[Adopted as Art. VII of the 2004 Code]
No person, firm, or corporation shall make any excavation within the limits of any street or other public place, or under any sidewalk within the Village of Cayuga Heights without first obtaining a written permit from the Village Board of Trustees or the official representative of said Board, and furnishing satisfactory evidence of adequate insurance protecting the Village of Cayuga Heights from all claims and damages that may result by reason of such excavation.
The excavation shall be done and the work completed with all possible dispatch and in such a manner and within such time as may be required by the Board or its representative; and during the progress of such work at least one-half of the street or public place shall be kept open and free. Such excavation shall be carefully guarded by the permittee with an adequate barrier, and be lighted from sundown to sunrise in such a manner as to indicate the excavation and to prevent accidents. Such street or public place shall be restored by the permittee to the satisfaction of the Board or its representative.
No permit shall be granted except upon payment to the Village of a fee in an amount to be fixed by the Board or its representative dependent upon the character and extent of the excavation.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
No permit shall be issued by the Board of Trustees or the official representative unless and until the person applying for the same shall have deposited with the Village of Cayuga Heights the sum of $1,000 in cash or a certified check payable to the Village of Cayuga Heights as security for the proper performance of the work and the replacement of the highway in the manner required by the Board or its representative. When the Board or its representative certifies that the work has been performed in a satisfactory manner and the highway replaced as required, the said deposit shall be refunded to the depositor; otherwise, the said deposit, or as much thereof as shall be necessary, may be used by the Board or its representative to cover the cost of repairing the said highway and replacing it in a proper and safe condition for public travel.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Failure to comply with this article shall constitute a violation as defined in the Penal Law of the State of New York, and any offender shall be punished in accordance therewith by a fine of up to $250, imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both such fine and imprisonment.