[Ord. 1582, 1/7/1999, Section 1;{61} amended by Ord. 1590, 3/23/1999, Section 1]
The Local Tax Appeals Board, hereinafter "LTAB," shall consist of three members and up to two alternates. Two members of the three-member Board shall be citizens who are residents of the Borough of State College. The other member of the Board shall be employed by the Borough. The alternate members shall also be residents of the Borough of State College. Members shall be appointed by Council and initially two members shall be appointed for terms of two years and one member shall be appointed for a term of one year thereafter. Their successors shall be appointed for terms of two years. Alternate members shall be appointed for terms of two years. Vacancies, which occur for reasons other than the expiration of terms, shall be filled for the period of the unexpired term.
In making appointments to the Board, Council shall seek persons who possess qualities of impartiality, maturity and broad judgment and in whom the community at large may be expected to have confidence. Special consideration shall be given to individuals who have had special training or experience in taxation or fiscal affairs.
Members of the Board shall serve without pay but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incident to the performance of their duties within the limits of funds available to the Board.
[Ord. 1582, 1/7/1999, Section 2]
Within 30 days following its appointment, the LTAB shall meet and elect a chairperson. It shall create and fill such other offices as it may determine are necessary. The term of the chairperson and other offices shall be one year, and they shall be eligible for re-election. The Board shall adopt rules for the transaction of its business and shall keep a record of its actions, which shall be open to the public.
[Ord. 1582, 1/7/1999, Section 3]
The LTAB shall have the powers, obligations and duties as are assigned to it under the provisions of the Local Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, as set forth in 53 Pa. C.S.A. § 8421, et seq.
Jurisdiction of matters before the LTAB shall be as determined by Council from time to time. Initially, the LTAB will have jurisdiction of all appeals from the Borough of State College's Business Privilege Tax.
[Ord. 1582, 1/7/1999, Section 4]
Council shall provide staffing assistance for the LTAB, as required.