[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Edmonston as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Peace and good order — See Ch. 360.
[Adopted 2-10-1997 by Ord. No. 96-002 (Ch. 36 of the 1997 Code)]
There is hereby established a playground for public health, recreation and entertainment, together with recreational facilities and equipment, in Edmonston on the lands owned by this Town at Taylor Road.
The Mayor and Town Council of Edmonston may from time to time adopt such written rules or regulations as will ensure that residents of the Town are able to secure maximum use of the playground.
No person shall do any of the following things at or upon said place of recreation:
Throw, drop, discard or leave any wastepaper, garbage or other refuse, or sell, peddle or hawk any food, drink or confections.
In any way litter, make unsightly, damage, destroy or disfigure said recreation area or any public or private property thereat.
Make any loud noise, sound or music to the annoyance of any other person.
Disrobe, dress or undress on the recreation area or parking lot or in automobiles thereat.
Use loud, profane or indecent language.
Play ball or any other game or engage in any activity which will endanger another person or interfere with the enjoyment of the quiet use of the recreation area of said place of public resort by another person.
Conduct or engage in any party, picnic or similar outing on the recreation area without first obtaining a permit therefor. Intoxicating liquor shall not be taken upon any public recreation area.
Take, permit, allow or suffer his or her dog to be or go upon the recreation area.
Molest or disturb any person in the peaceful enjoyment of said recreation area.
Do anything which shall endanger the life or safety of himself, herself or any other person.
Dump or throw garbage or other refuse at the recreation area.
Refuse or neglect to obey the orders and directions of any supervisory personnel.
Interfere with or obstruct a police officer or supervisory personnel in the performance of his duty.
Operate a privately owned motor vehicle and/or motorbike or bikes on the recreation area at any time.
Bring glass containers into the playground.
In addition to any other sanctions provided in this article, repeated violations of any of the provisions of Subsection A shall constitute cause for banning an individual from use of this playground for a period not to exceed one year.
All provisions of this article shall be applicable to and shall pertain to the recreation area of the Town hereinabove noted.
Any person convicted of a violation of this article shall suffer a penalty of a fine not exceeding $25 or not more than 30 days' imprisonment in the county jail.
The various sections, paragraphs and portions of this article shall be construed as severable, so that if one section, paragraph or provision shall be found to be illegal or unconstitutional, such finding shall not affect the remaining sections, paragraphs and provisions of this article.