Docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 135 feet in length measured from the average high-water line in Shinnecock Bay, from the Coast Guard Station to Cormorant Point and then Argonne Road East.
Moriches Bay: Docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 125 feet in length measured from a point in Moriches Bay beginning at the most westerly point of Oneck Lane heading easterly to the Oneck drain existing on the SCTM No. 0905-10-3-33.
Sag Harbor Cove (within the Incorporated Village of North Haven). Docks, including floating docks, are not to exceed 125 feet measured from MHW into Sag Harbor Cove from the outer boundary lines of SCTM 0901-6-4-5 to 0901-6-4-15.
[Added 8-5-2024]
[Amended 1-14-2019]
Construction of catwalks, stairs and elevated walkways shall utilize construction methods as unobtrusive as possible.
Catwalks, stairs and elevated walkways shall be built three feet above the existing grade and shall be constructed using 60% light-penetrating decking, unless otherwise stipulated by a majority of the Trustees on a case-by-case basis.
Any handrails shall be of minimum specifications to allow for safety standards accepted by the Town Building Department.
The maximum overall width of any catwalk, stairs or elevated walkway is not to exceed four feet. This maximum overall width of four feet is to include the whole structure, including all decking, posts, pilings, handrails and cap rails.
Posts and/or pilings shall not exceed eight feet on center and girder beams shall not exceed two inches by eight inches in width and height.
Safe navigation must be maintained. Docking areas shall be calculated by means of projecting property lines towards the center of the creek or canal to a line established parallel to the shoreline, which will be determined by the Trustees in order to safeguard proper navigation and establish equitable docking areas. In no case shall the maximum docking line exceed 1/3 the total width of the water body.
In water bodies less than 100 feet in width, the navigation area shall not be less than 30 feet in width. The docking area shall be generally calculated by dividing the resulting width equally. However, in cases where the main channel is not centered, the Trustees shall set a maximum docking line, taking into account field specific conditions.
In water bodies greater than 100 feet in width, the navigation area shall be at least 1/3 of the total width, with its maximum docking line set by the Trustees.
Ends of canals and narrow water bodies. In the case of a terminus of a canal or creek, property lines shall be projected in a triangular fashion towards the center line of the water body and disallowing for navigation areas so as to fairly apportion docking rights.
In no case shall any person block access or extend lines across docking areas of other parties without the written permission of the affected owners or any person judged by the Trustees to be so affected.
No projecting docks will be permitted within the Quogue Canal or other canals judged to be affected at a later date of adoption of this policy.
Docking line includes the vessel, floats, piles or any other structure.
Fish Cove dock regulation. All docks located between 30 Robins Lane, North Sea, and 8 Helen's Lane, North Sea, shall be shore parallel, in a "T" or "L" configuration, as the Trustees have determined that this is the most efficient configuration to ensure the safest navigation possible, with the landward side of the float located at a water depth of 30 inches at low tide.
Structures in freshwater bodies:
Absolutely/no CCA, ACQ, creosote or any other treated lumber shall be used in any freshwater body.
Only fixed docks will be allowed in freshwater ponds and lakes.
Permitted swim floats shall not exceed eight feet by eight feet and are seasonal in nature. They must be removed from the water during the winter season, December 1 through April 1.
Dock posts shall not exceed six inches by six inches in diameter.
Widths of docks (fixed and swim floats):
Elevated fixed dock: maximum two feet above average water level; maximum four feet in width.
Floating swim floats: maximum six feet in width.
Docks at Honey Pot Pond:
All docks must be no wider than 30 inches in width.
The dock must be 24 inches or less above grade.
The decks must utilize at least 60% open-grate decking.
The girders of the dock must be a maximum of two inches by eight inches.
There will be no handrails.
The support posts cannot be more than four inches by four inches.
Posts must be cut flush with the deck of catwalk.
The seaward end of the dock will extend out no greater than three feet beyond the existing meadow.