WHEREAS, The State College Borough Council recognizes that new, intense development and redevelopment is taking place in the Borough. Such development is causing existing sewage collection, transmission and treatment facilities to be overtaxed. Although new collection, transmission, and treatment facilities are being constructed to provide additional capacity for this new development, it is equitable that new development contribute capital funds to help offset some of the costs of providing additional sewer system and treatment plant capacity; and
WHEREAS, In 1989, the Borough imposed a sewer tapping fee for the purpose of funding improvements to the sanitary sewer collection and transmission system, and
WHEREAS, The Borough is a member of the University Area Joint Authority (UAJA), an authority established under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, P.L. 382, as amended, and
WHEREAS, The UAJA is desirous of collecting a new tapping fee for the purpose of increasing the sewage treatment plant capacity in order to serve new development and redevelopment of the Borough and the Centre Region.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 1; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 101; Ord. 1814, 7/18/2005, Section 1]
As used in this ordinance, the following terms shall have the meaning hereafter ascribed:
The State College Sewer Authority, Centre County, Pennsylvania.
The group of elected officials acting as the governing body of the Municipality.
That person designated in the Home Rule Charter of the Municipality or his representative.
The expected average daily flow is the amount of sanitary sewage normally emanating from a premises. This flow is normally: 1) closely related to water usage as measured by the waterworks meter or 2) can be estimated as 90 gallons per person per day for residential times the census average household size for the Borough or 207 gallons per equivalent dwelling unit per day.
Any solid, liquid or gaseous substance or water-borne wastes or form of energy rejected or escaping from any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business process or from the development, recovery or processing of natural resources, as distinct from sanitary sewage.
Any device for measuring, totalizing and recording fluid flow, which is acceptable in the opinion of the Director of Public Works.
The Borough of State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania.
An individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.
Any structure erected and intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure sewage and industrial waste, or may be discharged.
Includes all the piping within a premises which conveys sewage or waste liquids to a point of disposal. It does not include the mains or municipal sewerage systems or its associated wastewater treatment plant.
A lot or piece of land with or without buildings.
Property which adjoins, abuts on, is adjacent to, or via easement or right-of-way, has access to the sewer system.
The normal water-carried household and toilet wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and commercial and industrial establishments.
All facilities operated by the Municipality for the collection and disposal of sanitary sewage.
All facilities for the collection and distribution of water to persons in the Municipality and shall also include the owner and/or operator of all such water facilities.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 2; amended by Ord. 1268, 12/12/1989, Section 1; Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 102; Ord. 1768, 1/23/2004, Section 1; Ord. 1904, 8/1/2008, Section 1]
All persons owning any occupied building now erected upon property accessible to the sewer system shall, at their own expense, connect such building with the sewer system within 45 days after notice to such persons requiring such connection.
All persons owning any property accessible to the sewer system upon which a building is hereafter erected shall, at the time of erection of such building, at their own expense, connect the same with the sewer system.
All persons owning any occupied building upon property which hereafter becomes accessible to the sewer system shall, at their own expense, connect such building with the sewer system within 45 days after notice to do so from the Municipality.
At the time the property is to be connected, each property owner shall, at their expense, obtain a permit from the Office of the Borough Engineer, which permit shall allow the property to connect to the sewer system. The permit fee shall be established by Resolution, which Borough Council may update from time to time, and covers the expenses of staff, recording and maintaining appropriate records and the physical inspection of the connection.
No connection to or repair or replacement of a sanitary sewer lateral shall be made to the Sanitary Sewer system except in compliance with the ordinances and resolutions, as well as such Rules and Regulations as may, from time to time, be enacted, adopted, approved or promulgated by the Borough. Before an existing private lateral is repaired, replaced or upgraded, the property owner, or his/her designee, shall obtain a permit from the Borough Engineer at a fee as established by Resolution which Borough Council may update, from time to time. The permit shall cover an initial inspection and test of the installation, replacement, repair or upgrade by the Borough Engineer or his/her designee. The inspection and test shall be based upon the requirements within the International Plumbing Code and such inspection and test must pass before approval will be granted to connect or reconnect to the Sewer System. If the inspection or test fails, then the property owner or his/her designee shall be responsible for corrections until such time that the inspection and/or test pass. Any inspection or test in addition to the initial inspection and test shall be charged at a fee as established by Resolution which Borough Council may update, from time to time. Inspections must be scheduled at least two working days in advance and shall be conducted during normal business hours, unless under emergency conditions.
