There is hereby created a Department of Law, the head of which shall have the title of Township Attorney. Within the Department of Law and under the supervision of the Township Attorney, there shall be the Township Prosecutor, the Municipal Public Defender, such special counsel as shall be appointed by the Township Attorney, and such other technical personnel necessary to carry out the functions of the Department of Law.
Appointment; qualifications. The Township Attorney shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the Council, for a term concurrent with that of the Mayor. Prior to his/her appointment, the Township Attorney shall have been duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of New Jersey for a period of not less than five years.
Powers and duties. The Township Attorney shall:
Be the chief legal adviser of the Township and all of its officers, departments and boards, as permitted by law.
Give all necessary legal counsel and advice, when required by the Council or the Mayor, concerning the rights and duties of any and all officers, assistants and subordinate employees of the Township.
Prepare all ordinances, regulations, resolutions, contracts, deeds, bonds, notes and other legal papers of whatever nature.
Assist in the preparation of and advise upon any legislation effecting the Township, its administration and form of government.
Be the attorney of record in all actions and proceedings for the enforcement of ordinances and other regulations of the Township, and in all actions and proceedings in any court or before any board wherein the Township or its officers, boards, departments or employees, by reason of any suits growing out of their official duties, shall be parties defendant or parties in interest, exclusive of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
When required by law, defend any action instituted against any officer, agent or employee by reason of any act or thing done by such officer, agent or employee in the line of his/her duty and in the course of his/her employment.
Handle any and all matters pertaining to tax liens and the foreclosure of the same.
Review and approve all contracts, deeds, documents and instruments prior to the execution thereof by and in behalf of the Township.
Conduct appeals from orders, decisions or judgments affecting any interest of the Township as directed by the Council.
Maintain a record of all actions, suits and minutes which relate to the Township's interest and file reports thereof from time to time as the Mayor and Council may require.
Settle and compromise, with the advice and consent of the Council, any matters referred to him/her.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
The Township Attorney shall give all necessary legal counsel and advice, when required by the Council or the Mayor, including preparation of ordinances, regulations, resolutions, contracts and necessary legal papers concerning redevelopment.
[Added 12-27-2017 by Ord. No. 40-2017[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection B(12) as Subsection B(13).
Perform such other duties, within the scope hereof, as may be required by the Council.
Preservation of records of Department. The Township Attorney shall preserve all papers, documents, memoranda, reports and other materials relating to the administration of the Department of Law, all of which shall remain the property of the Township. Upon the termination of his/her service, the Township Attorney shall forthwith deliver to his/her successor all such property, together with a written consent for the substitution of his/her successor in all pending legal actions and proceedings to which the Township is a party.
Hiring of additional counsel. The Township Attorney is authorized to employ special counsel to aid in the accomplishment of his/her duties, as the Council may approve.
The Attorney shall be compensated by an annual salary which shall be fixed and paid in the manner provided by ordinance adopted by the Council and which shall be in lieu of any and all other fees, costs and allowances.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
Appointment, term and qualifications. The Township Prosecutor shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Township Council, for a term of one year. Prior to his/her appointment, the Township Prosecutor shall have been duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of New Jersey and shall be a member in good standing of the New Jersey bar.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003; 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 27-2023; 2-29-2024 by Ord. No. 1-2024]
Powers and duties. The Township Prosecutor shall prosecute actions in the Municipal Court instituted by officers and employees of the Township and, where appropriate, by private citizens of the Township.
The Township Prosecutor shall be compensated by an annual salary which shall be fixed and paid in the manner provided by ordinance adopted by the Council and which shall be in lieu of any and all other fees, costs and allowances.
[Amended 3-12-2003 by Ord. No. 4-2003]
Appointment, terms, and qualifications. The Mayor shall appoint the Municipal Public Defender, with the approval of the Township Council, for a term of one year. Prior to his/her appointment, the Municipal Public Defender shall have been duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of New Jersey and shall be a member in good standing of the New Jersey bar.
[Amended 12-6-2023 by Ord. No. 27-2023; 2-29-2024 by Ord. No. 1-2024]
Duties. It shall be the duty of the Municipal Public Defender to represent and give legal counsel to indigents charged in the Municipal Court of the Township with disorderly person or other petty offenses, as may be assigned to him/her by the Municipal Judge.
Term. The Public Defender shall be appointed for a term of one year.
Fee; application for services.
Any person applying for representation by the Municipal Public Defender shall pay an application fee in the amount set forth in Chapter 80, Fees, of the Code of the Township of Washington. The Municipal Judge may waive this fee, in whole or in part, if the Judge determines, in his/her sole discretion, that the application fee represents an unreasonable burden on the person seeking representation.
The fee shall be payable to the Township of Washington, through the Municipal Court, and shall be accounted for as provided by law.
The Municipal Public Defender shall be compensated by an annual salary which shall be fixed and paid in the manner provided by ordinance adopted by the Council and which shall be in lieu of any and all other fees, costs and allowances.[1]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).