[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981, Art. VI, § 1; as amended by Ord. 312, 5/10/1982, § 1; by Ord. 324, 2/14/1983, § 1; by Ord. 335, 5/14/1984, § 1; by Ord. 335A, 9/10/1984, §§ 2 — 5; by Ord. 340A, 6/10/1985, § 1; Ord. 348, 5/12/1986, § 1; by Ord. 357, 7/14/1986, § 1; by Ord. 360, 6/13/1988, § 1; by Ord. 370, 11/13/1989, § 1; by Ord. 380, 2/11/1991, § 1; Ord. 390, 1/11/1993, § 1; by Ord. 393B, 3/8/1993, § 1; by Ord. 396, 9/13/1993, § 1; by Ord. 98001, 1/12/1998, § I; and by Ord. 00050, 9/13/2010, §§ 8, 9]
The following areas have been designated as no parking areas at any time:
Eleventh Street
Center line of Main Street and continuing southwardly 174 feet south
Eleventh Street
Center line of Main Street and continuing northwardly 117 feet north
Eleventh Street
Center line of Main Street and continuing northwardly 350 feet
Fifth Street
North and west
Center line of Main Street and continuing northwardly and eastwardly to the center line of Fulton Street
Front Street
[Added by Ord. No. 00102, 11/9/2020]
From a starting point that starts at a point in the center line of Fulton Street and continuing south 378 feet and then extending (from that starting point) a distance south of 157 feet
Front Street
Entire length
Front Street
[Added by Ord. No. 00102, 11/9/2020]
Entire length
Fulton Street
80' Eastward from Colonial Drive curb
Main Street
Diamond and Main Streets continuing eastwardly to East End Avenue
Main Street
[Added by Ord. 00086, 8/10/2015]
Western edge of Front Street cartway, extending west to the center line of the Akron Rail Trail curb cut, then extending further west until 40 feet beyond the center line of the Akron Rail Trail curb cut
Main Street
Seventh Street and continuing westwardly 125 feet from Seventh Street
Main Street
64 feet east of Sixth Street and continuing westwardly 64 feet west of Sixth center line
Main Street
Seventh Street and continuing eastwardly 396 feet from Seventh Street
Main Street
80 feet east and 80 feet west of the center line of Scenic View Drive
Main Street
20 feet eastwardly and westwardly on Main Street from the outside edges of each of the east and west entrances to the Fire Company Hall
Main Street
55 additional feet westwardly form the current no parking area
Main Street
85 additional feet westwardly from the current no parking area
Main Street
North and south
180 feet east of the center line of North Eleventh Street
Main Street
North and south
95 feet west of the center line of North Eleventh Street
Main Street
North and south
100 east and 100 feet west of the center line of North Ninth Street
Main Street
[Added by Ord. 00086, 8/10/2015]
Extending 40 feet both east and west from the center 00line of the Akron Rail Trial curb cut
Main Street
Diamond and Main Streets and continuing eastwardly 400 feet from Diamond Street
Main Street
Seventh Street and continuing westwardly 125 feet from Seventh Street
Main Street
Seventh Street and continuing eastwardly 318 feet from Seventh Street
Main Street
80 feet east and west of the center line of Third Street
Main Street
75 feet both eastwardly and westwardly from (and including the area in-between) perpendicular imaginary lines extending from the edges of each of the east and west outside entrances to the Fire Company Hall
Main Street
48 additional feet eastwardly from the current no parking area
Main Street
64 additional feet westwardly from the current no parking area
North Fifth Street
East and south
Extending 40 feet south and 40 feet east from a point being the southeast corner of the intersections of the two portions of North Fifth Street that join at substantially a right angle
North Fifth Street
North and west
Extending 40 feet south and 40 feet east from a point being the southeast corner of the intersections of the two portions of North Fifth Street that join at substantially a right angle
North Ninth Street
75 feet from the center line of Fulton Street and continuing northwardly 260 feet north of the center line of Fulton Street
North Tenth Street
Entire length and all areas within the cul-de-sac at the end thereof.
Orchard Street
Entire circumference of the cul-de-sac at the end of Orchard Street
Orchard Street
North Tenth Street and North Eleventh Street
Orchard Street
Entire length from North Tenth Street westwardly to the cul-de-sac
Seventh Street (PA 272)
Entire distance
Sixth Street
40' South of the crosswalk line farthest from Main Street
South Ninth Street
325 feet south of the center line of Main Street and continuing southwardly 206 feet north of Broad Street
[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981, Art. VI, § 2]
The following areas have been designated as two-hour parking areas between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.:
Main Street
Seventh Street to 150 feet from the center line of Eleventh Street
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981, Art. VI, § 3; as amended by Ord. 348, 5/12/1986, § 3; and by Ord. 357, 12/14/1987, § 2]
The following areas have been designated as 15-minute parking areas:
Main Street
Eleventh Street westwardly 75 feet from the center line of Eleventh Street
Main Street
Eleventh Street westwardly 75 feet from the center line of Eleventh Street and continuing an additional 75 feet
South Eleventh Street
Broad Street southwardly to New Street
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
South Eleventh Street
Broad Street southwardly for a distance of 400 feet
South Eleventh Street
Center line of Main Street southwardly
[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981, Art. VI, § 4]
No vehicle may remain continuously parked upon any of the streets of Borough for a period in excess of 15 days. Each day during which a vehicle remains parked upon a street of Borough in excess of 15 days shall be considered to be a separate violation. This provision shall be in addition to any other provisions of state law and shall not be considered to reduce any of the provisions of this chapter or any of the provisions of state law.