The property owner shall be responsible for the sanitary sewer lateral from the structure to the mainline unless or until a means to access the lateral is provided to the Borough, at the expense of the property owner. The access to the lateral must be located within the right-of-way or easement, unless an exception is granted by the Borough Engineer.
At any time that the property owner or his/her contractor secures a permit to work on the sanitary sewer lateral within the street right-of-way or easement, the property owner must provide the Borough with a bond or surety equal to the amount of the construction for the time that the work occurs within the right-of-way. The property owner or his/her contractor must also provide the Borough with proof of insurance.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 3; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 103]
It shall be unlawful for any person owning any property accessible to the sewer system to erect, construct or use or maintain or cause to be erected, constructed, used or maintained any privy, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or other receptacle on such premises for receiving sanitary sewage after the expiration of the particular period specified in § 14-102 hereof, or otherwise at any time to erect, construct, use or maintain any pipe, conduit, drain or other facility for the discharge of sanitary sewage, including wash water drains, except into the sewer system.
Any person who erects, constructs, uses or maintains a privy, cesspool, sinkhole or septic tank on any property accessible to the sewer system in violation of this ordinance shall be deemed and shall be declared to be erecting, constructing and maintaining a nuisance, which nuisance the Municipality is hereby authorized and directed to abate in the manner provided by law.{20}
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 4; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 104]
If any owner of an occupied building or property accessible to the sewer system shall fail to connect such property with the sewer system as required, the Municipality shall cause to be served on the owner of such property a written notice requiring such connection to be made, and such notice shall further state that its requirements shall be compiled with within 45 days from the date thereof.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 5; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 105]
No connection shall be made to the sewer system except in compliance with the ordinances and resolutions as may, from time to time, be enacted, adopted, approved or promulgated by the Municipality.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 6; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 106]
The Municipality reserves the right to refuse connection to the sewer system or to compel discontinuance of use of any sewer or to compel pretreatment of industrial wastes by any property owner or person in order to prevent discharges into the sewer system deemed to be harmful thereto or have a deleterious effect on the treatment of sewage or sludge handling process. It being intended that the sewer system shall receive and transport sanitary sewage only, or its equivalent.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 7; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 107]
In consideration of the right to connect to the sewer system, the Municipality shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any house or building. It is hereby expressly agreed by all persons making connection with the sewer system that no claims shall be made against the Municipality on account of the breaking or stoppage of, or any damage to, any service line or connection when the cause thereof is found to be in such house lateral or connection. The Municipality shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure when occasioned by an emergency or repairs or failure for any cause beyond its control.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 8; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 108; Ord. 1768, 1/23/2004, Section 2]
No substance, other than sanitary sewage or approved pretreated industrial wastes, shall be discharged into the sewerage system that would impair or interfere with, or be capable of causing obstruction to, the municipal sewerage system or with the function of processes of sewage treatment.
Surface water inflow and ground water infiltration are prohibited from being discharged into the municipal sewerage system, including the following:
Inflow from sump pumps, floor drains, rain conductors and others which may occur.
Infiltration of ground and surface water into broken, cracked or damaged pipe and pipefittings and connections to the sanitary sewer system.
Every premises sewerage system shall be maintained free of infiltration and inflow and kept in good repair by the owner of such premises.
All sewage discharged into the sewer system shall meet the following requirements:
The five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) shall not exceed 400 parts per million by weight (ppm);
The suspended solids (SS) shall not exceed 400 parts per million by weight (ppm);
The total other soluble grease (grease, fats or oils) shall not exceed 100 parts per million by weight (ppm);
The sewage shall be free of flammable or explosive liquids, solids or gas, such as gasoline, benzene, naphtha or fuel oil;
The sewage shall be free of unshredded garbage;
The pH (hydrogen ion concentration) of the sewage shall be between 4.5 and 9.0; and,
The sewage shall be free of toxic or poisonous substances in quantities sufficient to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals or create any hazard in the stream receiving the effluent from the sewage treatment plant.
