[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 501; amended by Ord. 1825, 11/29/2005, Section 8]
The parking garages on Fraser and Pugh Streets and Beaver Avenue shall be open 24 hours a day, every day of the year, except for closures due to maintenance and repairs.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 502]
The operator of any vehicle entering into, leaving or parking within the garage shall obey the rules and regulations prescribed for operation of the garage.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 503; amended by Ord. 1874, 7/9/2007, Section 1; Ord. 2074, 4/4/2016, Section 6]
The operator of every vehicle (except monthly renters), upon entering the garage, shall retrieve a ticket, which will have noted on it the time of entering. The ticket must be removed from the entrance station in order for the entrance gate to open and allow the vehicle to enter. The operator of such vehicle shall park the vehicle in a space marked for parking, obeying posted regulations regarding handicapped, reserved and short-term parking.
Every vehicle operator who is a monthly rental customer must have an authorized and valid access card in the vehicle, issued by the Municipality, for the entrance into the garage. The access card will open the gate. The operator shall then park the vehicle in a space marked for parking, obeying posted regulations regarding handicapped, reserved and short-term parking.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 504; amended by Ord. 1874, 7/9/2007, Section 2; Ord. 2074, 4/4/2016, Section 7]
Upon leaving the garage, the operator of every vehicle (except monthly renters) shall stop at the automated payment stations (pay station) located at the pedestrian entrances to each garage. The customer shall insert his or her entry ticket into the pay station and follow the payment instructions displayed. Upon payment of the proper fee, the customer shall retrieve his or her ticket from the pay station, proceed to their vehicle and drive to the exit within 15 minutes. Upon approaching the exit, customer shall insert the retrieved ticket into the exit station whereupon the gate will rise and the customer shall exit the garage.
Upon leaving the garage, the operator who is a monthly rental customer must have the same authorized and valid access cards used to enter the garage in the vehicle, to and raise the gate allowing their vehicle to exit the garage.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 505]
The operator of every vehicle, when parking in the parking garage, shall park such vehicle wholly within a marked space with the foremost part of the vehicle headed into the parking space.
On approval, by motion of Council, certain parking spaces, reduced in size, shall be provided within such garage for compact motor vehicles (whose length from bumper to bumper is 15 feet or less) and marked accordingly. When so designated and marked, no person shall park any motor vehicle other than a compact motor vehicle in such spaces.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 506; amended by Ord. 1163, 12/22/1986; Ord. 1190, 12/21/1987; Ord. 1286, 7/19/1990, Section 2; Ord. 1395, 11/19/1992, Section 1; Ord. 1473, 7/20/1995; Ord. 1560, 3/10/1998, Section 4; Ord. 1630, 8/14/2000, Section 6; Ord. 1719, 12/23/2003, Section 3.; Ord. 1874, 7/9/2007, Section 3; Ord. 1914, 12/15/2008, Section 23]
Transient Parking Fees. The fees for transient parking in the garages shall be set by resolution of Council from time to time.
If the operator of the vehicle shall fail to produce the ticket obtained from the entrance station upon his or her exit from the garage, the attendant shall charge the customer the highest daily fee for each day the vehicle was in the garage.
Monthly Parking Fees. Monthly passes are provided for in certain parking facilities operated by the municipality. Facilities and rental rates shall be as set by resolution of Council from time to time.
Monthly rental rates are payable in advance. If payment is made after the fifth day of the month, an additional charge of 10% shall be added for such late payment.
[Ord. 1343, 8/6/1991, Section 4; amended by Ord. 1381, 7/22/1992, Section 3; by Ord. 1395, 11/19/1992, Section 5; by Ord. 1630, 8/14/2000, Section 7; by Ord. 1743, 4/24/2003, Section 9; by Ord. 1825, 11/29/2005, Sections 9 and 10; by Ord. 1874, 7/9/2007, Section 4; by Ord. No. 2221, 4/15/2024]
The following are hereby established as non-metered parking lots:
Barnard Lot
On the west side of North Barnard Street, in the 100 block
Sparks Lot
On the west side of North Sparks Street, in the 100 block
Parking in such lots or designated spaces shall be for contracted renters only, and vehicles shall be parked following posted parking sign instructions, head in, and only within the space specified by contract. Unauthorized vehicles shall be subject to fines and/or penalties, as specified in § 11-510 of this chapter, and/ or removed by towing at the expense of the owner of the vehicle.
Facilities and rental rates shall be as set by resolution of Council from time to time.
Monthly rental rates are payable in advance. If payment is made after the fifth day of the month, an additional charge shall be added for such late payment.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 507; amended by Ord. 1246, 7/3/1989, Section 7; Ord. 1531, 7/10/1997, Section 3; Ord. 1973, 10/3/2011, Section 2 and 3; Ord. No. 2216, 12/18/2023]
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Loiter in or about the garage.
Deface any part of the garage.
Tamper with any equipment or appliance in or attached to the garage.
Ride bicycles, skateboards or in-line skates in a garage or deck.
Park a vehicle under a transient rate for more than 20 days without authorization of the Parking Manager.
Park a vehicle with accrued parking fees in excess of $300, without authorization of the Parking Manager.
Any person who shall violate § 11-509a of this Part, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $600 plus costs of prosecution.
Any person who shall violate §§ 509b, c, or d of this Part, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $600 and costs of prosecution and restitution.
In default of payment of such fines and cost listed herein, person shall undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days.
Any person who shall violate § 509e or f of this Part shall be subject to immobilization of vehicle until all parking fees accrued have been paid, with no fee for removal of immobilization device.
[Ord. 1116, 10/10/1985, Section 508; amended by Ord. 1246, 7/3/1989, Section 8; Ord. 1343, 8/6/1991, Section 6; Ord. 1874. 7/9/2007, Section 6]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part, except for § 11-509 hereof, shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $16 nor more than $50 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 10 days.
[Ord. 1874, 7/9/2007, Section 7; amended by Ord. 1973, 10/11/2011, Section 4]
Test Rates. The Borough Manager may authorize new rates for transient or rental parking in any garage, metered lot, or non-metered lot of a period of up to six months. At the conclusion of such test rate periods, rates must be enacted by Council or returned to the rates recently approved by the action of Council.
Special Rates. From time to time, the Borough Manager may authorize special rates in any parking garage or metered lot. Special rates established pursuant to this section may not exceed five consecutive calendar days at a time. At the conclusion of such special rate periods, rates will be returned to the rates approved by the action of Council.
[Ord. 2015, 4/15/2013, Section 1]
Car Sharing. A car sharing business provides pre-approved members with a fully automated on-line reservation and billing system that provides access to a fleet of self service vehicles which are strategically placed throughout the Borough, which can be rented by the hour or day.
The Borough Manager may authorize up to eight off street parking spaces to be reserved for car sharing. The locations and number of spaces are limited to the following:
Beaver Avenue Garage: three spaces.
Beaver Avenue Parking Lot: one space.
McAllister Parking Deck: four spaces on the second level.