The service charge, additional charges and the surcharges, where applicable, provided for in this Part 2 shall be payable in 12 monthly payments each year. The billing for the first two months of each quarter shall be an estimate equal to 1/3 of the service charge computed on the actual water usage for that quarter minus the estimated billings for the first two months of that quarter.
The Borough, either directly or through any person whom it may by resolution appoint or with whom it may contract, will render such bills for the service charges, additional charges and surcharges imposed by this Part 2 and will make collections thereof, in accordance with this Part 2 and any agreement or agreements entered into between the water company and the Borough relating to such billing and collection.
Bills and notices relating to the service charges, additional charges and surcharges will be mailed or delivered to the property owner's or user's last address as shown on the books of the water company, and neither the Borough nor the water company shall be otherwise responsible for delivery. No change of address will be honored unless and until such change shall have been furnished, in writing, to the water company.