[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 401; amended by Ord. 1133, 2/11/1986, Section 7; Ord. 1174, 4/27/1987, Section 5; Ord. 1210, 7/5/1988, Section 4; Ord. 1232, 11/9/1988, Section 5; Ord. 1245, 6/27/1989, Section 4; Ord. 1354, 11/7/1991, Section 5; Ord. 1538, 10/9/1997, Section 5; Ord. 1759, 10/23/2003, Section 8; Ord. 1825, 11/29/2005, Sections 4 and 5; Ord. 1873, 7/9/2007, Section 7; Ord. 1893, 1/14/2008, Section 6; Ord. 1901, 7/21/2008, Section 1; Ord. 1933, 8/3/2009, Section 5; Ord. 1936, 10/19/2009, Section 3; Ord. 1989, 4/16/2012, Section 3; Ord. 2001, 10/1/2012, Section 2; Ord. 2019, 6/17/2013, Section 1]
Parking meter zones are hereby established upon the following portions of the highways in the Municipality:
Allen Street
College Avenue and Highland Alley
Allen Street
College Avenue and Nittany Avenue
Beaver Avenue
Barnard Street and Fraser Street
Pugh Street and Garner Street
Burrowes Street
Beaver Avenue and Highland Avenue
Highland Avenue and Foster
College Avenue
Hetzel Street and Burrowes Street
College Avenue
High Street and Burrowes Street
Foster Avenue
Allen Street and "D" Alley
Allen Street and Pugh Street
Fraser Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 2200, 1/9/2023]
Calder Way and Beaver Avenue
Hiester Street
College Avenue and Beaver Avenue
Locust Lane
College Avenue and Beaver Avenue
McAllister Street
College Avenue and Beaver Avenue
Nittany Avenue
Allen Street and D Alley
Pugh Street
College Avenue and Beaver Avenue
Pugh Street
Foster Avenue and Nittany Avenue
Such meters shall be operative from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Nothing herein shall authorize the installation of meters or parking for any length of time in any location within a parking meter zone where parking is specifically prohibited by law or by any ordinance of the Municipality.
Parking at meters on College Avenue, north side, between Allen Street and Pugh Street shall be operative from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 402; amended by Ord. 1531, 7/10/1997, Section 1; Ord. 1560, 3/10/1998, Section 1; Ord. 1630, 8/14/2000, Section 2; Ord. 1784, 6/29/2004; Ord. 1807, 12/22/2004, Section 1; Ord. 2014, 4/15/2013, Section 1; Ord. 2019, 6/17/2013, Section 2; Ord. 2074, 4/4/2016, Section 1]
Parking in metered parking facilities shall be unlawful, except in individual parking spaces designated by a single space meter or in a marked parking space in a multi-space metered zone. Such parking facilities are for the use of passenger vehicles and pickup trucks only, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park in any such facility any bus, tractor, trailer, tractor-trailer or large truck which could not, with safety, be parked in an individual parking space marked off, as provided for in § 11-406 of this Part.
Lots. The following are hereby established as metered parking lots in the Municipality:
Allen Street Lot
On the west side of South Allen Street in the 200 block
Beaver Avenue Lot
On the south side of West Beaver Avenue in the 100 block
Parking meters in such lots shall be operative from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Decks. The following are hereby established as metered parking decks in the Municipality:
McAllister Street Deck
On the west side of McAllister Street in the 100 block
Parking meters in such decks shall be operative from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, except on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. It shall be unlawful to park in such decks between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on Sundays.
The second level parking shall be for contracted renters only, and vehicles shall be parked only within the space specified by contract. Unauthorized vehicles shall be subject to fines and/or penalties, as specified in § 11-412 of this chapter, and/or removed by towing at the expense of the owner of the vehicle.
