[Ord. 941, 9/11/1978, Section 121.1.A through E.,{340} 121.2.a-d; amended by Ord. 946, 11/9/1978; Ord. 1029, 6/14/1982, Section 3, 4; Ord. 1396, 12/10/1992, Section 12; Ord. 1549, 11/19/1997, Section 6; Ord. 1872, 6/18/2007, Section 8]
Intent. The intent of these regulations is to:
Increase pedestrian and vehicular safety in the Municipality;
Preserve and improve the character and quality of the Municipality;
Improve the efficient movement of people and goods throughout the Municipality;
Minimize the deleterious effect of vehicular parking areas on the residents of the Municipality, the quality of the natural environment, and the economic value of adjacent land uses; and,
Generally improve the appearance and quality of life in the Municipality.
New Parking Areas. Hereafter, all newly-constructed off-street parking areas shall conform with the provisions of this ordinance. (See Section 2403.c for uses.)
Expanded Parking Areas. If an existing parking area on a lot is expanded, the additional spaces of such expansion must meet all requirements contained herein. However, if the expansion is to exceed either 20 spaces or 20% of the existing number of parking spaces (whichever is greater), then the existing parking area must be screened from view from adjacent property and public rights-of-way by screening material covering a depth of five feet along such property lines and public rights-of-way, in accordance with the screening material requirements specified in Section 2404.i. Such screening must be added prior to, or concurrent with, construction of the new spaces.
(For screening to be required, a parking area must expand by at least 20 spaces and the expansion must also represent at least a 20% expansion. For example, if an area expands from 10 to 15 spaces, screening is not required for, although the expansion exceeds 20%, the numerical increase in spaces is less than 20. Similarly, if an area expands from 200 to 220 spaces, screening would not be required because the increase is less than 20%. These examples would have to be expanded to 30 and 240 spaces, respectively, before screening is required.)
Redesigned Parking Areas. If, for any reason, an existing parking area is redesigned so that more than 50% of the parking spaces are relocated on the lot, the entire parking area must be screened from view from adjacent property and public rights-of-way by screening material covering a depth of five feet along such property lines and public rights-of-way, in accordance with the screening material requirements specified in Section 2404.i. Such screening must be added prior to, or concurrent with, the redesign of the parking area.
For the purposes of this Subsection, minor relining of stall or space lines within an existing parking bay to accommodate different space dimensions or parking angles shall not be considered a redesign of the parking area.
One- and two-family dwellings with less than five parking spaces per lot, and public parks, are exempt from the design and maintenance standards specified in Section 2404.c-e, i-m.
Uses, other than one- and two-family dwellings and public parks, with less than five parking spaces per lot are exempt from the design and maintenance standards specified in Section 2404.d, e, j, and k.
Parking areas proposed to be located in floodplain areas (specified in Section 2303 of this ordinance) are exempt from the design and maintenance standards specified in Section 2404.c, e, f, and j.
Access and parking areas at telecommunications facilities, as defined herein, which must meet the requirements of Section 2001.e.
Variances. Upon receipt of all lawful applications to the Zoning Hearing Board for variances to provisions of this Part, the Secretary of the Board shall immediately forward a copy of said application to the Planning Commission to afford such the opportunity to provide a statement as to whether the variance, if granted, would comply with the spirit and intent of this Part.
Exception to Lot Coverage and Curb Cut Limitations. The intent of this exception is to encourage superior design in driveways and off-street parking areas serving one- and two-family dwellings in all zoning districts and mixed uses in the mixed use overlay district. Criteria to be met to install a second curb cut on a lot with less than 200 feet of street frontage are established in Section (a) below and apply to one- and two-family dwellings and mixed uses in the mixed use overlay. Criteria to be met lot coverage maximums for driveways and off-street parking areas are established in Section (b) below apply only to one- and two-family dwelling. Procedures are established in Section (c) below.
Two curb cuts may be permitted on lots which are less than 200 feet in width and front a local street, provided the following criteria are met:
The curb cuts provide access to a circular or semi-circular driveway which allows a continuous movement of vehicles across the width of the lot without backing onto the street;
The surface of the driveway is constructed of paver blocks, brick material, patterned concrete or other materials that complement other building materials used on the site;
Each curb cut may not exceed 12 feet in width and shall be separated by a distance of at least 20 feet;
The design conforms to existing land form and minimizes land disturbance (e.g., cut and fill); and,
Any landscape design plan for the driveway is integrated into the master landscape design plan for the site as a whole.
Lot coverage maximums for driveways and off-street parking areas for one- and two-family dwellings established in this chapter may be increased by 500 square feet when the following criteria are met:
Stormwater is retained on the site and the stormwater detention facilities are integrated into landscape plan;
The design conforms to existing land form and minimizes land disturbance (e.g. cut and fill);
The surface of the driveway or parking area is constructed of paver blocks, brick material, patterned concrete or other mateRials that compliment other building materials used on the site;
The landscape design plan for the parking lot and driveway is integrated into the master landscape design plan for the site as a whole;
Earth mounds, fences or walls, berms or other design elements are used in addition to landscape material in the design of the off-street parking area;
The design of and materials used in fences or walls shall be functional and compatible with existing and proposed site architecture; and
No fence or wall shall be so constructed or installed as to constitute a visual obstruction to vehicular traffic.
Evergreen and flowering plant material are integrated into the landscape plan for the off-street parking area; such material shall represent a substantial portion of the landscape material used; and,
All landscape material shown on the approved plan shall be maintained and any of said landscape material that dies shall be replaced.
Applications for two curb cuts or an increase in lot coverage for off-street parking areas and driveways shall be reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) at a regularly scheduled meeting. Any application must be submitted to the Planning Department at least 14 days prior to DRB meeting at which it will be reviewed.
