[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999; amended by Ord. 1602, 9/15/1999, Sections 2 and 3; Ord. 1665, 5/30/2001, Section 1]
Location. This Subdistrict is located in the western part of the University Park campus. The eastern portion of the Subdistrict is in the Borough of State College while the western portion is in Ferguson Township.
Size. The Subdistrict encompasses within its boundaries approximately 290 acres.
Boundaries. Using Corl Road as the north-south direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north by non-University property in Ferguson Township and by West Park Avenue; on the south by Subdistricts 3 and 4; on the east by Atherton Street and on the west by Subdistricts 1 and 3 and non-University property in Ferguson Township. (This is also the location of the proposed Western Inner Loop that when constructed will constitute the entire western boundary of the Subdistrict.)
General. This Subdistrict encompasses the University's golf courses. It will retain a substantially open space character with particular attention given to its relationship to the adjacent residential areas.
Special and Transitional Zones. This Subdistrict has a transitional zone along its entire north edge within Ferguson Township. This zone has a depth of 250 feet.
There is one special zone that encompasses the entire eastern portion of the Subdistrict located within the Borough of State College. Specifically, the special zone lies within that area bounded by North Atherton Street, West Park Avenue, the Borough boundary line with Ferguson Township, and Subdistrict 4. The majority of the area consists of the present White Golf Course.
The White Golf Course and adjacent open areas are a place of special beauty that affords an unimpeded view of Tussey Mountain. It is the only substantial open space near the central or west campus or the central part of the Borough. Both the University's Master Plan and the Borough's Comprehensive Plan recognize the importance of protecting and preserving remaining open land surrounding the core campus. Accordingly, to preserve this open space, a special no-build zone is declared. Permanent structures, such as buildings (except for small ancillary structures), parking lots, lights to illuminate playing fields or driving ranges, bleachers, fences, or paved playing areas are prohibited.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum permitted density based upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 0.02.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 5%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 95%.
Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to new buildings and structures along the boundaries of the Subdistrict. These setbacks shall be applied from the right-of-way line in case of a street frontage or from the property line where no street exists, unless otherwise specifically noted:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "PRD," Planned Residential Development, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2," Residence, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistricts 3 and 4, no minimum setback shall be required.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins Atherton Street across from Subdistrict 5, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet, measured from the face of the curb of Atherton Street.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict, the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistricts 1 and 3 no minimum setback shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "I," General Industrial, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "IRD," Light Industry, Research and Development, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
When the Western Inner Loop is constructed, the minimum setback at that location will be 50 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the setback regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict where it adjoins that zoning district.
Maximum Building Height. In all portions of the subdistrict located within the special zone, no structure or buildings shall exceed 15 feet in height.
Beyond the special zone, the following maximum height limitations shall apply to buildings and structures within 250 feet of the District boundary. The maximum height in areas of the Subdistrict located more than 250 feet from a District boundary shall be 45 feet.
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistricts 3 and 4 the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistricts 1 and 3, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "I", General Industrial the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "IRD", Light Industry, Research and Development the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
When the Western Inner Loop is constructed, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the height regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict within 250 feet of where it adjoins that zoning district.
Buffering. The following buffering requirements shall apply to all surface parking areas located within required setbacks at the perimeter of the District and within the transitional zone:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1," Single Family Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2," Residence, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistricts 3 and 4, no buffer yard shall be required.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins Atherton Street across Subdistrict 5, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistricts 1 and 3, no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "I," General Industrial, Buffer Yard A, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "IRD," Light Industry, Research and Development, Buffer Yard A, Table 1 shall be required.
When the Western Inner Loop is constructed, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required where it adjoins this Subdistrict.
Special Conditions. In this Subdistrict the following general uses will not be allowed:
Auditoriums, gymnasiums
Dining halls principally for students, faculty and staff
Instructional food service facilities
Laboratories and other facilities for basic and/or applied research
Museums, art galleries
Natatoriums and swimming pools
Parking structures
Radio and television studios for instructional services
Student unions
Student residence halls and other student housing units
Studios for instruction in music and other performing arts
Within the transitional zone the following general uses will not be allowed:
Agricultural structures that house animals
Playing fields and courts
University offices
West Park Avenue and the Western Inner Loop will not be used as vehicular access points to future facilities in this Subdistrict.
Within the special zone, no new parking lots shall be permitted and no new structures or buildings, except for small ancillary structures or buildings, as noted below, shall be permitted. General Uses and Designated Uses are expressly limited to those listed below:
Passive open space
Golf courses and small ancillary structures or buildings necessary for a golf course, such as public toilets, storm shelters, and water fountains (no individual building shall exceed 600 square feet in gross floor area)
Multi-use paths for golfers, hikers, bikers, or golf carts
Low-impact recreational uses which do not require permanent apparatus or structures
Transportation services (such as bus stop enclosures), as defined in the UPD definitions
Essential utility services
Utility Installation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and cable television lines in this Subdistrict shall be installed underground.
Designated Use Requirements.
Total Designated Use FAR. The total aggregate amount of designated uses in this Subdistrict shall not exceed an FAR of 0.02.
Specific Designated Use FAR. The following permitted designated uses shall not exceed FAR criteria as specified herein:
Restaurants open to the public shall not exceed 2% of the total allowable designated use FAR and will be allowed only as accessory to another permitted use.
