[Amended 12-18-2001 by Ord. No. 326]
The certified public accountant (CPA) or firm of CPAs designated by the Borough Council to perform annual audits and special audits shall examine, audit and settle all accounts whatsoever in which the Borough is concerned, and the audit shall consist of an examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and shall include such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as are considered necessary in the circumstances.
The certified public accountant(s) shall audit the accounting records of the Borough for the fiscal year and shall prepare a report on the examination, which shall set forth:
The scope of the examination.
An opinion of the fairness of the presentation of the financial statement of the Borough, which shall show a complete statement of the financial condition of the Borough, giving in detail the actual indebtedness, the amount of the funded debt and the amount of the floating debt thereof, the valuation of taxable property therein, the assets of the Borough, with the character and value thereof and the date of maturity of the respective forms of funded debt thereof.
The amount of any balance or shortage or any expenditure of any kind, or made in a manner, prohibited or not authorized by statute which came to his attention during the course of his examination and which, in his opinion, causes a financial loss to the Borough, which loss is material in relation to the receipts and disbursements of the Borough.
The amount of any balance or shortage or of any expenditure of any kind, or made in a manner, prohibited or not authorized by statute, which causes a financial loss to the Borough, shall be a surcharge against any officer against whom such balance or shortage shall appear, or who, by vote, act or neglect has permitted or approved such expenditure, but no elected or appointed official of the Borough shall be surcharged for any act, error or omission in excess of the actual financial loss sustained by the Borough, and any surcharge shall take into consideration as its basis the results of such act, error or omission and the results had the procedure been strictly according to law. The provisions hereof limiting the amount of any surcharge shall not apply to cases involving fraud or collusion on the part of officers, nor to any penalty ensuring to the benefit or payable to the commonwealth.
It shall be the duty of the certified public accountant(s):
To file a copy of the annual and any special report with the Secretary of the Borough, the Clerk of the Court of the County and the Department of Community and Economic Development not later than 90 days after the close of the fiscal year.
To publish within 10 days thereafter, by advertisement in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the Borough, a concise financial statement setting forth the balance in the treasury at the beginning of the fiscal year, all revenues received during the fiscal year by major classifications, all expenditures made during the fiscal year by major functions, the current resources and liabilities of the Borough at the end of the fiscal year, the gross liability and net debt of the Borough, the amount of the assessed valuation of the Borough, the assets of the Borough with the character and value thereof, the date of the last maturity of the respective forms of funded debt and the assets in each sinking fund. The independent auditor shall make his report on the uniform form prepared by the committee, consisting of four representatives from the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs and the Secretary of Community and Economic Development, or his agent.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The compensation of the independent auditor shall be determined by the Council and paid out of Borough funds.
The independent auditor, with the consent of the Borough Council, may employ an attorney whenever the same is deemed advisable by him, and the compensation of such attorney shall be determined by the Borough Council and shall be payable by the Borough out of the general funds of the Borough.
The independent auditor of the Borough shall have the power to issue subpoenas to obtain the attendance of the officers whose accounts he is required to adjust, their executors and administrators and of any persons whom it may be necessary to examine as witnesses and to compel their attendance. If any person shall refuse or neglect to appear or testify, the independent auditor shall petition the Court of Common Pleas of the County to issue a subpoena to such person and to require him to appear and to testify before the Court. The Court shall issue such subpoena if it deems the testimony relevant to the issue.
The independent auditor shall have power to administer oaths and affirmations to all persons brought or appearing before him, whether accountants, witnesses or otherwise. All persons guilty of swearing or affirming falsely on such examination shall be liable to the pains and penalties of perjury.
If any person appearing before such independent auditor for examination shall refuse to take such oath or affirmation or, after having been sworn or affirmed, shall refuse to make answer to such questions as shall be put to him by the independent auditor touching the accounts or the official conduct of such public officers or any of them, then the independent auditor may petition the court to issue its subpoena as hereinbefore provided.
Witnesses, other than officers of the Borough, attending before the independent auditor and persons or officers serving subpoenas shall be paid out of the Borough treasury, upon orders drawn on the Borough treasury, pursuant to authorization by the independent auditor, the same fees as are payable for rendering similar services in civil proceedings before a Magisterial District Judge and the amount thereof shall be made a part of the charge against any officer who shall be charged by the independent auditor with any balance; provided that any such costs shall have been incurred in establishing said balance. Upon collection of any such costs from any officer, they shall be repaid into the Borough treasury.
If any person in possession of books, vouchers or papers relative to public accounts before the independent auditor shall refuse to produce the same or if any officer whose accounts are to be settled and adjusted by such independent auditor refuses to attend or submit to examination as is hereinbefore directed, the independent auditor may proceed, by the examination of witnesses and other evidence, to ascertain and settle, as near as may be, the amount of public money received by such officer and its application to public purposes or otherwise.
[Amended 12-18-2001 by Ord. No. 326; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any balance, in any report of the independent auditor, against any officer of the Borough shall constitute a surcharge against such officer as fully as if expressly stated in said report to be a surcharge, and the amount of any such balance and of any express surcharge shall, if no appeal is taken or after an appeal has been finally determined, be entered by the Prothonotary as a judgment against such officer and in favor of the Borough. The Clerk of Courts shall certify the amount of every balance or surcharge contained in any such report, from which no appeal has been taken within time herein provided, to the Court of Common Pleas, for entry thereof by the Prothonotary as a judgment. Any taxpayer of the Borough may enforce the collection thereof, for the benefit of the Borough, by action or execution, upon filing in the Court of Common Pleas a bond in the sum of $500 with one or more sureties, conditioned to indemnify the Borough from all costs which may accrue in the proceedings undertaken by such taxpayer; subject, however, to all rights of appeal from the report of independent auditors granted by 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1059.11. If any person or persons have been or shall be surcharged for an illegal purchase and no fraud or collusion is shown and the surcharge is paid to the Borough, then the articles purchased shall become the property of the person or persons surcharged.