Intent. It is the intent of this § 180-58 to provide standards for the design of commercial establishments and nonresidential uses (referred to as commercial establishments) to assure the compatibility of the nonresidential development with the surrounding character of the Township. This shall be accomplished by:
Siting buildings, parking areas and other facilities and improvements based upon the particular topography of development site;
Designing buildings with consideration of architectural style and type of construction material in keeping with the surrounding landscape and development pattern;
Providing safe and convenient access from the public right-of-way based on the existing area-wide traffic circulation pattern and the expected traffic generated by the proposed use;
Designing parking areas to complement patterns of traffic and pedestrian flow and to provide adequate off-street parking for patrons;
Maintaining to the greatest extent possible natural vegetation and provide landscaping as an integral part of the overall design of the proposed use and parking areas;
Considering the impact of stormwater, noise, odor, traffic and lighting on surrounding land uses and providing buffers to minimize adverse impacts; and
Being consistent with any design guidelines adopted by the Township.
Land development. Any proposed nonresidential building shall be considered a "land development" as defined by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and Chapter 153 (Subdivision and Land Development) unless excluded by definition. Such buildings shall comply in all respects with all the requirements for plan submission and content for land developments contained therein, as well as the information which follows. The Township may also require any additional information, studies or reports as it deems necessary to meet the intent of this chapter and other Township ordinances. The following shall be provided:
Location, widths, and names of all existing or prior platted streets and utility rights-of-way, parks, and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, houses or permanent easements, and zoning and municipal boundary lines within 200 feet of the tract;
A traffic and pedestrian flow chart showing circulation patterns from the public right-of-way and within the confines of the land development;
Location and dimensions of vehicular drives, entrances, exits, acceleration and deceleration lanes;
Location, arrangement, and dimensions of automobile parking space, width of aisles, width of bays, angle of parking;
Location, arrangement, and dimensions of truck loading and unloading spaces and docks;
Location and dimensions of pedestrian entrances, exits, walks;
Location, height, and materials of walls, fences, screen plantings, and other landscaped areas;
Preliminary architectural drawings for all buildings;
Location, size, height, and orientation of all signs other than signs flat on building facades.
Site design process. The applicant shall demonstrate to the Township by the submission of the necessary land development site plans, that the commercial establishment has been designed as follows:
Mapping of environmentally sensitive areas to identify all areas of the site which will remain undisturbed, along with noting site development practices which will be used to assure nondisturbance.
Locating the building site.
Locating required buffers.
Laying out street access, parking/loading areas, and other required or proposed improvements.
Ownership. The site proposed for any multiple-occupant commercial establishment shall be held in single ownership or in unified control; and the applicant shall provide to the Township evidence of said ownership and/or control.