[Added by Ord. No. 2216, 12/18/2023]
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 403; amended by Ord. 1232, 11/9/1988, Section 6; Ord. 1351, 9/18/1991; Ord. 1435, 3/24/1994, Section 1; Ord. 1560, 3/10/1998, Section 2; Ord. 1565, 6/4/1998; Ord. 1630, 8/14/2000, Section 3; Ord. 1807, 12/22/2004, Section 2; Ord. 2014, 4/15/2013, Section 2; Ord. 2019, 6/17/2013, Section 3]
On-Street Parking. In the parking meter zones established by § 11-401 of this Part, during the time when parking meters shall be operative, parking time shall be limited to 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 90 minutes, two hours, or five hours, as indicated on the face of the meter. The fifteen-minute, thirty-minute and five-hour categories shall bear a distinctive meter housing color for ease of identification.
Parking Facilities. In the metered parking facilities, parking shall be limited to three hours or five hours at all times, as indicated by the maximum time limit on the face of the meter or at the multi-space meter. After 5:00 p.m. all ninety-minute meters will become one-hundred-eighty-minute meters.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 404]
The Municipal Manager is hereby directed to provide for the installation, regulation, control, operation and use of the parking meters provided for by this Part and to maintain such meters in good condition, and is hereby invested with the power and authority to enter into one or more contracts, after approval of the terms and conditions thereof by Council, for the purchase and installation of parking meters, and for such protection and maintenance of parking meters as may be necessary to maintain the same in good operating condition. The payment of all money required from the Municipality under any and all such contracts may be made from general municipal funds.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 405; amended by Ord. 1560, 3/10/1998, Section 2; Ord. 2014, 4/15/2013, Section 3]
Single Space parking meters installed in parking meter zones and in parking facilities, as specified in §§ 11-401 and 11-402 of this Part, shall be placed and located under the direction of the Manager. Where possible, single space meters in the parking meter zones along the highways shall be placed on the curb. In every instance, the single space parking meter shall be immediately adjacent to the individual parking space to which such meter pertains. Each single space parking meter shall be placed or set in such manner as to show or display, by a signal, that the single space parking space adjacent to such single space meter is or is not legally in use. Each single space parking meter installed shall indicate, by a proper legend, the legal parking time established by the Municipality for such parking space and, when operated, shall indicate on and by its dial and pointer the duration of such period and, upon the expiration of such period, shall indicate illegal or overtime parking.
In areas where multi-space parking meters are utilized, payment for spaces designated in the multi-space meter zone, as authorized in §§ 11-401 and 11-402, is required at the multi-space meter kiosk. The operator of the vehicle is required to enter the license plate of the vehicle that is parked in the multi-space meter zone and is to pay via bills, coins, credit card, or per-paid value card for the amount of time the operator chooses.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 406; amended by Ord. 1180, 8/10/1987, Section 13; Ord. 1560, 3/10/1998, Section 2 and by Ord. 2014, 4/15/2013, Section 4; Ord. No. 2216, 12/18/2023]
The Municipal Manager shall cause lines and/or markings to be painted or placed upon the curb and/or upon the street and in the parking facilities adjacent to each single space parking meter for the purpose of designating the parking space for which such meter is to be used.
Each vehicle parked adjacent to any single space parking meter, or in a multi-space parking zone, shall be parked wholly within the lines or markings so placed and applicable to such meter. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this section to park any vehicle across any such line or marking, or to park any vehicle in such a position that such vehicle shall not be wholly within the area so designated by such lines or markings.
When such individual parking space in any parking meter zone is parallel, perpendicular or diagonal to the adjacent curb, sidewalk or other raised structure containing the single space parking meter or in the multi-space meter zone, any vehicle parked in such individual parking space shall be parked so that the front of such vehicle shall be nearest to the parking meter, except on streets providing parking parallel to the curb, and where two meters are installed on one standard so that certain single-space meters are designed to be at the rear of the vehicle.
The operator of every vehicle, when parking established lots or decks, shall park such vehicle with the foremost part of the vehicle headed into the parking space. When parked in a multi-space meter zone, the vehicle must be parked in the legal direction of traffic flow.