In its review, the DRB shall make a recommendation to the Planning Department on the compliance of the application with the applicable criteria. The DRB may make suggestions for changes in the application. The DRB's recommendation and comments must be submitted to the Planning Department within 30 days of the date of the meeting at which the application was reviewed. The Planning Department shall not issue a zoning or driveway permit until it has received comment from the DRB or 30 days has elapsed since the meeting at which the application was reviewed.
Applications shall include a sketch of the proposed improvements in an appropriate scale but shall not be less than one inch equals 10 feet. The sketch shall provide sufficient information to allow a determination of compliance with Subsections (a) or (b) above, as applicable. Applications shall include information on the lot area and coverage by parking and or driveways.
[Ord. 941, 9/11/1978, Section 122; amended by Ord. 943, 10/4/1978, Section 6; Ord. 1029, 6/14/1982, Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8; Ord. 1145, 7/14/1986, Section 2; Ord. 1169, 2/5/1987, Section 5; Ord. 1198, 2/8/1988, Sections 31 and 32; Ord. 1219, 9/8/1988, Section 4; Ord. 1264, 12/8/1989, Sections 2 and 3; Ord. 1284, 7/10/1990, Section 18; Ord. 1289, 8/14/1990, Section 16; Ord. 1332, 5/8/1991; Ord. 1737, 2/5/2003, Section 5]
The requirements of Section 2403 are applicable in all zoning districts except the UPD where off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the UPD section of this ordinance (see sections beginning at 1201).
All required parking must be located on the same lot as the use it serves, except for off-site parking, as permitted herein.
All off-street parking shall be provided in off-street parking areas and not in driveways or aisle ways; however, driveways serving one- and two-family dwellings may be used for off-street parking in the front yard area. In no case shall parking be permitted outside approved parking areas or driveways. Parking is expressly prohibited on lawn areas or landscaped areas.
Off-street parking areas, in all zoning districts except CP-1 and PO, shall be set back a minimum of five feet from a side or rear property line and shall be excluded from the front yard. Where the front yard is less than seven feet, off-street parking areas shall be set back a minimum of seven feet from the property line. Within the CP-1 and PO districts, off-street parking areas shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from a side or rear property line when such line abuts an R-1- or R-2-zoned district or abuts an alley adjacent to an R-1- or R-2-zoned district. In no case shall parking be permitted in a front yard.
Off-street parking areas or driveways shall not be used for the parking or storing of motor vehicles for more than 30 days when the vehicle does not display a valid state inspection sticker or a valid registration plate.
A site plan, in accordance with Section 305 of this chapter, is required prior to the construction of any off-street parking area and for the expansion or enlargement of any existing off-street parking area, except parking areas which contain fewer than five spaces per parking area and serve one- and two-family dwellings are exempted.
[Ord. 941, 9/11/1978, Section 123; amended by Ord. 981, 11/3/1980, Section 4; Ord. 1029, 6/14/1982, Sections 9 and 10; Ord. 1034, 12/10/1982, Section 11; Ord. 1145, 7/14/1986, Section 2; Ord. 1178, 6/18/1987; Ord. 1199, 2/3/1988; Ord. 1215, 8/5/1988; Ord. 1243, 6/27/1989, Section 6; Ord. 1292, 9/7/1990; Ord. 1371, 5/6/1992, Section 5; Ord. 1410, 4/22/1993, Section 9; Ord. 1448, 7/11/1994, Section 5; Ord. 1450, 9/8/1994, Sections 7 and 8; Ord. 1529, 5/5/1997, Section 8; Ord. 1537, 8/27/1997, Section 10; Ord. 1632 8/30/2000, Section 4; Ord. 1677, 8/28/2001; Ord. 1708, 9/11/2002, Section 1; Ord. 1788, 7/14/2004, Section 3; Ord. 1821, 11/9/2005, Section 8; Ord. 1840, 4/4/2006, Sections 25 and 26]
Required off-street parking spaces are an accessory use clearly incidental to and subordinate to the primary use and shall be provided for in an amount equal or greater than the number specified in Section 2403.c or as otherwise provided more specifically in the district regulations. In computing the number of spaces required, the total shall be rounded to the next integer. When the computation is based on the number of employees, the largest number employed during any work shift shall be used.
Except as prohibited in Section 609.m(8), the municipal Council may grant a conditional use permit to decrease by up to 50% of the required parking spaces subject to the following conditions:
That an agreement between the municipal Council and a property owner be written, and shall specify that the area which would have been used for the required parking spaces shall be maintained as planted open space contiguous to the off-street parking area.
The agreement shall also specify that, if the planted open space is converted to parking at a future time, the parking area shall comply with the provisions of Part H of this chapter.
The following is a list of specific uses with the specification for computing the number of spaces required:
Specification for Computing Minimum Number of Parking Spaces
Adult Business Uses
1 space per 800 square feet of gross floor area.
One- and Two-Family Dwellings
2 spaces for each unit.
Dormitories, Fraternities and Sororities
1 space per 2 occupants, based on maximum capacity.
Mobile Home Parks
1 space for each unit, plus 1 space for each employee.
Multiple-Family Dwellings in all districts except C
1.5 parking spaces per unit for all units with 2 or fewer bedrooms;
2 parking spaces per unit for all units with 3 bedrooms;
For all units with more than 3 bedrooms, 2 parking spaces plus 1 parking space per bedroom for each bedroom beyond the third bedroom.
Business, Commercial:
Car Wash, self-service
4 spaces for each stall;
Car Wash with attendant
4 spaces for each stall.
Gasoline Service Station
2 spaces per pump, if station provides for repairs; otherwise, 1 space per pump plus 1 space per employee.
Doctor/Dentist/Medical Clinic
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Elderly Housing Developments
see Housing for the Elderly
Financial Institution/Bank
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Funeral Home
1 space per 4 seats based on maximum capacity.
