The Council shall establish, by ordinance, a personnel system for the Borough (Chapter 1, Part 2).[1] The system so established shall be based upon merit principles. Race, creed, color, sex or political affiliation or beliefs shall not be a factor in any appointment or promotion.
Editor's Note: See now Ch. 62, Personnel, of the Code of the Borough of Chalfont.
The system established by Council shall include as a minimum the following provisions:
The classification of all Borough positions, based on the duties, authority and responsibility of each position with adequate provision for reclassification of any position whenever warranted by change of circumstances.
A pay plan for all Borough positions.
Methods of determining the merit and fitness of candidates for appointment or promotion.
The policies and procedures regulating reduction in force and disciplinary action, including suspension and removal of employees.
The hours of work, provisions for sick and vacation leave and holidays and provisions for overtime and compensation.
Grievance procedures, including procedures for the hearing of grievances.
Other practices and procedures necessary to the administration of the Borough personnel system.