[Ord. 1973-3, § 1]
No person shall indulge in disorderly, noisy, or disturbing practices, as hereinafter defined, within the Borough of Watsontown. Any adult or minor person who commits any of the following acts shall be deemed in violation of this section.
Obscene Language, Conduct, Behavior. Uses or indulges in obscene language, conduct or behavior.
Annoys, Disturbs Others. Acts in such manner as to maliciously, with malice aforethought, annoy, disturb, interfere with, obstruct or be offensive to others.
Unlawful Assembly. Congregates with others on a public street, sidewalk, park or place for other than a lawfully permitted purpose.
Shouts, Makes Noise. Shouts or makes any other noise either outside or inside a building during the nighttime to the annoyance or disturbance of any person or persons.
Tampers with Municipal Property. Maliciously damages, destroys, or makes improper or unauthorized use of any municipal property including parks, cemetery, parking lots and notices, or conducts himself or herself in a manner contrary to any notices, rules or regulations of the Borough, or refuses to obey orders of any person in authority with respect to the use of, or conduct in, or with respect to, such property.
Disturbs Peace and Quiet. Disturbs the peace and quiet of the Borough of Watsontown, or any lawful meeting or assembly therein.
Prowls or Loiters. Maliciously loiters, prowls, or congregates with others on the streets, alleys, sidewalks and other public thoroughfares in the Borough of Watsontown, or in and about any public building or private dwelling or any doorways, stairways or areas adjacent thereto, in said Borough.
Fighting. Engages in fighting or in violent behavior, contrary to the public welfare, health and safety of the citizens of the Borough of Watsontown.
Public Drunkenness. Appears in any public place or thoroughfare in the Borough of Watsontown so manifestly under the influence of alcohol as to constitute a danger to himself or herself, or a danger or annoyance to the person or property of others.
Noisy Operation of a Motor Vehicle. Operates a motor vehicle in such a condition or in such a manner so as to cause any excessive, unusual or avoidable noise, including the operation of a vehicle in turning corners at an excessive speed causing the tires thereof to squeal.
[Ord. 1973-3, § 2; as amended by Ord. 1996-4, 10/7/1996]
Any person or persons, organization or organizations, firm or firms, corporation or corporations who shall be engaged in, connected with, commit or be guilty of any of the acts prohibited by this Part, shall be guilty of a summary offense, and he, she, it or they, upon conviction thereof before any Magisterial District Judge, shall be required to pay a fine, not exceeding $100 and costs of prosecution, and, in default of said fine and costs, shall be sentenced to imprisonment in the Northumberland County Jail for a period not exceeding 30 days, and any organization or organizations, corporation or corporations, which shall permit or allow the provisions of this Part to be violated, shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed $100, to be recovered the same as debts in like amount are now recoverable by law.