Upon determination by the Fire Chief that fire lanes are necessary for the protection of the lives or property of the public in an area to which the public has access, the owner or the person having control of such premises shall provide, install and maintain "No Parking-Fire Lanes" signs and striping in the location designated by the Fire Chief.
It shall be unlawful to obstruct or block a private way to an area to which the public has access so as to prevent fire apparatus or other emergency equipment from gaining access to any building thereon.
It shall be unlawful to obstruct or park any vehicle in any fire lane, such fire lane to be designated by the Chief of the North Andover Fire Department. These fire lanes shall be posted and marked as such. Said fire lanes shall include a distance of 12 feet from the curb at a sidewalk or, in the absence of sidewalks and curbings, the distance shall be 18 feet from the building. The properties involved shall be shopping centers, apartment complexes, hospitals, nursing homes, theaters and schools or other areas to which the public has access.
These traffic regulations are enforced by the Police Department of the Town of North Andover, subject to fine by issuance of a citation (ticket).
If vehicles are impeding access of emergency vehicles, the Police Department shall have the authority to tow such vehicles to a storage facility designated by the North Andover Police Department. Such towing charge shall become the responsibility of the owner of the towed vehicle.