Furniture, Appliance Store
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Housing for the elderly and/or disabled:
Base requirement:
(0.75) spaces/dwelling unit.
This base requirement may be reduced according to the following schedule:
10% for locations in or within 100 feet the general commercial zoning district;
10% if the building is within 400 feet of a public parking garage;
10% if the building is within 500 feet of bus stop;
10% if building owner or operator provides private bus or van service to residents of the building;
20% if (a) project specific subsidies are available for all units or (b) if all units are rented to tenants with incomes at or below 80% of the current median income for the State College Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and the rent for all units is at or below the current fair market rent for the State College MSA as established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. To meet this requirement, the owner or operator of the building must provide an annual certification of tenant income or unit rent to the State College Planning Department;
10% if a congregate dining facility of a size adequate to seat 50% of the building tenants at a single seating based on maximum building occupancy is provided within the building.
The maximum reduction in required parking allowed for any individual elderly and/or handicapped housing development shall not exceed 60% of said required parking.
Hotel and Motel
1 space per guest room (base requirement) plus, restaurants, 1 space per 4 seats plus, meeting rooms, no requirement when the number of seats is fewer than 2 times the number of guest rooms and 1 space per 2 seats for the number of seats in excess of 2 times the number of guest rooms.
Motor Vehicle Sales and Service
1 space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area plus 1 space for each 800 square feet of outside sales area.
Personal Care Home for Adults
1 space per employee (maximum number per shift plus 1 space for every 3 residents)
Professional Office, Except Doctor/Dentist/Medical Clinic
1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area
Residential Uses in the C District
1 space per 800 square feet of gross floor area per building.
1 space per 50 square feet of gross floor area inside seating area; and 1 space per 100 square feet of outside seating area.
Student Home
2 spaces per dwelling unit.
1 space for each 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Tourist Home/Bed-and-breakfast Establishment
1 space per guest room.
All Other Uses not specifically listed herein and all development proposals for which uses are not specified
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
C and CID Districts, nonresidential uses
1 space per 800 square feet of (except for adult businesses and theatre) gross floor area per building and outdoor sales areas in excess of 30,000 square feet.
C District, residential uses, except elderly
1 space per 800 square feet of housing gross floor area (see Section 1807)
CID, residential uses
As prescribed in this listing for the specific type of residential use
Manufacturing/Processing/Assembly/Research and Repair
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area.
1 space per 2,000 square feet of gross floor area.
With fixed seats
1 space per 4 seats;
Without fixed seats
1 space per 4 occupants, based on maximum capacity.
Bowling Alley
5 spaces per alley.
Church/Synagogue/Other Places of Worship
1 space per 5 seats.
Community Building/Social Hall
1 space per 3 persons based on maximum capacity.
Nursing or Convalescent Home
1 space per 3 beds based on maximum capacity.
Driving Range, Miniature Golf
2 spaces per tee.
Private Lodge or Club
1 space per 3 persons based on maximum capacity.
Elementary School
1 space for each 600 square feet of gross floor area.
Intermediate/Secondary School
1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area.
Religious School (as a primary or accessory use)
Same requirement as for nursery, elementary, intermediate, or secondary school based on grades or instructional level offered.
Vocational/Business School or other similar Post-Secondary Schools
1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
Sports Arena
1 space per each 4 fixed seats, or 1 space per 4 persons, based on maximum capacity.
Swimming Pool or Club
1 space for each 75 square feet of water area.
1 space per 4 seats.
Rooming/Boarding Houses
1 space per rooming unit.
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area.
Day Care/Nursery School
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Personal Services
1 space per 250 square feet of gross building area.
Health and Fitness Clubs
1 space per 250 square feet of gross building area.
Convenience Stores
1 space per 200 square feet of gross building area.
Shopping Centers
1 space per 300 square feet of gross building area.
All outdoor sales areas
1 space per 800 square feet of outside sales area.
Government Offices
1 space per 350 square feet of gross building area.
3 spaces per bed.
[Ord. 941, 9/11/1978, Sections 124.1, 124.2.a, b, c, 124.3, 124.4, 124.5, 124.6, 124.7, 124.8, 124.9.a, b, c, d, e, 124.10, 124.11, 124.12, 124.13; amended by Ord. 943, 10/4/1978, Section 7; Ord. 1029, 6/14/1982, Section 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17; Ord. 1090, 11/15/1984; Ord. 1198, 2/8/1988, Section 30; Ord. 1219, 9/8/1988, Section 5; Ord. 1264, 12/8/1989, Section 4, 5; Ord. 1490, 2/5/1996; Ord. 1529, 5/5/1997, Section 9, 10; Ord. 1637, 10/5/2000, Section 7; Ord. 1777, 4/27/2004, Sections 2 - 6; Ord. 1843, 4/4/2006, Section 4]
All parking areas, except those serving one- and two-family dwellings, fraternities, student homes, and those parking areas utilizing mechanical parking systems in accordance with the provisions of Subsection r hereof, shall be designed to permit a motor vehicle to enter and exit from each space without moving any other parked vehicle.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2188, 9/12/2022]
Off-street parking areas located within buildings or parking structures or on the roof or decks of such structures shall be exempted from the following regulations, specified in this Part: c, e, h, i, j, k, o and p.
Number of Parking Spaces per Parking Bay:
No row of parking spaces in a parking bay in an off-street parking area which is located in front of or on the side of the main building or buildings on a site shall exceed 30 parking spaces. Parking bays shall be separated by landscape strips, traffic islands, and/or grade separations to reduce the visual impact of large expanses of paving, to direct vehicular traffic through the lot, and to provide a location for stormwater recharge. This section shall not apply to parking structures.
