Exceptions to the policy are only allowed upon approval of the
Town Administrator based on recommendations by the Police Chief, Town
Planner and DPW Superintendent, or other relevant departments or authority:
A. Facilities where specific users are prohibited by law, such as interstate
freeways or pedestrian malls. An effort will be made in these cases
for accommodations elsewhere.
B. Where cost of accommodation is excessively disproportionate to the
need or probable use or probable future use.
C. The existing public right-of-way or adjacent land is constrained
in a manner that inhibits the addition of transit, bicycle, or pedestrian
improvements. In this case, the Town shall consider alternatives such
as lane reduction, lane narrowing, on-street parking relocation, shoulders,
signage, traffic calming, or enforcement.
D. Where such facilities would constitute a threat to public safety
or health.
E. Where construction and future maintenance will create significant
adverse environmental impacts to streams, floodplains, wetlands, or
historical resources.
Complete streets implementation and effectiveness should be
constantly evaluated for success and opportunities for improvement.
The Town will develop performance measures to gauge the implementation
and effectiveness of the policies. These performance measures may
include, but not be limited to:
A. Number of staff with complete streets training.
B. Total miles of bike lanes.
C. Total miles of roadway with a shoulder of four feet wide or greater.
D. Linear feet of sidewalk added or reconstructed.
E. Crosswalk and intersection improvements.
F. Number of crosswalks evaluated for ADA compliance.
G. Number of ADA-compliant curb ramps installed.
H. Closure of gaps in bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure network.
I. Number of bicycle racks installed.
J. Crash and personal injury data.
K. Citations for traffic violations.
L. Public participation in bicycle, pedestrian, and transit systems.
M. Estimate of the quantity of funds applied toward the design and construction
of complete streets measures.