Any other permitted designated uses not specifically included in this list are allowed to the extent that the aggregate FAR of all permitted designated uses does not exceed the FAR specified in Section 1 above.
Designated Uses Permitted in This Subdistrict.
Child care facilities
Clubhouses and community centers (only as accessory to another permitted use)
Golf courses, including driving ranges with lighting
Non-student housing subject to R-1 or PRD zoning criteria
Restaurants open to the public (only as accessory to another permitted use)
Retail sales (only as accessory to another permitted use)
Stadiums with a seating capacity of 1,000 or less
Telecommunications structures
Utility uses, facilities and structures
Designated Uses Not Permitted in This Subdistrict.
Business offices
Business incubators
Business services
Commercial laboratories
Conference facilities
Convocation/events centers, arenas
Financial offices
Fire training sites and facilities
Hospitals/medical clinics
Hotels, inns, motels and other similar public lodging facilities
Medical offices
Personal services
Pilot or prototype manufacturing
Places of worship
Professional, corporate, or government offices
Radio and television studios for broadcast to the public
Stadiums with a seating capacity of more than 1,000
Test tracks
Transportation facilities
Visitor centers
[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999; amended by Ord. 1620, 4/3/2000, Section 1, 2; Ord. 1652, 1/11/2001, Section 1; Ord. 1665, 5/30/2001, Section 2, 3]
Location. This Subdistrict is located in the western part of the University Park campus. The eastern portion of the Subdistrict is in the Borough of State College while the western portion is in Ferguson Township.
Size. This Subdistrict encompasses within its boundaries approximately 91 acres.
Boundaries. Using Atherton Street between College and Park Avenues as the north-south direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north by Subdistrict 2; on the south by non-University property in the Borough of State College and Ferguson Township; on the east by North Atherton Street; and on the west by Subdistricts 2 and 3.
General. This Subdistrict will be developed as an integral part of the academic core of the campus. Its character will replicate that of the more successful areas of the existing core campus. This Subdistrict is viewed as an important access point to the campus and, as such, particular attention will be given to pedestrian connections and interface with the adjacent neighborhoods.
Special and Transitional Zones. A special zone is established along Atherton Street starting where an imaginary line representing the extension of the northern building face of the Thomas Water Tunnel building intersects the western curb of Atherton Street. The zone extends north from the starting point 300 feet along the western curb of Atherton Street and is 40 feet wide measured from the curb in a westerly direction. Within this zone, there shall be no setback applicable to any building or other structure bridging Atherton Street. All other buildings and structures are subject to the subdistrict's minimum setback requirement, 40 feet measured from the curb.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum Permitted Density Based Upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 0.5.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 55%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 45%.
Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to new buildings and structures along the boundaries of the Subdistrict. These setbacks shall be applied from the right-of-way line in case of a street frontage or from the property line where no street exists, unless otherwise specifically noted:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 2, no minimum setback shall be required.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "C", General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 15 feet measured from the curb in case of a public street frontage or from the property line if no public street exists at that location.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned Urban Village, the minimum setback shall be 15 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins property in Ferguson Township zoned C General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins Atherton Street across from Subdistrict 5, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet measured from the face of the curb on Atherton Street, except as provided for in Section 1235.a(5) of this chapter.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistricts 2 and 3, no minimum setback shall be required.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the setback regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict where it adjoins that zoning district.
Maximum Building Height. For the portion of this Subdistrict located in Ferguson Township, the maximum height shall be 60 feet.
For the portion of this Subdistrict located in the Borough of State College, the following maximum height limitations shall apply to buildings and structures:
For that portion of the subdistrict east of the imaginary north/south line that corresponds to the northern extension of the center line of Thorn Alley through the district, no portion of a building or structure shall exceed a height above elevation 1,264 feet, mean sea level (MSL). This height limitation shall not apply to chimneys, elevator towers, stair towers, mechanical rooms, or other necessary mechanical or electrical equipment mounted on or above the building's roof, provided that such features cumulatively do not occupy more than 1/10th of the linear length of the roof along its east/west axis.
For that portion of the subdistrict west of the line, no part of a structure or a building, including all roof elements when a roof is a design other than gable, hip, or gambrel, shall exceed a height above elevation 1,225 feet MSL. Exemption: On buildings with a gable, hip, or gambrel roof, the roof, including dormers and other elements thereon, may extend above elevation 1,225 MSL, provided that all of the following are met:
The top of the main ridge shall not exceed a height above 1,235 feet MSL;
The pitch of the main roof shall be that formed by a four-foot rise or higher over a twelve-foot run; and
That all other roof elements shall be lower than the main ridge.
Buffering. The following buffering requirements shall apply to all surface parking areas located within required setbacks at the perimeter of the District:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 2, no buffer yard shall be required.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "C", General Commercial, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned Urban Village, Buffer Yard C, Table 1, shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "C," General Commercial Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins Atherton Street across Subdistrict 5 Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 3, no buffer yard shall be required.
Special Conditions. In this Subdistrict the following general use will not be allowed:
Agricultural structures that house animals.
Utility Installation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and cable television lines in this Subdistrict shall be installed underground.
Designated Use Requirements.
Total Designated Use FAR. The total aggregate amount of designated uses in this Subdistrict shall not exceed an FAR of 0.03.
Specific Designated Use FAR. The following designated uses shall not exceed FAR criteria as specified herein:
Restaurants open to the public shall not exceed 7% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Retail sales, business and personal services, as a whole, shall not exceed 9% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Any other permitted designated uses not specifically included in this list are allowed to the extent that the aggregate FAR of all permitted designated uses does not exceed the FAR specified in Section 1 above.