No row of parking spaces in a parking bay in an off-street parking area which is located behind the main building or buildings on a site shall exceed 50 parking spaces. Parking bays shall be separated by landscape strips, traffic islands, and/or grade separations to reduce the visual impact of large expanses of paving, to direct vehicular traffic through the lot, and to provide a location for stormwater recharge. This section shall not apply to parking structures.
The limitations on the number of parking spaces per parking bay provided within this Part shall not apply to parking spaces provided by means of a mechanical parking system pursuant to Subsection r of this section.
[Added by Ord. No. 2188, 9/12/2022]
Stall Size. All parking stalls shall be a rectangular space (see illustration) measuring in width and length as provided in the layout schedule part (b)(6) of this section.
Vehicle Overhang. All stall length dimensions include vehicle overhang of 2.5 feet. Overhang area may be unpaved provided that (1) curbing (as required by Part C) serves as a bumper block for motor vehicles and (2) the overhang area is planted with grass or other ground cover, or it is given special treatment such as covering with river stone, paving block, etc. (see illustration).
Compact Stalls. Up to one-quarter (25%) of the total number of parking stalls may be designed for compact motor vehicles when standard stalls of 8.5 feet in width are used in combination.
Angled Parking. All stall angles are measured in reference to the aisle which serves the stall. In addition to parallel parking, use of angled parking (any angle ranging from 10° to 90°, inclusive) is permitted in all off-street parking areas.
Aisle Width. Aisles shall conform in width, as prescribed in the layout schedule. One-way aisle dimensions may be used with angled or parallel parking when one-way traffic patterns are used. Exception: On narrow lots of 50 feet or less in width, off-street parking areas containing 10 stalls or less may be designed to use one-way aisle dimensions when driveway access is exclusively from an alley. In such cases, vehicles shall be permitted to back out of the aisle way and driveway. No more than one off-street parking area per parcel may be so designed.
Layout Schedule. The following schedule of parking space and layout standards shall apply to all off-street parking areas. To provide flexibility in layout design, parking areas may be designed using a combination of standard stalls measuring 8.5 feet in width and compact stalls measuring 7.5 feet in width as provided for in Part B(3) of this section. Alternatively, if compact stalls are not used in the layout, standard stall width may be reduced to 8.0 feet.
Standard Stalls
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Stall Length
Aisle Width
76° to 90°
61° to 75°
46° to 60°
10° to 45°
Compact Stalls
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Stall Length
Aisle Width
76° to 90°
61° to 75°
46° to 60°
10° to 45°
Note: When compact and standard stalls are served by the same aisle way, the aisle width shall be that prescribed for standard stalls. When only standard stalls are used, stall width may be reduced to eight feet.
Aisle Way of Varying Width
 Aisle Way of Varying Width.tif
Illustration. Dimensions S and T will change as the angle 0 changes. S and T can be calculated easily by using the following formulas:
#1 (S) = distance between stall lines at curb, aisle way or reference line.
 Example equation.tif
Curbing. Curbing shall be provided to define traffic lanes, serve as gutters for drainage facilities, and serve as bumpers for motor vehicles.
Curbing shall be constructed around the perimeter of all parking areas except those serving one- and two-family dwellings. The minimum distance from the back of the curb to the property line shall be five feet, except where the perimeter is adjacent to a public street, in which case the minimum distance shall be seven feet. Curbing shall also be constructed around raised islands and along driveway edges of all parking areas, except those serving one- and two-family dwellings.
Perimeter curbs may be interrupted only for approved aisles, drainage ways and driveways. All curbing shall be six inches high. Parking areas accommodating 10 or more spaces shall have Portland cement concrete curbs. In parking areas accommodating less than 10 spaces, curbing may be of other suitable material, such as bituminous concrete or treated railroad ties, but shall be securely anchored and backfilled with earth.
If an existing off-street parking area is altered such that new curbing is required, the section of new curbing, which is a continuous extension of the existing curb, may be of the same material and design of the existing (if the lineal feet of new curbing installed does not exceed 20% of the old), which can be retained.
Drainage. All parking areas shall provide for proper stormwater management, in accordance with Chapter XIV, Section 201, et. seq., of this Codification.
Raised Islands.
General. Raised islands shall be used to define traffic lanes and to provide areas for trees, light standards, pole signs, and other similar devices. Sharp corners on curbs of raised islands where turning movements are involved shall be avoided.
Location. Raised islands are required at the end of each row of parking spaces which are not contiguous to the perimeter of the paved area. This includes all perpendicular (90°), other angle (60°, 45°, 30°), and parallel parking spaces. Other locations are permitted. Other locations may be required where interior planting is required (see Section 2404.i.).
Dimensions. For standard motor vehicles parked in a single row using 90° angle spaces, the minimum island dimensions, including required curbing, shall be six feet wide and 18 feet long. If parallel spaces are used, the minimum island dimensions shall be six feet long and eight feet wide (match the width of the parallel space).
For compact motor vehicles parked in a single row using 90° angle spaces, the minimum island dimensions shall be six feet wide and 15 feet long. If parallel spaces are used, the minimum island dimensions, including required curbing, shall be six feet long and six inches wide (match the width of the parallel space).
Islands for all other angle parking at the ends of single rows shall be installed to match the configuration of the area resulting from the angle and space length dimensions used (see Section 2404.b).
Surface Treatment. Brick, block, cobblestone, sawn wooden blocks, or other similar material shall be used as surface material for islands where foot traffic is anticipated. These shall be installed on a permeable base in a manner to allow water percolation into the ground. Where foot traffic is not a consideration, any of these paving materials, or shrubs and living ground cover, may be used with trees in the islands. Impermeable material, such as cement and bituminous concrete, should not be used.
Other Requirements. (See Section 2404.i.)
