[Adopted 4-17-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-03]
The Borough Council of the Borough of Folcroft, pursuant to the authority contained in the Borough Code, as may be amended from time to time, finds and declares the need for a Health Board to operate within the territorial limits of the Borough, and authorizes, creates and establishes the Borough of Folcroft Health Board.
The Health Board shall enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the regulations of the State Department of Health, and all ordinances of the Borough enacted to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious or contagious disease; abate and remove all nuisances which the Board shall deem prejudicial to the public health; mark infected houses; recommend rules for the construction and maintenance of house drains, wash pipes, soil pipes and cesspools; and, recommend all such other rules and regulations as shall be deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health. Such rules and regulations shall not become effective until Borough Council approves them and enacts them as ordinances of the Borough.
The Board shall adopt all necessary rules and regulations not inconsistent with law for carrying into effect the powers and functions with which law invest the Board and the power and authority relating to public health conferred on boroughs. Such rules and regulations shall become effective unless Borough Council disapproves them.
The Board shall research, recommend, pursue and offer assistance in obtaining all necessary and appropriate grants and financing to carry out its functions as provided by law.
The Board may exercise all powers provided it by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances and resolutions of the Borough of Folcroft.
The Board shall work with the Health Officer/Inspector appointed by the Borough Council when inspecting and reinspecting food establishments in accordance with Folcroft Borough Council Resolution No. 08-02, as subsequently amended and/or substituted for.
The Board shall report quarterly to the Borough Council.
The laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and ordinances of the Borough of Folcroft shall govern the Commission and all of its actions.