On approval, by motion of the Council, certain parking spaces, reduced in size, shall be provided within the metered parking facilities of the municipality for compact vehicles (whose length from bumper to bumper is 15 feet or less) and marked accordingly. When so designated and marked, no person shall park any vehicle other than a compact vehicle in such spaces.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 407; amended by Ord. 1271, 12/12/1989, Section 1; by Ord. 1286, 7/19/1990, Section 1; by Ord. 1395, 11/19/1992, Section 4; by Ord. 1560, 3/10/1998, Sections 2 and 3; by Ord. 1630, 8/14/2000, Sections 4 and 5; by Ord. 1649, 12/21/2000, Section 1; by Ord. 1719, 12/23/2002, Sections 1 and 2; by Ord. 1743, 4/24/2003, Section 8; by Ord. 1807, 12/22/2004, Section 3; by Ord. 1825, 11/29/2005, Section 6; by Ord. 1914, 12/15/2008, Section 21; by Ord. 2014, 4/15/2013, Section 5; by Ord. 2074, 4/4/2016, Section 2; by Ord. No. 2221, 4/15/2024]
Whenever any vehicle is to be parked in any space adjacent to which a single space parking meter or in multi-space meter zone shall have been placed at any time during the period of limited parking, as herein prescribed, the operator of such vehicle shall, upon entering such parking space, immediately deposit or cause to be deposited in such single space parking meter or in a multi-space meter kiosk, any nickel, dime, quarter, or dollar bill or coin, of the United States or authorized credit card or debit card as payment for parking as shall be specified in the legend upon such single space parking meter or multi-space kiosk. Upon acceptable payment in meter or multi-space kiosk, such parking space may be lawfully occupied. The fees charged for meter operation shall be set by resolution of Council from time to time.
Meter Bag Rental. The Borough will provide meter bags (or caps) indicating "No Parking Anytime" or "Reserved" to contractors working on properties adjacent to the meter(s), to vans of moving companies engaged in moving, to media vehicles for on-site broadcasts, to service clubs and social service agencies for the provision of special-event public services, and to churches and other organizations for weddings, celebrations, or funerals.
Rental rates for meter bags shall be set by resolution of Council from time to time. Meter bags may be used from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. No charge shall be made for service clubs or social service agencies providing special-event public services approved by the Council or the Manager or for funerals.
It is expressly prohibited for an individual with any other vehicle to park or leave a vehicle at a meter bag without the proper rental approval. Unauthorized vehicles may be towed at the vehicle owner's expense.
Rental of a meter bag shall not exempt the parker from complying with overnight parking limitations or parking restrictions due to snowfall.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 408; amended by Ord. 2014, 4/13/2013, Section 6; Ord. 2074, 4/4/2016, Section 3]
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Part for any person to deposit, cause to be deposited, or pay via phone call or smart phone application, in any single space meter parking meter or multi-space meter, any coin, bill or use of credit card for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the total legal parking time in the space occupied by such vehicle, as prescribed in § 11-403 herein.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 409; amended by Ord. 1305, 1/24/1991, Section 4; Ord. 2014, 4/15/2013, Section 7]
Initial Violation. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Part for any person to permit a vehicle to remain in any parking space adjacent to a single space parking meter or in a multi-space parking zone when such that a single space meter shall display a signal indicating that such vehicle shall already have been parked beyond the period of time prescribed for such parking purpose or at a time that is longer than the amount of time purchased at a multi-space meter or through a pay by phone or smart phone application. The continuation of the violation, referred to herein, of a period of more than one hour shall constitute a new and separate offense for each successive one-hour period.
Separate and Subsequent Violations. If an individual parks a vehicle in violation of § 11-409a of this chapter, each hour of continued violation within a twenty-four-hour period shall constitute a separate and subsequent violation. The reoccurrence of a violation of § 11-409a at the same metered space in the same twenty-four-hour period shall also constitute a separate and subsequent violation.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 410]
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Part for any person to deface, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter installed under the provisions of this ordinance. Nothing herein shall apply to the servicing or opening of parking meters by officers, employees and/or peace officers of the Municipality under the direction of the Municipal Manager or Council.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 411; amended by Ord. 1165, 12/22/1986, Section 1; Ord. 1271, 12/12/1989, Section 2; Ord. 1300, 12/19/1990; Ord. 1305, 1/24/1991, Section 4; Ord. 1474, 7/20/1995, Section 3; Ord. 1601, 8/16/1999; Ord. 1623, 5/2/2000, Section 1; Ord. 1914, 12/15/2008, Section 22; Ord. 2019, 6/17/2013, Sections 4 and 5; Ord. 2074, 4/4/2016, Section 4]
It shall be the duty of the peace officers of the Municipality, acting in accordance with instructions by the Manager, or of other designated municipal employees, as the case may be, and finding any vehicle parked in violation of any provision of this Ordinance to report:
The State, provincial or other license number of such vehicle;
The location and nature of the parking violation;
The time at which such vehicle was noted to be parked in violation of this ordinance; and,
Any other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such violation.