Surfacing Materials. Except for parking spaces provided using a mechanical parking system, all parking spaces, aisle ways, and driveways shall be surfaced with materials as prescribed in the following schedule:
[Amended by Ord. No. 2188, 9/12/2022]
One and Two-Family and Student Home. Driveways, aisle ways and parking spaces shall be surfaced with gravel, crushed stone, paving material, modular pavers, open landscape paving blocks, pervious asphalt or concrete surfaces designed and installed according to the manufacture's specifications.
When gravel or crushed stone are used, it shall be uniformly spread and maintained at a minimum depth of four inches.
Parking Area (Employee). Driveways and aisle ways shall be surfaced with paving material. Parking spaces shall be surfaced with paving material, crushed stone, modular pavers, open landscape paving blocks, pervious asphalt or pervious concrete surfaces designed and installed according to the manufacture's specifications.
When crushed stone is used, it shall be uniformly spread and maintained at a minimum depth of six inches and shall be 2A stone compacted, as specified in the latest edition of PaDOT Publication 408.
Commercial Parking Areas and All Other Uses and Parking Areas. Driveways, aisle ways and parking spaces shall be surfaced with paving material, pervious asphalt or pervious concrete surfaces when approved by the Borough Engineer and designed and installed according to the manufacture's specifications.
The surfacing material of all driveways, aisle ways and parking spaces shall be maintained in good condition free of potholes. Stones shall be contained and not permitted to be scattered. Any stones scattered beyond the property's boundary or on public rights-of-way or lodged in storm sewer inlets shall be immediately removed by the property owner or his or her agent.
Lighting. When outdoor parking areas are provided with lighting, the design relationship with neighboring buildings and existing lights should be considered and complimented. Lighting installations at outdoor parking areas shall comply with Part K of this chapter.
Light Standards, Pole Signs (Location). Light standards, pole signs, or similar devices, shall be located in raised islands or beyond the perimeter of the paved area at a minimum of three feet from a curbing face.
Perimeter Planting. The perimeter of all parking areas shall be landscaped with living plant material to a minimum width of five feet measured from the back of the parking area curb towards the property line or building wall (except where the perimeter is adjacent to a public street, in which case the minimum width shall be seven feet). The parking area curb shall contain a sufficient number of depressions, cuts, or other types of penetration that allow stormwater to infiltrate the landscaped area. However, in CP-2 and MP zones, the front yard (to a depth of 30 feet measured from the front property line) shall also be landscaped and shall be planted with approved perimeter planting. (See Section 1402.b(6), "Screening," for perimeter planting requirements in the CP-1 zone, and Section 1706, "Screening," for perimeter planting requirements in the PO zone.) The perimeter planting shall include a combination of shrubs and deciduous trees, or a combination of shrubs, deciduous, and coniferous trees, all selected to provide shade and a view-restrictive screen for parking areas. Special consideration should be given to form, color, texture, density, growth habits and maintenance requirements. Trees and shrubs shall be an integral part of this perimeter planting. Walls, earth mounds and fences, or any combination thereof, may be included with living plant material to produce a view-restrictive screen. Headlights of parked vehicles must be obscured from the public way. Grass or other living ground cover shall be planted, mulched and maintained on all portions of the landscaped strip not occupied by other landscape material.
The perimeter of all parking areas shall be landscaped with living plant material to a minimum width of five feet measured from the back of the parking area curb towards the property line or building wall (except where the perimeter is adjacent to a public street, in which case the minimum width shall be seven feet). The parking area curb shall contain a sufficient number of depressions, cuts, or other types of penetration that allow stormwater to infiltrate the landscaped area. However, in CP-2 and MP zones, the front yard (to a depth of 30 feet measured from the front property line) shall also be landscaped and shall be planted with approved perimeter planting. (See Section 1402.b(6), Screening, for perimeter planting requirements in the CP-1 zone.)
A minimum of one tree shall be planted within the perimeter planting area for every 45 feet of the perimeter of the parking area, exclusive of driveway widths. Required perimeter trees shall be planted no less than 25 feet or greater than 50 feet apart.
Trees and shrubs are not required to be planted within portions of the five- and seven-foot perimeter planting areas described above where on-premise buildings adjacent to said areas provide a view-restrictive screen of the parking area from adjacent property and public rights-of-way (see illustration), except that shrubs and/or coniferous trees shall be required within the area where necessary to screen first-floor windows of said building from the parking area. The linear feet of all such exempted areas of the perimeter planting shall not be used to calculate the required number of trees or to determine the proper tree spacing requirements specified in (1) above, nor shall be required trees for the remainder of the perimeter planting area be located within the portion so exempted.
 Planting Parimiters Trees and Shrubs.tif
Interior Planting.
Ground-level parking areas with interior parking bays open to the sky shall include a minimum of one deciduous tree on each required raised island. Raised islands shall be installed at the ends of all parking bays (as required in Section 2404.e).
In addition to the raised islands at the end of each parking bay, a raised median strip six feet in width, including required curbing, shall be installed along the front of the bordering parking stalls the entire length of the bay. This medial strip shall be designed to function as a stormwater filter strip. It shall be surrounded by a six-inch high concrete curb that contains a sufficient number of depressions, cuts, or other types of penetration that allow stormwater to infiltrate the medial strip. The surface of the medial strip shall consist of a minimum of 12 inches of natural or reconstructed topsoil with a stable grass or river stone surface treatment. One deciduous tree shall be planted within the median strip for every 100 feet of parking bay length, measured from end island to end island or perimeter curb (see illustration). Required interior trees shall be planted no closer than 25 feet apart.
Raised medians may be eliminated at an on-site parking area serving Intermediate and/or secondary schools to provide a single practice area for student activities such as but not limited to band practice when all of the following criteria are met:
The practice area may not to exceed 225 feet in width and 390 feet in length;
Less than 1/2 of the required parking spaces are located within the student practice area;
Plant materials that would have been required in the medians that are to be eliminated are provided at other locations within or adjacent to the parking area;
Traffic aisles are arranged perpendicular to the long axis of the student practice area; and
The student practice area is separated from traffic lanes by raised islands and median strips.
