No activity specified in Article IV, § 472-20 shall occur within wellhead protection areas I or II except in strict conformance with the requirements of this article.
The following activities, located within wellhead protection areas which are specifically allowed in Article IV or V of this Part 2, shall meet the following conditions:
Facilities which generate, store, treat or dispose of hazardous material which are require to maintain a pollution incident prevention (PIP); spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC); preparedness, prevention and contingency (PPC); spill prevention response (SPR); or SARA Title III off-site plan
A current PIP, SPCC, PPC, SPR or SARA Title III off-site plan must be filed with the municipality.
A current hazardous substance survey form, environmental hazard survey form and SARA Title III Tier I and Tier II report must be filed with the municipality.
Bulk agricultural products dealers and distributors
At a minimum, a current plan meeting the requirements of a PIP plan must be filed with the municipality.
A current hazardous substance survey form, environmental hazard survey form and SARA Title III Tier I and Tier II report must be filed with municipality.
Large volume subsurface sewage disposal systems and large volume spray irrigation sewage disposal systems
A current permit from the Department of Environmental Protection must be filed with the municipality.
DEP-required water quality monitoring reports must be filed with the municipality.
Underground injection wells (Classes I, II, III and V)
A current registration from the Environmental Protection Agency must be filed with the municipality.
Aboveground storage tanks and underground storage tanks
A current registration from the Department of Environmental Protection must be filed with the municipality.
Waste disposal facilities
A current permit from the Department of Environmental Protection must be filed with the municipality.
A current PPC plan, if required for the facility by DEP regulations, must be filed with the municipality.
DEP-required water quality monitoring reports must be filed with the municipality.
DEP-required water pollution abatement plans must be filed with the municipality.
Agricultural operations
The conservation plan, prepared according to Chapter 102 of DEP regulations, must include a pesticide management plan and a nutrient management plan.
Within areas of carbonate bedrock as delineated in Appendix A, the conservation plan, prepared according to Chapter 102 of DEP regulations, must include the identification of sinkholes and a mitigation plan.
Sewage disposal facilities
Sewage disposal facilities must be operated and maintained to prevent discharge of untreated or partially treated sewage to the surface waters or groundwaters.
Well drilling
An aquifer impact assessment, prepared by a qualified hydrogeologist at the expense of the party conducting the activity, must be filed with the municipality. The purpose of the assessment is to demonstrate that the activity will not result in substantial interference with the public groundwater supply of the Borough of Springdale. The assessment shall include all potential impacts resulting from the activity to other users of the aquifer in terms of levels, quantity of water available and induced quality changes. Proposed measures to mitigate any adverse impacts, the system for monitoring water quality and quantity and a reporting schedule shall be specified.
Paving or otherwise rendering impervious an area of 3,000 square feet or more
An aquifer impact assessment, prepared by a qualified hydrogeologist at the expense of the party conducting the activity, must be filed with the municipality. The purpose of the assessment is to demonstrate that the activity will not result in substantial interference with the public groundwater supply of the Borough of Springdale. The assessment shall include all potential impacts resulting from the activity to other users of the aquifer in terms of levels, quantity of water available and induced quality changes. Proposed measures to mitigate any adverse impacts, the system for monitoring water quality and quantity and a reporting schedule shall be specified.
Subsurface river activities (i.e., dredging, drilling, boring, or driving)
Applicants for Department of Army permits with the Army Corps of Engineers under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899[1] must file a copy of the application with the Borough of Springdale within three days of making the application with the Army Corps of Engineers.
Editor's Note: See 33 U.S.C. § 403.
All required plans, reports, registrations, permits, assessments and forms must be filed prior to commencing the activity and must be renewed annually