The Borough of Chatham operates under the Borough form of government
as provided in N.J.S.A. 40A:60-1 et seq.
The Mayor and six Council members elected at large in the Borough
in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:60-2b(1) (the "Council") shall constitute
the governing body of the Borough of Chatham, which governing body
shall be known as the "governing body" or "Mayor and Council."
Borough offices are located at Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue,
Chatham, New Jersey 07928.
The seal of the Borough shall be circular in form and shall
contain the following: "The Borough of Chatham, Incorporated 1897."
The seal shall be in the custody of the Clerk and shall be impressed
on all appropriate documents or papers.
The Council may adopt an organizational chart representing the
organizational structure of Borough government by resolution.
The Council may adopt, modify or reaffirm a mission statement
by resolution.
The Council shall, by resolution, adopt and amend from time
to time a Personnel Policies and Practices Handbook.
The Borough Administrator, in consultation with the Borough
Clerk, shall establish policies and procedures to govern the format,
preparation and publication of meeting agendas and resolutions. All
such documents shall be kept on file in the office of the Borough