 Median Strips.tif
Tree Specifications.
Existing trees, if properly located, may be used to satisfy the requirements above for perimeter and interior plantings. Existing trees located closer together than the twenty-five-foot minimum shall, for the purpose of calculating the required number of trees, be counted as one tree. No required tree shall be planted closer than 20 feet to an existing columnar tree or 25 feet to an existing tree of other shape.
The size of all trees shall be a minimum of 2 1/2 to three inches caliper, measured six inches above ground-level. These shall be planted a minimum of three feet from any curbing face.
All plant material and installation shall follow the American Standard for Nursery Stock and the code of standards currently recommended by the American Association of Nurserymen.
Building Structures or Ramps. Motor vehicles parked within, under or on top of buildings, parking structures, or on ramps, shall be screened from public view. On street level, living plant material is required in the setback areas. Walls, earth mounds, fences or any combination thereof may also be included with the plant material. All floors or levels above the street shall be screened by walls, fences, or other approved materials.
Bulk Trash Containers. Bulk trash containers and commercial refuse collection areas shall be screened from view on all sides (except one side used for access) by materials specified above in Section 2404.i. The height of the screening material shall equal or exceed that of said container or refuse.
Space or Stall Line. Except for parking spaces provided using a mechanical parking system, parking spaces shall be defined by white lines a minimum of four inches wide and 10 feet long. (This does not conflict with space length or aisle width requirements listed under Section 2404.a. Space or stall lines may be shorter, but not longer than the dimensions defining the space.)
[Amended by Ord. No. 2188, 9/12/2022]
Walkways. Walkways adjacent to or within off-street parking areas shall be wide enough to provide a minimum of four feet clear horizontal passage exclusive of car overhang, parking meters, or other obstructions.
Attendant Station. If a free-standing lot attendant is erected in the off-street parking area, the size shall be limited to 50 square feet, and the structure shall be located either on the perimeter or on a raised island, and set back a minimum of three feet from a curbing face, except on sides for which vehicle service is provided.
Maintenance. All off-street parking areas (including perimeter plantings and raised islands) shall be maintained in good condition and kept free of litter and trash. All required plant material which dies shall be replaced.
Mechanical Parking Systems. Within any fully enclosed or subsurface parking structure, required off-street parking spaces may be provided through use of a mechanical parking system. Use of mechanical parking systems shall be subject to the following criteria:
[Added by Ord. No. 2188, 9/12/2022]
Mechanical parking systems may only be located within a fully enclosed building or a subsurface parking structure. Mechanical parking systems are not permitted to be located on surface parking areas, open-air parking decks, or on any level of a parking structure that is open to the sky.
The mechanical parking system must be either fully or semi-automated so that vehicles can be directly accessed and removed from the system.
The dimensions of the individual parking stalls within the mechanical parking system shall be sized consistent with the layout schedule set forth in Subsection b(6) of this section, provided that in measuring the dimensions of parking stalls within a mechanical parking system the measurements shall be taken from the outside edge of the platform structure used to support a single vehicle within the parking system.
The width of the drive-aisles provided with the parking structure utilizing mechanical parking systems shall be consistent with the requirements of 76° to 90° parking angles as set forth in Subsection b(6) of this section.
The mechanical parking system shall employ safety systems that detect obstructions within the system and provide for emergency stops.
The owner of any parking structure utilizing a mechanical parking system shall keep and maintain the system in good working order and shall post an emergency contact telephone number in readily visible locations within, on, or adjacent to the parking structure. The owner of the parking structure utilizing a mechanical parking system shall, at all times, keep and maintain a service agreement with a commercial servicer that provides for routine maintenance of the system.
[Ord. 941, 9/11/1978, Sections 125.1, 125.2, 125.3, 125.4, and 125.5; Ord. 1029, 6/14/1982, Section 18]
In CP-1, CP-2, M, and MP districts, buildings with commercial, industrial, or storage use, which exceeds 6,000 square feet of gross floor area, shall be provided with a minimum of one off-street loading space, with dimensions of 12 feet in width, 45 feet in length, and with a vertical clearance of at least 14 feet.
Buildings with commercial, industrial or storage use in CP-1, CP-2, M, and MP zones, which contain less than 6,000 square feet of gross floor area, shall be provided with adequate motor vehicle access for receiving goods from an alley, service drive, or open space on the lot.
Loading spaces in all districts shall be located on the same lot as the use served. All loading spaces which are adjacent to a residential use shall be completely screened therefrom by a building wall, fence, free-standing wall, plant material, or any combination thereof, which shall be six feet in height. No loading space shall be within 40 feet to the nearest point of intersection of any two streets or highways. No loading space shall be permitted in a front yard.
Space allotted for any off-street loading space shall not, while so located, be used to satisfy the space requirements for any off-street parking area or portions thereof.
Surface materials for off-street loading spaces shall conform to the specifications for off-street parking areas.
[Ord. 941, 9/11/1978, Section 126.a - j, 126.l; amended by Ord. 1029, 6/14/1982, Section 19; Ord. 1396, 12/10/1992, Section 11; Ord. 1777, 4/27/2004, Section 7; Ord. 1843, 4/4/2006, Section 3; Ord. 1845, 6/8/2006, Section 1 and 2; Ord. 2039, 5/5/2014, Section 1]{350}
Intent. The primary purpose of this section is to assure the maximum safety for pedestrians and vehicles. To do this, it is necessary to exclude driveway access to those streets listed below in Subsections b.(1) and (5) unless no other reasonable access to a property can be developed, and to keep the number of such driveways to a minimum. It is also intended that driveways shall intersect public streets as far as possible from street intersections, and be constructed to specifications designed to enhance safety.