The following local limits have been set for industrial discharge to the Borough's Sanitary Sewer system for treatment at the Spring Creek Pollution Control Facility:
Basis of Limit
Water Quality
Water Quality
Water Quality
Hexavalent Chromium
Water Quality
Water Quality
Not Detectable (<0.0001)
Water Quality
Water Quality
The following limits are imposed upon said pollutant:
Methylene Chloride
1,1,1 Trichloroethane
Total Xylene
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 9; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 109]
Suitable, approved traps shall be installed by garages washing, cleaning or repairing automobiles to insure that no inflammable or explosive mixture enters the sewer system. All premises discharging matter likely to obstruct or injure the sewer system or the wastewater treatment plant, or to cause a nuisance, shall not connect to any sewer except through one or more intervening treatment devices as may be prescribed by the Director of Public Works and, if the substances discharged by the establishment cannot (in the opinion of the Director of Public Works) be rendered harmless to the sewer system or to the wastewater treatment plant, it shall be excluded from the sewer system entirely.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 10; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 110]
There is hereby imposed upon each premises served by the sewer system and having the use thereof a quarterly sewer rent or charge payable, as hereinafter provided, for the use, whether direct or indirect, of the sewer system, based on the rates hereinafter set forth.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 11; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 111]
Whenever a person purchasing all water used from the waterworks discharges sanitary sewage into the sewer system, the volume of water used, as determined from meter readings of the waterworks, shall be used in computing the sewer rental.
In cases where a person has sources of water supply in addition to or other than from the waterworks and discharges sanitary sewage into the sewer system, those persons shall provide a meter on such additional or other source of supply. The total amount of water consumed, as shown by these meter readings, will be used in computing sewer rental.
In cases where a person uses water from the waterworks and/or from an independent supply for purposes such that all or any part of the water so used is not discharged into the sewer system, the quantity of water used to determine the sewer rental may, at the option of such persons, be computed by one of the following methods:
Method 1. By placing a meter or measuring device on the water lines supplying the fixtures, the wastes of which are not returned to the sanitary sewer. The readings on this meter shall be used in computing the sewer rental.
Method 2. When, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, it is not practical to install measuring devices to continuously determine the quantity of water not discharged to the sewer system, the Director of Public Works will determine, in such manner and by such method as he may prescribe, the percentage of the total metered water supplied to the premises and discharged into the sewer system, and the quantity so determined shall be the base for computing the sewer rental.
In cases where a sewer connection serving four or more equivalent dwelling units is determined to have an "infiltration/inflow" of water into their premises sewerage system in excess of two times the expected average daily flow, the Director of Public Works may require a person to install a wastewater flow metering unit. The Director of Public Works shall make the determination of the excess flow by such standard engineering methods as he may prescribe.
Devices. All meters not provided by the waterworks but required to be used under the provisions of this ordinance shall be furnished and installed by the property owner. The meter and installation shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. The meter shall be under the control of the Municipality and may be tested, inspected or repaired by municipal employees whenever the Municipality deems necessary. The owner of the property upon which such measuring device is installed shall be responsible for its maintenance and safekeeping and all repairs thereto shall be made at the property owner's expense, whether such repairs are made necessary by ordinary wear and tear or other causes. Bills for such repairs, if made by the Municipality, shall be due and payable at the same time and collected in the same manner as are the bills for sewer services. Such bills, from and after their due date, shall constitute a lien upon the property upon which said measuring device is installed.
Readings. The Municipality shall be responsible for the reading of all meters and such meters shall be accessible to municipal employees for meter reading at any reasonable time.
