The purpose of the R-2 Townhouse District is to provide for medium- and high-density residential development in the form of townhouses and townhouse development. A secondary purpose is to allow single-family detached and single-family semidetached (twin) dwellings. The regulations are designed to stabilize and protect the residential characteristics of the district, encourage a suitable environment for residential activities, and accommodate the impacts from higher-density development in the form of attached dwellings. The district provides for recreational and park areas and also allows selected nonresidential uses by conditional use.
Land, buildings, or premises shall be used by right for only one or more of the following uses:
Single-family attached dwelling (townhouse), in the form of individual townhouses or townhouse development.
Single-family semidetached dwelling (twin).
Single-family detached dwelling.
Family-based community residence facility, subject to § 600-104.
Recreational, park, or play area.
The following uses shall be permitted by conditional use only, subject to the applicable requirements of Article XVI:
Church or other religious use, including rectory, classrooms for religious instruction, or similar customary religious activities, subject to § 600-130.
All accessory uses and structures permitted in § 600-14 in the R-1 Residential District shall also be permitted in the R-2 Townhouse District.
Unless otherwise specified, the following shall be minimum requirements:
Single-family attached dwelling (townhouse).
Lot area: 2,000 square feet.
Lot width: 20 feet.
Front yard: 20 feet.
Side yard: 25 feet at the end of a row and traversed by an access driveway.
Rear yard: 25 feet.
Distance between buildings: 20 feet.
Building coverage: 50% maximum.
Impervious surface: 70% maximum.
Units in row: six maximum.
Height: 35 feet or three stories, or consistent with prevailing height.
Single-family semidetached dwelling (twin). As required by § 600-15, Subsection B, for single-family semidetached dwellings in the R-1 District.
Single-family detached dwellings (single detached). As required by § 600-15, Subsection A, for single-family detached dwellings in the R-1 District.
The site shall be not less than three contiguous acres.
Open space.
Not less than 25% of the net area of the tract shall be devoted to common open space.
Where feasible, not less than 25% of the common open space shall be usable by the residents for active or passive recreation.
Variations in setback and design.
In each townhouse development, not more than two consecutive units shall have the same roof line or front setback line.
Variations in setback shall be not less than four feet.
Dwelling units shall be distinguished from adjacent units in some appropriate manner such as varying unit width, using different exterior materials, or providing a different arrangement of entrances or windows.
In order to avoid a monotonous linear arrangement and facilitate privacy, buildings shall not be placed parallel to one another or in a straight, linear fashion.
Architectural plans.
The developer or applicant shall submit an architectural plan as part of the final development plan submittal for the townhouse development.
Any architectural plans shall be consistent with the latest Delaware County Land Development and Subdivision Ordinance as it now exists or may be adopted in the future.
Any part of the site not covered by buildings, parking, or other paved areas shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, or ground cover in accordance with a landscaping plan consistent with the latest Delaware County Land Development and Subdivision Ordinance that shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
Trees and/or shrubs shall be planted in areas of high visibility such as along entrance driveways, in front of buildings, between and within parking areas, and along the tract boundaries. Landscaping shall comply with § 600-115.
All internal roads, driveways, parking, and pedestrian facilities must be properly lighted to assure safe conditions and security for residents.
Lighting facilities shall be provided and arranged in a manner that will protect the internal road and townhouses from excessive glare.
Internal roads, driveways, and parking areas shall be located not less than 20 feet from any principal townhouse building.
All refuse shall be placed in covered, verminproof containers that shall be screened from the roads, sidewalks, and adjacent properties by a planted visual screen or opaque privacy fence.
Off-street parking shall comply with Article XIII, and signage shall comply with Article XIV.
All public areas and open spaces that are part of the townhouse development shall be attractively maintained, and such maintenance shall be performed as follows:
Where the ownership of the development remains in one person or entity for the purpose of leasing individual dwelling units, that person or entity shall have the sole responsibility for properly maintaining all common areas (open space, parking areas, etc.) in the development.
Where all individual dwelling units are conveyed in fee, responsibility for maintenance of the common areas shall be upon an entity such as a homeowners' association, trust, or such other organization deemed capable of carrying out its responsibilities by the Borough Solicitor.
Where the common areas are dedicated to and accepted by the Borough, the Borough shall maintain such areas.