Driveway access to lots with frontage on the arterial streets listed below shall be limited to alleys or local and collector streets, except when the only available access to a lot is from an arterial street. The number, location and design of curb cuts and driveways, when allowed, shall comply with the requirements of this chapter.
Atherton Street between College and Foster Avenues
Both sides of Beaver Avenue from Buckhout Street to High Street, except for those properties between "H" Alley and 711/720 West Beaver which are designated as Mixed Use Overlay
South side of College Avenue from Atherton Street to High Street and both sides of College Avenue from Atherton Street to Buckhout Street
The north side of Park Avenue, from Atherton Street to Shortlidge Road
Driveway access to lots is permitted from all other arterial streets. Where access to an arterial street is permitted, one curb cut shall be permitted when the lot's frontage is less than 200 feet. If the lot frontage exceeds 200 feet, one additional curb cut shall be permitted for each 300 feet of frontage, up to a maximum of four curb cuts on the arterial. Existing curb cuts may be relocated to improve traffic flow provided such relocation does not in any way reduce vehicular or pedestrian safety, the vacated curb cut is immediately and permanently closed, and the number of existing curb cuts with the arterial street does not exceed the maximum permitted in this subsection.
Driveway access and curb cuts are prohibited for lots with frontage on local and collector streets which have access to an arterial street as provided in Subsection b.(2) above, except that one emergency vehicle access may be provided in circumstances when all of the following conditions are met:
Multiple accesses are not available from the arterial street.
The need for the emergency vehicle access is identified by and a request for the access is submitted by one or more emergency service providers.
Right to use to the emergency vehicle access is limited to emergency service providers.
The specific location and design of the emergency vehicle access shall be determined by the Borough, in consultation with the emergency service provider submitting the request and the applicant submitting the land development plan.
The access is controlled by a gate or other physical barrier approved by the Borough as part of the land development plan.
Lots adjacent to collector and local streets shall be permitted one curb cut if the frontage is less than 200 feet, and one additional curb cut if the frontage exceeds 200 feet.
New driveways are prohibited from intersecting with the following street sections, except under the following conditions: (a) to move the location of an existing driveway to improve safety conditions, provided the existing driveway is then immediately and permanently closed, or (b) when a lot does not have frontage on other streets or alleys:
Both sides of Pugh Street from College Avenue to Foster Avenue;
Both sides of Garner Street from College Avenue to Foster Avenue, and,
Both sides of Allen Street from College Avenue to Foster Avenue.
Curb cuts and driveways shall be located at least five feet from the rear or side property line, unless the two adjoining property owners mutually agree to a common driveway or two separate driveways which join at their common lot line. Agreements between property owners must be filed by them in a manner acceptable for recording in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Centre County.
All driveways shall intersect with a public street right-of-way at least 50 feet from the intersection of two or more public streets.
Exception: In situations where the driveway is intersecting a one-way street, the driveway shall intersect the public street that is not an arterial or a collector no less than 35 feet from the intersection of all public streets only when the following occurs:
The speed on the road being accessed is posted 25 m.p.h. or less.
The road being accessed is not classified as an arterial or collector street.
The proposed driveway has an ADT of less than 750 trips.
The driveway is not on a Pennsylvania State Route.
A distance of 50 feet must be maintained from an arterial or collector street.
The separation distance between the curb cut from the driveway and the intersection shall be measured from the tangent of the curb return of the street to the tangent of the curb return of the driveway. The measurement shall be made between the points of tangency of two parallel tangents.
If two or more driveways of the same lot enter a public street right-of-way, the distance between the curb cut of the driveways shall be at least 50 feet measured from the tangent of the curb return of one driveway to the tangent of the nearest curb return of the other driveway.
Driveways and curb cuts, which provide access to all uses other than one- and two-family dwellings, shall be required to have:
For driveways without a median divider, the throat width shall be between 16 and 24 feet; for two-way entrances with a median divider, the throat width shall be between 10 and 12 feet for each way, and the median divider shall be a minimum of six feet in width measured at the throat of the driveway and shall be planted with ground cover and other landscape material. Landscape material selected shall not have growth characteristics that will create sight distance problems at maturity;
Curb returns are required and shall be constructed to terminate at the street edge of the sidewalk and at the sidewalk elevation. The radius shall not exceed 15 feet; and,
The driveway surface shall be a hard surface material.
Driveways and curb cuts, which serve one- and two-family dwellings shall have a width not to exceed 20 feet. Curb returns are not required; however, if curb returns are installed, they shall terminate at the street edge of the sidewalk and the curb radius shall not exceed 15 feet.
Off-street parking spaces shall not open directly to a public street right-of-way unless a separate driveway is provided to the parking area. Direct access of parking spaces to a public alley is permitted, subject to the following conditions:
No part of any parking space may be located closer than five feet from any side property line. Cement concrete curbing shall be provided at a minimum distance of five feet from the side property lines and with a length equal to that required for the parking space length as listed in Section 2404.a. Shade trees and shrubs are required between side yard property lines and curbing. Cement concrete curbing shall also be provided parallel to the rear property line to act as a bumper strip. Since a public alley would serve as an aisle, the parking space length and existing alley width must equal the total dimension of aisle width and space length, as shown in Section 2404.b for perpendicular and other angle parking. If parallel parking is used, then the parking space width and existing alley width must equal the total dimension of aisle width and space width, as listed in Section 2404.b.
The number of parking spaces in a row shall not exceed four, unless separated by a cement concrete curbed peninsula five feet wide and with a length equal to that required for the parking space, as listed in Section 2404. Shade trees and shrubs are required in these areas.
Driveway Permit. Pursuant to Section 304.e of this chapter, a driveway permit is required prior to the construction or expansion of any driveway.