If a person fails or refuses, upon receipt of a notice in writing from the Municipality, to remedy any unsatisfactory condition with respect to premises sewerage system within 30 days of receipt of such notice, the Municipality may proceed with the penalty provisions or, in case of adverse public health/sanitation conditions, may enter upon the property to correct the condition. Unsatisfactory conditions include but are not limited to broken or missing sewer caps.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 12; amended by Ord. 990, 12/19/1980; by Ord. 1017, 12/15/1981; by Ord. 1067, 12/14/1983; by Ord. 1162, 12/22/1986; by Ord. 1188, 12/21/1987; by Ord. 1268, 12/12/1989, Section 2; by Ord. 1298, 12/19/1990; by Ord. 1357, 12/17/1991; by Ord. 1399, 12/14/1992; by Ord. 1458, 12/20/1994, Section 1; by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 113; by Ord. 1519, 12/23/1996, Section 1; by Ord. 1555, 12/23/1997; by Ord. 1611, 12/23/1999; by Ord. 1722, 12/23/2002; by Ord. 1768, 1/23/2004, Section 3; by Ord. 1861, 12/28/2006, Section 1; by Ord. 1889, 12/17/2007, Section 5; by Ord. 1914, 12/15/2008, Section 27; by Ord. 1939, 12/21/2009, Section 1; by Ord. 1981, 12/19/2011, Section 1; by Ord. 2035, 2/3/2014, Section 1; by Ord. No. 2136, 12/16/2019; Ord. No. 2194, 12/19/2022; by Ord. No. 2220, 2/5/2024[1]]
All persons owning property connected to the sewer system and served with metered service by the State College Borough Water Authority shall pay a quarter-yearly rental for sanitary sewage services based on quantity of water used, as evidenced by meter readings of water meters installed for the purpose of measuring water purchased from and furnished by the Authority and/or such other water or sewer meters as may be installed pursuant to any provisions of this ordinance, all as follows:
The sewer rental fee for cost per thousand gallons per quarter is $12.67, and the minimum charge per quarter (based on 3,000 gallons per quarter) is $38.01.
No sanitary sewage shall be received into the sewer system from property outside the municipal limits, except upon payment of rates which may, from time to time, be fixed by Council, and then also subject to all other provisions of this ordinance and any rules and regulations as may, from time to time, be promulgated hereunder.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided the effective date of the new sewer rental rates shall be for water consumed after 1/1/2024, with the first full quarter billed by the State College Borough Water Authority beginning 4/1/2023.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 13; amended by Ord. 1048, 3/9/1983, Section 1; Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 114]
Except as otherwise provided in special circumstances, all bills for sewer service shall be rendered quarterly as part of State College Water Authority bills, and are due 20 days following the date of mailing by the Authority as disclosed by the United States postmark on the bill card. Penalties for non-payment beyond 20 days shall be established by resolution of the Borough from time to time.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 14; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996]
All money received by the Municipality from the collection of sewer rentals and all penalties thereon, as herein provided for, and any fines collected by the Municipality in connection with the sewer system shall be segregated and kept separate and apart from all other funds of the Municipality and shall be used only for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Municipality in the operation, maintenance, repair, alteration, inspection, depreciation, current improvements, or capital additions, or other expenses in relation to such sewer system and for such payment as the Municipality may be required to make under the lease or agreement it may enter into for and of, or in connection with, said sewer system with the Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See now Municipality Authorities Act, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5601 et seq. (Act 22 of 2001).
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 15; amended by Ord. 1350, 9/6/1991, Section 1; Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 116; Ord. 1889, 12/17/2007, Section 5]
The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Municipality, and any person violating any provision of §§ 14-102 through 14-114 and §§ 14-118 through 14-125 of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof before a District Magistrate, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $600 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to imprisonment in the County Jail for not more than 30 days. Each day during which any violation of such provision shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense.
Upon the discovery of any violation under the terms of this Ordinance, the Municipality shall, through its authorized agents, give notice to the owner of a violation hereunder, either by personal delivery to such owner, by United States mail directed to the last known address of such person or person, as shown in the real estate registry records of the Municipality, or by leaving the same on the premises where such violation occurs.
If such person shall, within seven days after delivery, mailing or leaving of such notice, pay to the Treasurer of the Municipality the sum of $50 for the violation, the same will constitute full satisfaction for the violation noted in said notice. The failure of such person to make payment, as aforesaid, within seven days, shall render such owner subject to the penalties as provided in Subsection a above.
[Ord. 986, 11/5/1980, Section 16; amended by Ord. 1350, 9/6/1991, Section 2; Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 117]
It shall be unlawful for any person to allow drainage of any house refuse, offal, wastewater from sinks or kitchen or other liquid refuse to flow, be thrown or cast in or upon any street, lane or alley of said Municipality from any dwelling house, hotel, eating house, restaurant, manufactory, place of business or stable whatsoever or to allow any overflow from any sink or cesspool or waste from any manufactory, place of business or stable to escape into any street, lane or alley or into any private or public ground, or unimproved lot or lots within the Municipality.
