The Municipal Engineer or the Borough's designate shall be authorized to inspect the following facilities located within wellhead protection areas for purposes of determining compliance with this Part 2 and any federal or state permit or regulation requirements upon direction by the governing body:
Facilities with PIP, SPCC, PPC, SPR, or SARA Title III off-site plans.
Bulk agricultural products dealers and distributors.
Large-volume subsurface sewage disposal systems.
Large-volume spray irrigation sewage disposal systems.
Underground and aboveground storage tanks.
Underground injection wells.
Waste disposal facilities.
Sewage sludge land application sites.
Other industrial and commercial facilities.
This schedule of inspections shall be determined by the municipality for each type of facility. Inspectors shall be responsible for reporting any violations to the municipality. The municipality shall inform ACHD, DEP or EPA, as appropriate, of any possible violations of their regulations for the purpose of follow-up actions by those agencies.
The County Conservation District shall be authorized to inspect the following activities located within wellhead protection areas on an as-needed basis:
Earthmoving activities covered by an Erosion and Sedimentation Plan under Chapter 102 of DEP regulations.
Upon presentation of the proper credentials, duly authorized representatives of the municipality may enter at reasonable times upon any property within a wellhead protection area to investigate or ascertain whether the requirements of this Part 2 are being met.