[Ord. 1708, 9/11/2002, Section 2; amended by Ord. 1962, 3/7/2011, Section 2]
Definition. Shared parking means that parking spaces are shared by more than one user, which allows parking facilities to be used more efficiently. Shared parking may be applied when land uses have different parking demand patterns and are able to use the same parking spaces/areas throughout the day. Shared parking is most effective when these land uses have significantly different peak parking characteristics that vary by time of day, day of week, and/or season of the year. In these situations, shared parking strategies will result in fewer total parking spaces needed when compared to the total number of spaces needed for each land use or business separately. Land uses often used in specific shared parking arrangements include office, restaurants, retail, colleges, churches, cinemas, and special event situations. Shared parking is often inherent in mixed-use developments, which include one or more businesses that are complementary, ancillary, or support other activities.
Dedicated parking areas for individual uses, especially when provided in new developments, can result in less efficient land usage, lower floor to site area ratios, and more environmental/water-quality impacts. Shared parking is a strategy that can significantly reduce the amount of land devoted to parking while providing a sufficient number of spaces and encouraging compact land development.
Whenever land development or change in use is proposed, such development or change in use shall be eligible to use shared parking arrangements to meet its required parking as specified in Section 2403.c of this chapter provided both the user and provider of the shared parking are uses listed in Table 1.
In addition, shared parking arrangements shall be considered when the number of parking spaces requested by the applicant is more than 10% higher or more than 10 spaces higher than the minimum number of parking spaces required by this Part for a development or redevelopment plan, whichever is more.
Shared parking may not be used to calculate the required parking for any residential uses that are part of a new land development or the expansion of an existing land development. (See Section 2403 of this chapter to determine the amount of parking required at residential uses.)
Parking Lot Location Standards.
Distance to Parking Spaces and Pedestrian Connection Requirements. The closer shared spaces are to the land uses they serve, the more likely the arrangement will be a success. Shared parking spaces must be located within 500 feet of the principal building entrances of all shared uses. However, up to 20% of the spaces may be located greater than 500 feet but less than 1,000 feet from the principal entrances. Clear, safe pedestrian connections must be provided. Pedestrians shall not be required to cross an arterial or collector street except at signalized intersections along the pedestrian pathway. Up to 50% of spaces may be provided at greater distances if dedicated shuttle bus or van service is provided from a remove parking facility.
Permitted Locations of Shared Parking Lots.
Shared parking lots are permitted by right on any parcel in the following zoning districts provided the space requirements in (1) above are met: C, CP-2, MP, PO, UV, P, PK. R-O and R-OA.
Shared parking lots are also permitted by right in all residential zoning districts, except R-1, subject to the following additional conditions:
The shared parking lot is located adjacent to the nonresidential zoning district in which the use it serves is located.
Shared parking lot is not the primary use of the parcel on which the shared parking lot is located.
Driveway access to the shared parking lot is located on a collector or higher classification street. However, driveway access to the shared parking lot may be on a local street whenever the shared parking lot abuts or is directly across the street from the use it serves.
The shared parking lot shall be screened from adjacent residential uses by a buffer yard, as defined in Section 606.d(3) of this chapter.
Pedestrian Amenities. All shared parking facilities must be served by adequate pedestrian amenities to ensure ease of walking from the parking area to the uses served. This includes sidewalks or other pedestrian-only paths approved by the Borough, pedestrian lighting, directional signage, ramps meeting Americans with Disabilities Act requirements where needed, and crossings of collector and arterial streets only at signalized intersections.
Calculating the Number of Shared Parking Spaces Required. The applicant shall submit a parking demand summary sheet showing the process for calculating the reduction, as outlined in this section.
The minimum number of parking spaces that are to be provided and maintained for each use shall be determined based on standard methods for determining minimum parking supply at a particular development.
The gross minimum number of parking spaces shall be multiplied by the "occupancy rate," as found in Table 1, for each use for the weekday night, daytime and evening periods, and weekend night, daytime and evening periods respectively.
The gross minimum numbers of parking spaces for each of the purposes referred to for each time period shall be added to produce the aggregate gross minimum numbers of parking spaces for each time period.
The greatest of the aggregative gross minimum numbers of parking spaces for each period shall be determined and represent the minimum number of parking spaces to be provided.
Table 1 - Parking Occupancy Rates
Mon - Fri
Mon - Fri
Mon - Fri
Sat and Sun
Sat and Sun
Sat and Sun
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Office, Warehouse, Industrial
Movie Theatre
Conference/ Convention
Institutional (non-church)
Institutional (church)
Provision of Additional Parking Spaces.
A covenant must be executed and recorded with the Centre County Recorder of Deeds guaranteeing that the owner will provide the additional spaces directly or by payment of in-lieu fees, where permitted, if the Planning Department, upon thorough investigation of the actual use of parking spaces at the building within two years of initial occupancy, recommends to Council that the approved reduction be modified or revoked. Said covenant shall meet the same requirements for covenants set forth in other sections of this document. The Borough must document insufficient parking supply by showing occupancy rates over 98% for at least two consecutive hours on at least three separate days within a single month.
Fee of Guarantee. The owner shall pay a fee that will be applied towards the cost of a parking study of actual parking accumulation to be carried out within one to two years of occupancy.
Exception. The covenant guaranteeing either additional spaces or payment of in-lieu fees [No. (1) above] and the fee for follow-up parking study [No. (2) above ] may be waived when the Borough will certify that previous experience of similar shared parking projects indicates it is unlikely a serious deficiency would result.
Agreement Between Sharing Property Owners. If a privately-owned parking facility is to serve two or more separate properties, a legal agreement between the property owners shall be entered into and recorded with the Centre County Recorder of Deeds guaranteeing access to, use of, and management of designated spaces. This agreement shall follow the model agreement that is attached to and made part of this section.