Every peace officer or municipal employee, as the case may be, shall also attach to such vehicle, where possible, a notice to the owner thereof, that such vehicle was parked in violation of a provision of this ordinance, and instructing such owner to report at the Parking Office of the Municipality in regard to such violation.
Every such owner may, within 72 hours of the time when such notice was attached to such vehicle, pay to such Parking Office, as a penalty and in full satisfaction of such violation, the sum of:
$10 for violations of §§ 11-406, 11-407a, 11-407b, 11-408, 11-409a and 11-409b of this Part E;
$25 for violations of § 11-410 of this Part E; and
$15 for violations of any other Section of this Part E.
The failure of such owner to make such payment to the Parking Office with such seventy-two-hour period shall render such owner subject to the penalties hereinafter provided of violation of the provision of this ordinance.
If such owner shall, in fact, make payment after such seventy-two-hour period but before 30 days has elapsed from the date of such violation or before the filing of a Complaint with the District Justice on account of such violation, the following payments shall be accepted in full satisfaction of violations of this Part:
$19 for violations of §§ 11-406, 11-407a, 11-407b, 11-408, 11-409a and 11-409b of this Part E,
$35 for violations of § 11-410 of this Part E; and
$20 for violations of any other Section of this Part E.
If such owner shall make payment after 30 days from the date of such violation, but before the filing of a complaint with the District Justice on account of such violation, the sum of $30 shall be accepted for any violation of §§ 11-406, 11-407a, 11-407b, 11-408, 11-409a and 11-409b of this chapter, and $35 shall be accepted for any violation of § 11-410 of this chapter, and $20 shall be accepted in full satisfaction of any other violations of this Part.
For violations of Sections 11-407a, 11-407b and 11-409a of this chapter, the fine amount follows the following schedule based on the number of violations in a calendar year:
Number of violations in a year
1 to 24
24 to 49
Fine amount
For violations of Sections 11-407a, 11-407b and 11-409a of this chapter, the fine amount follows the following schedule based on the number of violations in a calendar year:
Number of violations in a year
1 to 24
24 to 49
Fine amount
For violations of Sections 11-407a, 11-407b and 11-409a of this chapter, the fine amount follows the following schedule based on the number of violations in a calendar year:
Number of violations in a year
1 to 24
24 to 49
Fine amount
The sum of $30 shall be accepted for any violation of Sections 11-406, 11-408 and 11-409b of this chapter, and $35 shall be accepted for any violation of Section 11-410 of this chapter, and $20 shall be accepted in full satisfaction of any other violations of this chapter.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 412; amended by Ord. 1246, 7/3/1989, Section 6; Ord. 1305, 1/24/1991, Section 5; Ord. 1306, 2/6/1991; Ord. 1474, 7/20/1995, Section 4; Ord. 1623, 5/2/2000, Section 2; Ord. 1649, 12/21/2000, Section 2; Ord. 2074, 4/4/2016, Section 5]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance (except for §§ 11-406, 11-407, 11-408, 11-409, and 11-410 of this chapter) shall, for each and every such violation, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $20 nor more than $25 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than five days.
Any person who shall violate any provision of § 11-406, 11-407a, 11-407b, 11-408 or 11-409 of this chapter shall, for each and every such violation, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $35 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than five days.
Any person who shall violate any provision of § 11-407c or 11-410 of this chapter shall, for each and every violation, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $35 nor more than $50 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 10 days.
[Ord. 2014, 4/15/2013, Section 8]
Upon proper registration with the 3rd party vendor, Parkmobile Inc, any operator of a vehicle may choose to pay for any parking space authorized in § 11-401 or 11-402 that contain a single space meter, or a in a multi-space metered zone, via a phone call or through a smart phone application.