It shall be the duty of each Police Officer, the Health Officer and the Manager, or any of them, upon their own observation or knowledge or upon information of any other persons that such nuisance or nuisances as are described exists on any pavement, foot walk, street, lane or alley, public or private lot, or in any gutter or drain within the Municipality to notify the person whether owner or owners, tenant or tenants, occupier or occupiers, verbally or in writing, the time of which notice he or they shall make note of such nuisance or nuisances, and demand the removal or abatement thereof within three hours after such notice has been given.
If such nuisance or nuisances has not been removed or abated within the time specified, it shall be the duty of the Manager, Health Officer or any of the said Police Officers to remove or abate the nuisance or nuisances and the owner or owners, tenant or tenants, occupier or occupiers of the premises in front of, along which or on which such nuisance or nuisances were found to exist shall be subject to a fine and costs of removal or abatement of such nuisances as provided for in this section.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be taken to be guilty of maintaining a nuisance and shall, upon notice given, abate the same within three hours, or be liable for the expense of the abatement and remedy thereof, and to a penalty not less than $25 nor more than $300 for each offense. Each day the same exists shall be considered a separate offense.
[Ord. 1238, 2/23/1989, Section 1; amended by Ord. 1350, 9/6/1991, Section 3; Ord. 1386, 8/19/1992; Ord. 1411, 4/22/1993; Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 118; Ord. 1648, 12/21/2000, Section 1; Ord. 1688, 12/18/2001, Section 1; Ord. 1721, 12/23/2002, Section 1; Ord. 1768, 1/23/2004, Sections 4, 5, and 6; Ord. 1808, 12/22/2004, Section 1; Ord. 1814, 7/18/2005, Sections 2 and 3; Ord. 1826, 11/29/2005, Section 1; Ord. 1857, 11/20/2006, Section 1; Ord. 1882, 11/5/2007, Section 1; Ord. 1914, 12/15/2008, Section 28; Ord. 1939, 12/21/2009, Section 3; Ord. 1959, 12/20/2010, Section 1; Ord. 2011, 1/7/2013, Section 1; Ord. 2035, 2/3/2014, Section 3; Ord. 2050, 11/3/2014, Section 1; Ord. 2066, 12/21/2015, Section 7; Ord. 2084, 12/19/2016, Section 1; Ord. 2107, 12/18/2017, Section 1; Ord. No. 2123, 12/17/2018; Ord. No. 2136, 12/16/2019; Ord. No. 2150, 12/21/2020; Ord. No. 2176, 12/20/2021; Ord. No. 2194, 12/19/2022; Ord. No. 2214, 12/18/2023]
There is hereby fixed and imposed upon the owner, lessor, lessee or occupant of each property making any connection to the Sewer System, directly or indirectly, including those changing the type of use of property previously connected or connecting one or more new uses of the types hereinafter referred to through an existing connection, regardless of whether such property is connected separately or through one or more existing or new lateral sewers or sewer connections or collection lines owned by any owner other than the Sanitary Sewer Authority or Borough, a total tapping fee of $11,264 per residential connection and $56.82 per gallon per day for nonresidential connections of which $5,278 for residential and $25.50/gpd for nonresidential will be retained by the Borough of State College for sewer collection and transmission improvements, while $6,485 per residential connection and $31.32/gpd for nonresidential will be forwarded to the UAJA by the Borough for sewer treatment plant expansion costs in accordance with the Agreement between the Borough and UAJA. The tapping fee shall be determined as follows:
Tapping Fee Components for 2024
Capacity Component
Collection Component
Treatment Expansion
Total Borough Fee
Total Tapping Fee
$3,612 per connection
$1,666 per connection
$5,278 per connection
$6,485 per connection
$11,763 per connection
"Connection" refers to equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) based on 207 GPD (flow) per EDU.
Any change in use or number of fixtures shall constitute a recalculation of estimated flow and shall be subjected to additional tapping fees as appropriate.
