[Adopted as Sec. 2-4-12 of the 1996 Code]
The Office of Town Attorney is an appointed position. The Town Attorney may be appointed by the Town Board and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Town Board shall negotiate and establish the compensation in a contract for the designation, retention or employment of an attorney based on a regular salary, per diem rate, retainer, hourly rate, or other methods agreed to by the Attorney and the Town Board.
The Town Attorney shall have the following duties:
The Attorney shall conduct all of the law business in which the Town is interested.
He/she shall, when requested by Town officers, given written legal opinions, which shall be filed with the Town.
He/she shall draft ordinances, bonds and other instruments as may be required by Town officers.
He/she may appoint an assistant, who shall have power to perform his/her duties and for whose acts he shall be responsible to the Town. Such assistant shall receive no compensation from the Town, unless previously authorized by the Town Board.
[Amended 3-13-2019 by Ord. No. 1]
The Town Board may employ and compensate special counsel to assist in or take charge of any matter in which the Town is interested.
The Town Attorney shall perform such other duties as provided by State law and as designated by the Town Board.