[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981, § 5; as amended by Ord. 403, 8/8/1994, § 4; by Ord. No. 23-001, 1/23/2023]
No commercial vehicle, as defined by this section, shall park on any street, highway, or alley of the Borough of Akron between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The term "commercial vehicle" is defined as any self-propelled or drawn vehicle which has a gross registered weight in excess of 17,000 pounds.
No recreational vehicle, as defined in this section, shall park on any street, highway or alley of the Borough of Akron between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. unless the owner thereof has, in advance, acquired a permit from the Chief of Police. The term "recreational vehicle" is defined as a camper, boat and trailer, house trailer, motor home, or recreational trailer.
No house trailer, camper trailer, boat trailer, boat, trailer or any other nonmotorized vehicle shall be allowed to remain parked unattached to a vehicle for more than two hours on any street, highway, or alley in the Borough of Akron. Any unattached trailer must chock the tires.
No dumpster or any other unlicensed physical object shall be placed in or upon a street cartway or sidewalk. All dumpsters and such other objects shall be placed completely outside of the cartway and off of all sidewalks, unless an applicant has acquired a permit from the Chief of Police granting temporary consent to the parking of a dumpster, etc. If a dumpster, etc., cannot be placed on a property and must be placed on the street cartway, in order to acquire a permit from the Chief of Police, the areas must have flashers erected in the front and the rear of the same to warn traffic.
Each dumpster, etc., shall be kept at least 100 feet away from any intersection and further must be placed so it does not block the view of any motorist pulling into a roadway nor interfere with the flow of traffic. Permits for dumpsters, etc., shall be renewed from week to week and in no event will such extend beyond the minimum length of time necessary to complete the work. Flashers shall operate daytime and nighttime. The erection, maintenance and care of all flashers shall be the sole responsibility of the owner.
[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981, § 6; as added by Ord. 00001, 2/14/2000, § I]
Requests for a handicapped parking space along public streets or rights-of-way must meet the certification requirements under the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code in effect at time of application.
Requests for a handicapped parking space shall initially be made in writing to the Borough Manager, pursuant to Subsection 3 hereof, who shall be responsible for investigating and making a recommendation to Council.
Reasonable efforts will be made to place an approved parking space within reasonable distance to the applicant's residence.
Approval of a handicapped parking space will be granted only if no other space on the applicant's residential property can be made suitable for handicapped access.
The Borough Manager shall review annually each approved handicapped space location to determine compliance with the Vehicle Code and to determine which spaces shall be continued or abandoned.
An applicant who has an approved handicapped parking space along a public street or right-of-way may be required to provide certification in writing to the Borough Manager annually of their compliance with the Vehicle Code and this Part.
Qualifications of Applicant. All applicants must comply with the requirements of the Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3354.
Procedure. The following procedure must be followed by an applicant for a handicapped parking space on public streets or rights-of-way:
Applicant must complete the appropriate application form and provide the form and required certification to the Borough Manager. The applicant shall include a copy of valid Pennsylvania vehicle registration card certifying the handicapped plate or copy of the handicapped placard.
Upon receipt of the application, the Borough Manager will conduct a completeness review to ensure the application is complete. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant identifying what items are required to complete the application.
Upon receipt of a complete application, the Borough Manager will conduct an investigation to include:
Condition of parking available on the applicant's property or place of residence to assure that no suitable parking space accessible to the handicapped person is or can be available on said property.
Review site distance along the public street in relationship to street intersections and alleys to assure that placement of a handicapped space can be made safely.
Reviews consistent with this chapter to make determinations concerning criteria established by this chapter.
A recommendation rendered by the Borough Manager in this regard may be appealed to the Streets Committee of Borough Council for a final recommendation. The final decision shall be made by Borough Council.
Upon approval, each handicapped space shall be signed and marked in accordance with standard specifications for handicapped parking spaces.
Cancellation of a handicapped parking space may be revoked pursuant to the provisions of this chapter by Borough Council upon recommendation of the Borough Manager.
[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981, Art. VI; as added by Ord. 336A, 11/12/1984, § 1]
The use of the highways of the Borough for the repair or servicing of motor vehicles is hereby prohibited.
Any person, partnership or corporation violating the foregoing provision Subsection 1, for each separate violation, upon summary conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $100.