Designated Uses Permitted in This Subdistrict.
Business services
Child care facilities
Conference facilities
Golf courses, including driving ranges with lighting
Personal services
Pilot or prototype manufacturing.
Professional, corporate, or government offices
Radio and television studios for broadcast to the public
Restaurants open to the public
Retail sales
Transportation facilities
Utility uses, facilities and structures
Designated Uses Not Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Business offices
Business incubators
Clubhouses and community centers
Commercial laboratories
Continuous care retirement community
Convocation/events centers
Financial offices
Fire training sites and facilities
Fraternity and sorority houses
Hospitals/medical clinics
Hotels, public lodging facilities
Medical offices
Non-student housing
Places of worship
Retirement community
Social or civic clubs
Stadiums with a seating capacity of 1,000 or less
Stadiums with a seating capacity of more than 1,000.
Telecommunication structures
Test tracks
Visitor centers.
[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999; amended by Ord. 1604, 10/22/1999; Ord. 1652, 1/11/2001, Section 2; Ord. 1665, 5/30/2001, Section 4, 5]
Location. This Subdistrict is located in the central and southeastern parts of the University Park campus. The majority of this Subdistrict is located in the Borough of State College with some areas along the eastern edge of the Subdistrict protruding into College Township.
Size. This Subdistrict encompasses within its boundaries approximately 456 acres.
Boundaries. Using College Avenue as the east-west direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north by Park Avenue; on the south by College Avenue, Subdistrict 6, and non-University property in the Borough of State College and College Township; on the east by an irregular line separating it from Subdistricts 9 and 12 and non-University property in College Township; and on the west by North Atherton Street.
General. This Subdistrict constitutes the core of the University Park campus and has a heavy concentration of teaching and research facilities as well as student services and housing. It is one of the most densely developed Subdistricts.
Special and Transitional Zones. This Subdistrict has a transitional zone along its north edge where it adjoins the Borough of State College's College Heights neighborhood. This zone has a depth of 250 feet. This Subdistrict has four special zones:
The first one is located along Park Avenue, between the Business Administration Building on the northwest corner of Park and North Allen and the Mateer Building. The building setback line from Park Avenue is 40 feet, measured from the southern edge of the Park Avenue right-of-way. Between the building setback line and a line 120 feet from and parallel to southern edge of the Park Avenue right-of-way, the maximum building height shall be 30 feet south of this line, the maximum building height shall be 90 feet. The building setback from North Allen Road shall be 40 feet, measured from the curb on the west side of North Allen Road.
The area from the eastern edge of the facade of the Mateer Building to an imaginary, north-south line that is either a continuation of the westernmost edge of the Moore Building or at a point 100 feet from and parallel to the facade of the Mateer Building, whichever is greater, shall be maintained as open space as defined in Section VI.B.4 of the UPD ordinance. Service access shall not be permitted on the western or northern sides of the building unless screened from view from all public rights-of-way following the buffer standards and requirements of Section XVIII.B of the UPD ordinance. Any service access shall be the minimum size necessary to provide access. No direct vehicular access will be permitted from this special zone to Park Avenue.
All building facades, service access areas, sound attenuation barriers, and roof lines shall receive equal consideration in design, architectural detailing, landscaping, and materials, particularly in locations where one or more building facades face adjoining areas in the community.
All roof areas that are visible from any public street shall be well integrated into the overall building design so as to obscure any view of mechanical and electrical equipment and other appurtenances. All heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) and other mechanical systems shall be:
Shielded from view from any public right-of-way by an architectural element(s), if mounted on the roof or other portion of the building.
Shielded from view from any public right-of-way by the building itself, if mounted on the ground.
All HVAC or other mechanical systems not fully enclosed within a building or which are enclosed within a building but exhaust directly to the exterior shall be equipped with sound attenuation barriers.
Operation of any HVAC or other mechanical system so as to produce a sound level pressure of 62 dBA at the nearest property line shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Upon receipt of a notice of violation, the property owner shall have 60 days to modify the system or sound attenuation barrier, or take other action to bring the system into compliance.
Building facades facing any public right-of-way shall be landscaped following the buffer standards and requirements of Buffer Yard C in Section XVIII. B. of the UPD ordinance, unless the State College Design Review Board approves a less extensive landscape plan.
Any landscape material shown on the approved land development plan that dies shall be replaced in like kind or alternative approved by the Borough.
The second special zone is located along College Avenue, between Burrowes Road and Subdistrict 6, and has a depth of 250 feet from the District boundary. Within this zone the maximum height shall be 75 feet.
The third special zone is located in the area of the Centre Furnace near the intersection of College Avenue and Porter Road. The purpose of this zone is to preserve and enhance what remains of the Centre Furnace complex. Development in this zone will be limited to improvements directly related to the enhancement, protection or improved accessibility to the Centre Furnace complex.
A fourth special zone is established along Atherton Street starting where an imaginary line representing the extension of the southern building face of the Noll Laboratory intersects the eastern curb of Atherton Street. The zone extends south from the starting point 300 feet along the eastern curb of Atherton Street and is 40 feet wide measured from the curb in an easterly direction.
Within this zone, there shall be no setback applicable to any building or other structure bridging Atherton Street. All other buildings and structures are subject to the subdistrict's minimum setback requirement, 40 feet measured from the curb.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum Permitted Density Based Upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 1.0.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 55%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 45%.
Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to new buildings and structures along the boundaries of the Subdistrict. These setbacks shall be applied from the right-of-way line in case of a street frontage or from the property line where no street exists, unless otherwise specifically noted:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across non-University property in the Borough of State College, zoned "R-2," Residential, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistricts 7 and 9, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College, no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "C," General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 18 feet measured from the curb.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 6 no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across Subdistrict 10, the minimum setback shall be 15 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistricts 9 and 12 no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins or is bisected by University Drive, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "RO", Residential Office, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1", General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
From College Avenue to the northern tip of the Applied Research Laboratory, the minimum setback shall be 15 feet measured from the face of the curb on Atherton Street or from any common property line with non-University property.
From the northern tip of the Applied Research Laboratory to the southern edge of the special zone created for the Information Science and Technology Building, as described in Section 1240.a(5), the minimum setback shall be 40 feet measured from the face of the curb on Atherton Street.
From the northern edge of the special zone created for the Information Science and Technology Building, as described in Section 1240.a(5), to the southeast corner of the intersection of North Atherton Street and West Park Avenue, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet measured from the face of the curb on Atherton Street.
Surface parking lots are not permitted in the setback area.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the setback regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict where it adjoins that zoning district.
Maximum Building Height. The following maximum height limitations shall apply to buildings and structures within 250 feet of the District boundary. The maximum height in areas of the Subdistrict located more than 250 feet from a District boundary shall be 90 feet.
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2," Residential, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistricts 7 and 9, the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College, the maximum height shall be 75 feet. Non-habitable sculptured roof areas designed to enclose mechanical equipment or to provide other design features shall not be considered when calculating building height provided overall building height does not exceed 85 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across non-University property zoned "C," General Commercial, the maximum height shall be 45 feet, or four stories at the setback line and then to 75 feet at a point 18 feet behind the setback line, provided that no part of the building area above 45 feet will encroach into the plane created by a line drawn from the setback line at an elevation 45 feet above grade at the mid-point of the building to a point 75 feet above grade 18 feet behind the setback line at the mid-point of the building. Non-habitable sculptured roof areas designed to enclose mechanical equipment or to provide other design features shall not be considered when calculating building height provided overall building height does not exceed 85 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 6 the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across Subdistrict 10, the maximum height shall be 65 feet at the setback line and then to 75 feet at a point six feet behind the setback line provided that no part of the building area above 65 feet will encroach into the plane created by a line drawn from the setback line at an elevation 65 feet above grade at the midpoint of the building to a point 75 feet above grade six feet behind the setback line at the midpoint of the building. Non-habitable sculptured roof areas designed to enclose mechanical equipment or to provide other design features shall not be considered when calculating building height provided overall building height does not exceed 85 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistricts 9 and 12 the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins or is bisected by University Drive, the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1," General Commercial, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "RO," Residential Office, the maximum height shall be 35 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Atherton Street across non-University property zoned "C," General Commercial, the maximum height shall be 65 feet at the setback line and then to 75 feet at a point six feet behind the setback line, provided that no part of the building area above 65 feet will encroach into the plane created by a line drawn from the setback line at an elevation 65 feet above grade at the mid-point of the building to a point 75 feet above grade six feet behind the setback line at the mid-point of the building. Non-habitable sculptured roof areas designed to enclose mechanical equipment or to provide other design features shall not be considered when calculating building height provided overall building height does not exceed 85 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Atherton Street across Subdistricts 2 and 4, the maximum height shall be 65 feet at the setback line and then to 75 feet at a point six feet behind the setback line, provided that no part of the building area above 65 feet will encroach into the plane created by a line drawn from the setback line at an elevation 65 feet above grade at the mid-point of the building to a point 75 feet above grade six feet behind the setback line at the mid-point of the building. Non-habitable sculptured roof areas designed to enclose mechanical equipment or to provide other design features shall not be considered when calculating building height provided overall building height does not exceed 85 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the height regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict will automatically apply to this Subdistrict within 250 feet of where it adjoins that zoning district.
Buffering. The following buffering requirements shall apply to all surface parking areas located within required setbacks at the perimeter of the District:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2," Residence, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistricts 7 and 9, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "C," General Commercial, Buffer Yard C, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across the Borough of State College property zoned "C," General Commercial, Buffer Yard C, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 6 no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across Subdistrict 10, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistricts 9 and 12 no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins or is bisected by University Drive, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1," General Commercial, Buffer Yard C, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "RO," Residential Office, Buffer Yard C, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Atherton Street across the Borough of State College property zoned "C," General Commercial, Buffer Yard C, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Atherton Street across Subdistricts 2 and 4, Buffer Yard "B" shall be required.
Special Conditions. Within the transitional zone the following general uses will not be allowed:
Agricultural structures that house animals
Natatoriums and swimming pools
Playing fields and courts
Student residence halls and other student housing units (other than those already existing)
Student unions
Utility Ixnstallation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and cable television lines in this Subdistrict shall be installed underground.
Designated Use Requirements.
Total Designated Use FAR. The total aggregate amount of designated uses in this Subdistrict shall not exceed an FAR of 0.05.
