[Ord. 139, 11/6/1961, § 1; as amended by Ord. No. 21-00104, 4/12/2021]
The Police Department of West Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, is hereby established as the certified police department of the Borough, which shall provide police services to the Borough as established by Borough Ordinance No. 00103, approved December 30, 2020 and more fully set forth in the agreement between the Borough and West Earl Township referenced in Ordinance No. 00103, the terms of which may be amended from time to time by the authority of Borough Council. West Earl Township Police Department shall provide police services to the Borough until such time as the agreement shall expire or be terminated by a party, whichever first occurs.
Wherever the term "police," "police officer," "police department," or any combination thereof appear in the Code, such term shall relate to both the Akron Borough Police Department and the West Earl Township Police Department, unless and until the agreement shall expire or be terminated by a party, whichever first occurs. If expiration or termination of the agreement shall occur, such terms herein shall exclusively revert to the Akron Borough Police Department.
Pursuant to the agreement, the Township shall be responsible for enforcing the chapters, parts, and sections of the Code as follows:
The Township shall enforce Chapter 2, Part 1, Animal Regulations.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 6, Part 2, Discharge of Firearms, Air Rifles, Bows and Arrows or Similar Devices.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 6, Part 3, Curfew.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 7, Part 1, Open Burning.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 13, Part 1, Transient Retail Merchants.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 13, Part 3, Alarm System. Registration shall be the responsibility of the Borough.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, except for those provisions relating to the actions by the Mayor in certain circumstances.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 21, Part 2, Snow and Ice Removal.
The Township shall enforce Chapter 16, Parks and Recreation.
West Earl Township Police Department shall enforce the Code as indicated herein, until such time as the agreement shall expire or be terminated by a party, whichever first occurs.
[Ord. 139, 11/6/1961, § 2]
In the event of a legal determination that a Police Department has not heretofore been legally established, the Borough Council hereby declares as its legislative intent that this Part shall establish a Police Department consisting of the present incumbent as Chief of Police and such other classifications of police officers as may be from time to time determined by Council by resolution.
[Ord. 139, 11/6/1961, § 3]
Council shall from time to time designate by resolution additional and/or part time police officers and patrolmen, their term of office, and their pay.
[Ord. 139, 11/6/1961, § 4]
Nothing herein contained shall affect the authority of the Mayor to appoint special policemen during emergencies.
[Ord. No. 00103, 12/30/2020[1]]
The West Earl Township Police Department and its police officers are hereby appointed, effective upon the effective date of this section, as servicing the Borough of Akron policing needs.
Editor's Note: Through this ordinance, Borough Council voted to cease the operation of the Akron Borough Police Department, effective the end of December 2020, directing the Borough Manager to undertake all necessary steps to cease said operation.
[Ord. No. 00103, 12/30/2020]
All other provisions of the Borough of Akron Code of Ordinances are amended to reflect the appointment of the West Earl Township Police and their officers as an additional entity and individuals to service the policing needs of the Borough of Akron, until termination of those policing services.
[Ord. No. 00103, 12/30/2020]
Nothing contained herein shall in any way be construed to permanently repeal the provisions of the Borough of Akron Code of Ordinances as they would apply to any future Akron Borough Police Department. However, during the time of police service under the contract with West Earl Township, West Earl's officers shall serve as the Borough's Police Department and upon termination of that contract, the provisions of this Part, related to West Earl Township, shall immediately cease and the Borough's Police Department shall continue as a policing service for the Borough or alternatively an additional policing service that will be engaged at that time will be addressed.