[Ord. 1238, 2/23/1989, Section 2; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 119; Ord. 1648, 12/21/2000, Section 2; Ord. 1721, 12/23/2002, Section 2; Ord. 1768, 1/23/2004, Section 7; Ord. 1808, 12/22/2004, Section 2; Ord. 1814, 7/18/2005, Section 4; Ord. 1826, 11/29/2005, Section 2; Ord. 1857, 11/20/2006, Section 2; Ord. 1882, 11/5/2007, Section 2; Ord. 1914, 12/15/2008, Section 29; Ord. 1939, 12/21/2009, Section 4; Ord. 1959, 12/20/2010, Section 2; Ord. 2011, 1/7/2013, Section 2; Ord. 2035, 2/3/2014, Section 4; Ord. 2050, 11/3/2014, Section 2; Ord. 2066, 12/21/2015, Section 7; Ord. 2084, 12/19/2016, Section 2; Ord. 2107, 12/18/2017, Section 2; Ord. No. 2123, 12/17/2018; Ord. No. 2136, 12/16/2019; Ord. No. 2150, 12/21/2020; Ord. No. 2176, 12/20/2021]
The minimum fee imposed for connection shall be the total tapping fee for one residential connection as listed in § 14-118, Tapping Fee Imposed, or the total tapping fee as listed in the Tapping Fee Components Table which shall be the same amount.
[Ord. 1238, 2/23/1989, Section 3; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 120; Ord. 1826, 11/29/2005, Section 3]
Where two or more buildings are connected to the sewer system through a single-service connection or where two or more uses are made of the same improved property (i.e. motel with a restaurant, retail store with a restaurant, home with a professional office), the tapping fee shall be determined by computing the arithmetic sum of EDU values or projected flow rates as though such building and each type of use were separate improved properties or uses with separate sewer connections.
[Ord. 1238, 2/23/1989, Section 4; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 121]
Where any building connected to the sewer system shall be converted, enlarged or remodeled or additional buildings shall be constructed on a property and connected indirectly to the Sewer System through an existing lateral, or connected directly through a new lateral so as to create or establish more extensive use or additional uses, as classified in § 14-118 above, an additional tapping fee, in accordance with § 14-118, for each such additional use, shall be payable to the Borough by the owner of the property so improved. Where a building is torn down, for which a tap fee has not previously been paid, no credit will be granted for the previous units attached to the sewer. Additions, enlargements, remodeling, or replacement of single-family dwellings where no change in use occurs are exempt from this section.
[Ord. 1238, 2/23/1989, Section 6; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 123; Ord. 1826, 11/29/2005, Section 4]
When the EDU value results in a fractional number, the value will be rounded up to the next whole number.
[Ord. 1238, 2/23/1989, Section 7; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 124; Ord. 1648, 12/21/2000, Section 3; Ord. 1688, 12/18/2001, Section 2; Ord. 1721, 12/16/2002, Section 3; Ord. 1768, 1/23/2004, Section 8; Ord. 1808, 12/22/2004, Section 3.; Ord. 1814, 7/18/2005, Section 6]
The owner of any building or property, for which a tapping fee has been paid, shall be entitled to discharge a maximum of 90 gallons per day per capita of water or wastewater for residential use or the estimated daily flow in gallons per day for which the tapping fee has been paid for nonresidential uses. The determination shall be based upon quarter-annual meter readings and the total tapping fee paid, as determined from Borough records. Should the metered water volume over any quarter-annual period exceed the allowable volume, either residential or nonresidential, the owner shall pay an additional tapping fee, for the excess discharge at the rate established in § 14-118. Upon payment of the additional tapping fee, the Borough shall adjust the tapping fee value of the property on its records. Once a tapping fee has been paid, it will not be decreased, and no refunds will be made for wastewater discharges less than the allowable. This section does not apply to dwelling units or municipal buildings.
[Ord. 1238, 2/23/1989, Section 8; amended by Ord. 1488, 1/18/1996, Section 125]
The tapping fees imposed hereunder, with respect to property connected, shall be in addition to:
Any connection, benefit or front-footage assessment, fee or inspection charge imposed by the Authority or the Building Code or the Borough; and
Any rental or other charges fixed, charged or imposed by the Authority, Building Code or Borough by reason of the use, or availability for use, of the Sewer System by such property.