Specific Designated Use FAR. The following designated uses shall not exceed FAR criteria as specified herein:
Hotels, public lodging facilities shall not exceed 40% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Restaurants open to the public shall not exceed 10% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Retail sales and business or personal services shall not exceed 10% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Any other permitted designated uses not specifically included in this list are allowed to the extent that the aggregate FAR of all permitted designated uses does not exceed the FAR specified in Section 1 above.
Designated Uses Permitted in This Subdistrict.
Business services
Child care facilities
Clubhouses and community centers
Conference facilities
Financial offices
Fraternity and sorority houses
Hospitals/medical clinics
Hotels, inns, motels and other similar public lodging facilities
Personal services
Pilot or prototype manufacturing
Places of worship
Professional, corporate, or government offices
Radio and television studios for broadcast to the public
Restaurants open to the public
Retail sales
Social or civic clubs
Telecommunications structures
Transportation facilities
Utility uses, facilities and structures
Designated Uses Not Permitted in This Subdistrict.
Business offices
Business incubators
Commercial laboratories
Continuous care retirement community
Convocation/events centers, arenas
Fire training sites and facilities
Golf courses, including driving ranges with lighting
Medical offices
Non-student housing
Retirement community
Stadiums with a seating capacity of 1,000 or less
Stadiums with a seating capacity of more than 1,000
Test tracks
Visitor centers
[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999]
Location. This Subdistrict is located in the central part of the University Park campus and is located in the Borough of State College.
Size. This Subdistrict encompasses approximately 21 acres.
Boundaries. Using College Avenue as the east-west direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north, east and west by Subdistrict 5 and on the south by College Avenue.
General. This Subdistrict comprises the very center of the University Park campus and includes the areas around Old Main with its lawn, Schwab Auditorium and the Mall. The character of this Subdistrict will be preserved by strictly limiting any future development and keeping its park-like quality.
Special and Transitional Zones. This Subdistrict has a special zone which includes the Mall and Old Main lawn. This zone includes an area that starts at the southeast corner of Sackett Building and follows the eastern facades of all buildings located on the west side of the Mall to the front of Pattee Library. From Pattee Library it continues to the northwest corner of Burrowes Building and follows the western facade of Burrowes, Old Botany and Schwab Auditorium. From there it connects with the northwest corner of Old Main and follows this building's perimeter to the southeast corner. From there it connects to the northwest corner of Henderson Building and follows the western facade to College Avenue. It then follows the north side of College Avenue to the starting point.
Within this zone, no new buildings or parking lots will be developed.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum Permitted Density Based Upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 0.3.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 25%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 85%.
Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to new buildings and structures along the boundaries of the Subdistrict. These setbacks shall be applied from the right-of-way line in case of a street frontage or from the property line where no street exists, unless otherwise specifically noted:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 5, no minimum setback shall apply.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins College Avenue, no setbacks are required since this boundary is within the special "no build" zone.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 5, no minimum setback shall apply.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 5, no setbacks are required since this boundary is within the special "no build" zone.
Maximum Building Height. The following maximum height limitations shall apply to buildings and structures within 250 feet of the District boundary. The maximum height in areas of the Subdistrict located more than 250 feet from a District boundary shall be 90 feet.
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 5, the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins College Avenue, no height limitation is required since this boundary is within the special "no build" zone.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 5 the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistrict 5, no height limitation is required since this boundary is within the special "no build" zone.
Buffering. No additional surface parking will be permitted to be built in this Subdistrict within 250 feet from the District boundary; therefore, no buffering standards are required.
Special Conditions. In this Subdistrict the following general uses will not be allowed:
Agricultural structures that house animals.
Dining Halls
Natatoriums and swimming pools
Parking structures
Playing fields and courts
Student residence halls and other student housing units
Utility Installation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and cable television lines in this Subdistrict shall be installed underground.
Designated Use Requirements. No designated uses shall be permitted in this Subdistrict.
[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999]
Location. This Subdistrict is located in the north-central part of the University Park campus. Parts of it are located in the Borough of State College, College, Ferguson and Patton Townships.
Size. This Subdistrict encompasses within its boundaries approximately 395 acres.
Boundaries. Using Park Avenue as the east-west direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north by non-University property in Ferguson and Patton Townships and the Mount Nittany Expressway; on the south by Park Avenue; on the east by Subdistricts 8, 9, and 11; and on the west by non-University property in the Borough of State College and Ferguson Township.
General. This Subdistrict is envisioned as the site of a proposed arboretum with the southern section being more intensely developed while maintaining the majority of the rest mostly open.
Particular attention will be given to the interface with the residential neighborhoods and Sunset Park to the west and integration of the Schreyer House within this Subdistrict.
Special and Transitional Zones. This Subdistrict has a transitional zone along its entire western edge and one along its northern edge where it adjoins Patton Township. These zones have a depth of 250 feet. This Subdistrict has two special zones:
The first one surrounding the Schreyer House. This zone starts at the intersection of the western property line of the Subdistrict with the north side of Ferguson Avenue and encompasses an area 400 feet to the east and 600 feet to the south. This zone allows the President's residence as a non-student housing use.
The second one encompasses an area delineated by the topographic elevation line 1,150 ft. and the boundaries of the Subdistrict where they intersect said line. It contains the low lying parts of the Big Hollow and within it development will be carefully controlled in regard to its potential impact on the ecology of the area.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum Permitted Density Based Upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 0.02.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 10%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 90%.
Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to new buildings and structures along the boundaries of the Subdistrict. These setbacks shall be applied from the right-of-way line in case of a street frontage or from the property line where no street exists, unless otherwise specifically noted:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-4", Multifamily Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Patton Township zoned "PC," Planned Community, the minimum setback shall be 75 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins the Mount Nittany Expressway, the minimum setback shall be 100 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 5, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistricts 8, 9, and 11, no minimum setback shall be required.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "C," General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-2", Two Family Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-R", Rural Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in State College Borough the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the setback regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict where it adjoins that zoning district.
Maximum Building Height. The following maximum height limitations shall apply to buildings and structures within 250 feet of the District boundary. The maximum height in areas of the Subdistrict located more than 250 feet from a District boundary shall be 45 feet.
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-4", Multifamily Residential, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Patton Township zoned "PC," Planned Community, the maximum height shall be 60 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins the Mount Nittany Expressway, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 5, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistricts 8, 9, and 11, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict, the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "C," General Commercial, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-2", Two-Family Residential, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-R", Rural Residential, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the height regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict within 250 feet of where it adjoins that zoning district.
Buffering. The following buffering requirements shall apply to all surface parking areas located within required setbacks at the perimeter of the District:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-4", Multifamily Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Patton Township zoned "PC," Planned Community, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins the Mount Nittany Expressway, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 5, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict, where it adjoins Subdistricts 11, 8 and 9, no buffer yard shall be required.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "C," General Commercial, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-2", Two Family Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in Ferguson Township zoned "R-R", Rural Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2," Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Special Conditions. In this Subdistrict the following general uses will not be allowed:
Dining halls principally for students, faculty and staff
Student residence halls and other student housing units
Student unions
Within the transitional zones the following general uses will not be allowed:
Agricultural structures that house animals.
Auditoriums, gymnasiums
Instructional food services
Laboratories and other facilities for basic and/or applied research
Museums, art galleries
Natatoriums and swimming pools
Parking lots
Parking structures
Playing fields and courts
Radio and television studios for instructional purposes
Studios for instruction in music and other performing arts
University offices
Vehicular access to the following facilities in this Subdistrict will be limited to Bigler Road:
Auditoriums, gymnasiums
Parking structures
Utility Installation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and television lines in this Subdistrict shall be installed underground.
Designated Use Requirements.
Total Designated Use FAR. The total aggregate amount of designated uses in this Subdistrict shall not exceed an FAR of 0.01.
Designated Uses Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Conference facilities (vehicular access is restricted to Bigler Road)
Non-student housing (limited to President's residence)
Restaurants open to the public (only as accessory to another permitted use)
Retail sales (only as accessory to another permitted use)
Designated Uses Not Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Business offices
Business incubators
Business services
Child care facilities
Clubhouses and community centers
Commercial laboratories
Continuous care retirement community
Convocation/events centers, arenas
Financial offices
Fire training sites and facilities
Fraternity and sorority houses
Golf courses, including driving ranges with lighting
Hospitals/medical clinics
Hotels, inns, motels and other similar public lodging facilities
Medical offices
Personal services
Pilot or prototype manufacturing
Places of worship
Professional, corporate, or government offices
Radio and television studios for broadcast to the public
Retirement community
Social or civic clubs
Stadiums with a seating capacity of 1,000 or less
Stadiums with a seating capacity of more than 1,000
Telecommunications structures
Test tracks
Transportation facilities
Utility uses, facilities and structures
Visitor centers
[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999]
Location. This Subdistrict is located in the north-central part of the University Park campus within the boundaries of College Township.
Size. This Subdistrict encompasses within its boundaries approximately 112 acres.
Boundaries. This Subdistrict is completely surrounded by University property. Using Park Avenue as the east-west direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north by Big Hollow Road and Subdistricts 7 and 11; on the south by Services Road and Subdistrict 11; on the east by Subdistrict 11; and on the west by Subdistrict 7.
General. This Subdistrict houses a concentration of university support activities. It is expected that it will continue to grow as a service area and will become one of the most densely developed areas on campus.
Special and Transitional Zones. There are no special or transitional zones in this Subdistrict.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum Permitted Density Based Upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 0.5.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 60%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 40%.
Setbacks. This Subdistrict has no minimum setbacks.
Maximum Building Height. The maximum height in this Subdistrict shall be 90 feet.
Buffering. No buffer yard requirements apply in this Subdistrict.
Special Conditions. There are no special conditions in this Subdistrict.
Utility Installation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and cable television lines in this Subdistrict shall be installed underground.
Designated Use Requirements.
Total Designated Use FAR. The total aggregate amount of designated uses in this Subdistrict shall not exceed an FAR of 0.5.
Designated Uses Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Child care facilities
Restaurants open to the public (not to exceed 10,000 square feet)
Telecommunications structures
Transportation facilities
Utility uses, facilities and structures
Designated Uses Not Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Business offices
Business incubators
Business services
Clubhouses and community centers
Commercial laboratories
Conference facilities
Continuous care retirement community
Convocation/events centers, arenas
Financial offices
Fire training sites and facilities
Fraternity and sorority houses
Golf courses, including driving ranges with lighting
Hospitals/medical clinics
Hotels, inns, motels and other similar public lodging facilities
Medical offices
Non-student housing
Personal services
Pilot or prototype manufacturing
Places of worship
Professional, corporate, or government offices
Radio and television studios for broadcast to the public
Retail sales
Retirement community
Social or civic clubs
Stadiums with a seating capacity of 1,000 or less
Stadiums with a seating capacity of more than 1,000
Test tracks
Visitor centers
[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999]
Location. This Subdistrict is located on the eastern edge of the University Park campus core and it straddles the boundary between the Borough of State College and College Township.
