[Ord. 156, 5/5/1936, Section 1-6; amended by Ord. 1348, 9/6/1991; Ord. 1852, 10/16/2006, Section 2; Ord. 1889, 12/17/2007, Section 5]
Adopted. The survey conducted by the FERA-NYA under the supervision of the Borough Engineer, plan and system for the numbering of houses and buildings prepared by the Borough Engineer on December 5, 1934, is adopted and approved.
Every Building to be Numbered. On and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of each and every owner, trustee, lessee, agent and occupant of each and every house, building or other structure in the Borough to cause the same to be numbered in accordance with this ordinance and the system and plan hereby adopted and approved.
Regulations. The numbers shall be placed in a conspicuous place on every house, building or other structure in a conspicuous manner so that said numbers can be readily seen and read from the sidewalk in front of said building, and in full view from the opposite side of the street. The numbers shall be Arabic numbers and shall be of metal or enamel, at least three inches in height. If the numbers are of enamel, the colors shall be in contrast with the immediate background.
It shall be unlawful to cover any house number with any sign, drapery or other obstruction tending to conceal such number, and all old numbers shall be removed from any house, building or other structure when a new number has been assigned, and when so notified by the Secretary of Council at the direction of the Borough Engineer.
Any Borough employee authorized by the Borough Manager may enforce the provisions of this ordinance.
The Borough Engineer is hereby authorized to require the numbering and renumbering of any house, building or other structure in accordance with this ordinance.
Numbering Plan. All numbering starts at the intersection of Allen Street and College Avenue; College Avenue shall be the dividing line between north and south, while Allen Street shall be the dividing line between east and west. Beginning at the southwest corner of College Avenue and Allen Street, the number shall be 100 and a new number shall be assigned for every 20 feet thereafter, consecutively, extending westwardly. The same applies, except in a southerly direction from the same point. Beginning at the southeast corner of College Avenue and Allen Street, the number shall be 100 and a new number shall be assigned for every 20 feet consecutively extending eastwardly and also from the same starting point, extending southerly but starting with 101. Beginning at the northeast corner of College Avenue and Allen Street, numbering will apply as above, with odd numbers starting with 101. Beginning at the northwest corner of College Avenue and Allen Street, numbering will apply as above beginning with 100 and extending northerly, and also from the same starting point extending westwardly but starting with 101.
All even numbers shall be on the south and west side of the street or avenue, and all odd numbers shall be on the north and east side of the streets. The houses on short or immediate streets shall be numbered uniformly, with the main streets paralleling them, whether they begin at the initial point or not.
Each main block, as shown on the plan, shall begin with an even 100, irrespective of the number of buildings in the block. All intersecting streets, except as provided in preceding paragraphs, shall begin with 100, 200, 300, and so on. This procedure applies to all streets and avenues in the Borough, and those hereafter taken in by the Borough. Due to the intrusion of the campus of the Pennsylvania State College (now The Pennsylvania State University), the block north of Park Avenue will be 500, and the blocks north of Ridge/Hartswick Avenues will follow consecutively: 600, 700 and so on.
Assignment of New Numbers. Owners of property, where the house number now in use falls on the lot described in the deed or deeds upon which the house is erected, shall not receive new numbers, provided however that, in case of future building on the lot, new numbers will be assigned in accordance with the 20 feet spacing, as provided by § 4-601.d of this codification.
Penalties. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, who shall number or attempt to number any house or building contrary to this ordinance or who shall alter, deface, remove or destroy any number required to be displayed by this ordinance shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $600.
Any person or persons, firm or corporation who shall fail or neglect to change or erect their house or building number in accordance herewith, within 30 days after notification shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $600; and provided further that, each day thereafter that such violation exists shall be considered as a separate offense.
Upon the discovery of any violation under the terms of this Ordinance, the Municipality shall, through its authorized agents, give notice to the owner of a violation hereunder, either by personal delivery to such owner, by United States mail directed to the last known address of such person or person, as shown in the real estate registry records of the Municipality, or by leaving the same on the premises where such violation occurs.
If such person shall, within seven days after delivery, mailing or leaving of such notice, pay to the Treasurer of the Municipality the sum of $50 for the violation, the same will constitute full satisfaction for the violation noted in said notice. The failure of such person to make payment, as aforesaid, within seven days, shall render such owner subject to the penalties as provided in Subsection f. above.