[Adopted 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 322; amended in its entirety 7-12-2017 by Ord. No. 326]
This article shall hereafter be known and may be cited as the Pittsfield Charter Township "Hunting and Discharging Weapons in Pittsfield Charter Township Ordinance."
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A device for propelling an arrow from a string drawn, held, and released by hand if the force used to hold the string in the drawn position is provided by the archer's muscles.
A weapon consisting of a bow mounted transversely on a stock or frame and designed to fire an arrow, bolt, or quarrel by the release of a bow string controlled by a mechanical or electric trigger.
Any weapon which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of an explosive. A pneumatic gun, as defined in Section 1 of 1990 PA 319, MCL 123.1101, other than a paintball gun that expels by pneumatic pressure plastic balls filled with paint for the purpose of marking the point of impact, is also considered a firearm for the purpose of this article.
To pursue, capture, shoot, kill, chase, follow, harass, harm, rob, or trap a wild animal, or to attempt to engage in such an activity.
Any event authorized by the Township which includes activity otherwise prohibited by this article, such as an archery program, the construction and use of a target range on Township property, or other such events as may be implemented by the Township.
A Y-shaped device with an elastic strip attached between the prongs used for projecting a stone or other object.
A mammal, bird, fish, reptile, amphibian, or crustacea of a wild nature indigenous to this state or introduced to this state by the Department of Natural Resources or a species determined by the Department of Natural Resources to be of public benefit.
Hunting or discharging firearms, crossbows, bows and arrows, slingshots, or other hunting, shooting, or archery implements on Township property is prohibited. This prohibition shall not apply to authorized Township events.
An individual shall not discharge a firearm within 150 yards of an occupied building, dwelling, house, residence, or cabin, or any barn or other building used in connection with a farm operation, without obtaining the written permission of the owner, renter, or occupant of the property.
This section does not apply to any otherwise lawful shooting range or target practice area that exists at the time this article is adopted and is operated in compliance with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Generally Accepted Operations Practices for Sport Shooting Ranges.
Hunting for a wild animal or wild bird with a firearm or bow and arrow or the discharge of a firearm or bow and arrow is prohibited within the following described area in the Township:
Beginning in the northeast corner of section 1, T3S, R6E; thence southerly on the east Township line to the intersection with Interstate 94; thence westerly to the intersection of Interstate 94 and the center line of Ellsworth Road; thence westerly on the center line of Ellsworth Road to the center line of Lohr Road; thence northerly on the center line of Lohr Road to Interstate 94; thence northwesterly to the north Township line in section 6, T3S, R6E; thence easterly on the north township line and continuing easterly to the point of beginning.
Excepted from this described area are all lands situated within the corporate limits of the City of Ann Arbor. This subsection shall not apply to the discharge of firearms at target ranges under permit as may be authorized by the local unit of government, pursuant to Public Act No. 57 of 1995 (MCL 324.41901 et seq.), and Public Act No. 306 of 1969 (MCL 24.201 et seq.)
If a police officer determines that a violation of this article has occurred, the officer may seize any implement used by the offending person, together with any ancillary equipment such as a scope, sling, or cleaning equipment, as evidence of the violation.
The prohibition against discharge of firearms made in this article does not apply to peace officers or members of any branch of the armed forces in the discharge of their proper duties.
A violation of this article is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine up to $500.
The provisions of this article are hereby declared to be severable. If any clause, sentence. paragraph, section or subsection is declared void or inoperable for any reason by any court, it shall not affect any other part or portion hereof other than the part declared void or inoperable.