Size. This Subdistrict encompasses within its boundaries approximately 420 acres.
Boundaries. Using Park Avenue as the east-west direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north by Services Road, University Drive, and Park Avenue; on the south by an irregular line separating it from Subdistrict 5; on the east by Orchard Road and non-University land in College Township; and on the west by an irregular line separating it from Subdistricts 5 and 7.
General. This Subdistrict contains the majority of the indoor and outdoor athletic and recreational facilities of the University.
Special and Transitional Zones. This Subdistrict has a transitional zone along its eastern boundary where it adjoins residential property in College Township. This zone has a depth of 250 feet.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum Permitted Density Based Upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 0.17.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 50%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 50%.
Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to new buildings and structures along the boundaries of the Subdistrict. These setbacks shall be applied from the right-of-way line in case of a street frontage or from the property line where no street exists, unless otherwise specifically noted:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Services Road no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive Extended across Subdistrict 11 no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 11, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 5 no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across Subdistrict 5, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Orchard Road no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 7 no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 5, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 5 other than along Park Avenue, no minimum setback shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict is bisected by University Drive the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict is bisected by Park Avenue the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the setback regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict where it adjoins that zoning district.
Maximum Building Height. The following maximum height limitations shall apply to buildings and structures within 250 feet of the District boundary. The maximum height in areas of the Subdistrict located more than 250 feet from a District boundary shall be 90 feet. (The existing Beaver Stadium and any future additions or renovations to it are exempted from any height restriction.)
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Services Road the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 11, the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 5 the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across Subdistrict 5, the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Orchard Road the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "R-1," Single Family Residential, the maximum height shall be 35 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 12 the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 7 the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 5, the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across Subdistrict 5 the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict is bisected by Park Avenue the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Where the Subdistrict is bisected by University Drive the maximum height shall be 90 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the height regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict within 250 feet of where it adjoins that zoning district.
Buffering. The following buffering requirements shall apply to all surface parking areas located within required setbacks at the perimeter of the District:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Services Road no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across Subdistrict 11, no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 5 no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across Subdistrict 5, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Orchard Road no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "R-1," Single Family Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 12 no buffer yard shall be required.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 7 no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Park Avenue across Subdistrict 5 Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins Subdistrict 5 other than along Park Avenue no buffer yard shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across Subdistrict 5 Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict is bisected by Park Avenue Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict is bisected by University Drive Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Special Conditions. Within the transitional zone the following uses will not be allowed:
Agricultural structures that house animals.
Auditoriums, gymnasiums
Dining Halls
Instructional food services
Natatoriums and swimming pools
Parking structures
Playing fields and courts
Student residence halls and other student housing units
Student unions
Studios for instruction in music and other performing arts
Utility Installation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and cable television lines in this Subdistrict shall be installed underground.
Designated Use Requirements.
Total Designated Use FAR. The total aggregate amount of designated uses in this Subdistrict shall not exceed an FAR of 0.17.
Designated Uses Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Childcare facilities
Convocation/events centers, arenas
Radio and television studios for broadcast to the public
Stadiums with a seating capacity of 1,000 or less
Stadiums with a seating capacity of more than 1,000
Telecommunications structures
Transportation facilities
Utility uses, facilities and structures
Visitor centers
Designated Uses Not Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Business incubators
Business offices
Business services
Clubhouses and community centers
Commercial laboratories
Continuous care retirement community
Conference facilities
Fire training sites and facilities
Fraternity and sorority houses
Golf courses, including driving ranges with lighting
Hospitals/medical clinics
Hotels, inns, motels and other similar public lodging facilities
Non-student housing
Pilot or prototype manufacturing
Places of worship
Professional, corporate, or government offices
Restaurants open to the public
Retail sales
Retirement community
Social or civic clubs
Test tracks
[Ord. 1593, 5/6/1999]
Location. This Subdistrict is located in the southeastern part of the University Park campus. The majority of this Subdistrict is located in the Borough of State College with a small section on the eastern end of the Subdistrict located in College Township.
Size. This Subdistrict encompasses within its boundaries approximately 37 acres.
Boundaries. Using College Avenue as the east-west direction, this Subdistrict is bounded on the north by College Avenue; on the south by non-University property in the Borough of State College and College Township; on the east by non-University property in College Township; and on the west by University Drive.
General. This Subdistrict contains the University's sewage treatment plant. Part of this area will be developed as an integral section of the Spring Creek Corridor and as such will remain very open.
Special and Transitional Zones. This Subdistrict has a transitional zone on the higher elevation area at the end of Bellaire Avenue adjoining the R-1 District in College Township and the R2 District in the Borough of State College. This zone has a depth of 250 feet.
There is a special zone surrounding Thompson Run and the Duck Pond. Development in this zone will be restricted to facilities that have a functional connection with the Spring Creek Corridor and/or the Centre Furnace Historic area.
Physical Requirements.
Maximum Permitted Density Based Upon the FAR for the Subdistrict. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum FAR of 0.15.
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage. This Subdistrict shall have a maximum impervious surface coverage of 25%.
Minimum Open Space. The open space area of the Subdistrict shall not be less than 75%.
Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to new buildings and structures along the boundaries of the Subdistrict. These setbacks shall be applied from the right-of-way line in case of a street frontage or from the property line where no street exists, unless otherwise specifically noted:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across Subdistrict 5 the minimum setback shall be 15 feet measured from the curb.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property located in College Township zoned "UR," University Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1," General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-3", Residence, the minimum setback shall be 30 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2", Residence, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "R-1", Single Family Residential, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1," General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 50 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following minimum setbacks shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "C", General Commercial, the minimum setback shall be 15 feet measured from the curb.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "PA", Public Activities, the minimum setback shall be 20 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2", Residence, the minimum setback shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-4", Residence, the minimum setback shall be 20 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "PA", Public Activities, the minimum setback shall be 20 feet.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the setback regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict where it adjoins that zoning district.
Maximum Building Height. The following maximum height limitations shall apply to buildings and structures within 250 feet of the District boundary. The maximum height in areas of the Subdistrict located more than 250 feet from a District boundary shall be 90 feet.
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across Subdistrict 5 the maximum height shall be 65 feet at the setback line and then to 75 feet at a point six feet behind the setback line provided that no part of the building area above 65 feet will encroach into the plane created by a line drawn from the setback line at an elevation 65 feet above grade at the midpoint of the building to a point 75 feet above grade six feet behind the setback line at the midpoint of the building. Nonhabitable sculptured roof areas designed to enclose mechanical equipment or to provide other design features shall not be considered when calculating building height provided overall building height does not exceed 85 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "UR," University Residential, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1," General Commercial, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-3", Residence, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2", Residence, the maximum height shall be 40 feet. Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "R-1," Single Family Residential, the maximum height shall be 35 feet.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1," General Commercial, the maximum height shall be 45 feet.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the maximum height shall be as follows:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "C", General Commercial, the maximum height shall be 65 feet at the setback line and then to 75 feet at a point six feet behind the setback line provided that no part of the building area above 65 feet will encroach into the plane created by a line drawn from the setback line at an elevation 65 feet above grade at the midpoint of the building to a point 75 feet above grade six feet behind the setback line at the midpoint of the building. Nonhabitable sculptured roof areas designed to enclose mechanical equipment or to provide other design features shall not be considered when calculating building height provided overall building height does not exceed 85 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "PA", Public Activities, the maximum height shall be 40 feet and shall be limited to a maximum of two stories.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2", Residence, the maximum height shall be 40 feet.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins University Drive across non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-4", Residence, the maximum height shall be 35 feet and shall be limited to a maximum of three stories.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "PA", Public Activities, the maximum height shall be 40 feet and shall be limited to a maximum of two stories.
Any revision or alteration implemented by a municipality to the height regulations of a zoning district adjacent to this Subdistrict, will automatically apply to this Subdistrict within 250 feet of where it adjoins that zoning district.
Buffering. The following buffering requirements shall apply to all surface parking areas located within required setbacks at the perimeter of the District:
Along the northern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across Subdistrict 5 Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "UR," University Residential, Buffer Yard C, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins College Avenue across non-University property in College Township zoned "C-1," General Commercial, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the southern boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-3", Residence, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2", Residence, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "R-1," Single Family Residential, Buffer Yard D, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the eastern boundary of the Subdistrict where it adjoins non-University property in College Township zoned "C," General Commercial, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Along the western boundary of the Subdistrict the following buffer yards shall apply:
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "C", General Commercial, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-2", Residence, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "R-4", Residence, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Where the Subdistrict adjoins non-University property in the Borough of State College zoned "P", Public, Buffer Yard B, Table 1 shall be required.
Special Conditions. Within the transitional zone the following uses will not be allowed:
Agricultural structures that house animals
Auditoriums, gymnasiums
Dining halls
Instructional food services
Natatoriums and swimming pools
Parking structure
Playing fields
Student residence halls and other student housing units
Student unions
Studios for instruction in music and other performing arts
Utility Installation Requirements. Electric, telecommunications, and cable television lines in this Subdistrict may be installed above ground.
Designated Use Requirements.
Total Designated Use FAR. The total aggregate amount of designated uses in this Subdistrict shall not exceed an FAR of 0.15.
Specific Designated Use FAR. The following designated uses shall not exceed FAR criteria as specified herein:
Business and personal services shall not exceed 5% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Restaurants open to the public shall not exceed 5% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Retail sales shall not exceed 5% of the total allowable designated use FAR.
Any other designated uses not specifically included in this list are permitted as long as the aggregate FAR of all designated uses does not exceed the FAR specified in paragraph 1 above.
Designated Uses Permitted in This Subdistrict.
Business offices
Business services
Child care facilities
Clubhouses and community centers
Financial offices
Medical offices
Personal services
Professional, corporate, or government offices
Radio and television studios for broadcast to the public
Restaurants open to the public
Retail sales
Telecommunications structures
Transportation facilities
Utility uses, facilities and structures
Designated Uses Not Permitted in This Subdistrict:
Business incubators
Commercial laboratories
Conference facilities
Continuous care retirement community
Convocation/events centers, arenas
Fire training sites and facilities
Fraternity and sorority houses
Golf courses, including driving ranges with lighting
Hospitals/medical clinics
Hotels, inns, motels and other similar public lodging facilities
Non-student housing
Pilot or prototype manufacturing
Places of worship
Retirement community
Social or civic clubs
Stadiums with a seating capacity of 1,000 or less
Stadiums with a seating capacity of more than 1,000
Test tracks
Visitor centers