The alteration of any major landform shall not be initiated unless a building/use permit has been issued therefor. No excavation, fill or rearrangement of the natural contour of the land as herein defined shall be permitted, except in accord with the standards of this part and as elsewhere regulated under this chapter.
No on-site surface water or groundwater drainage system in connection with the construction or alteration of any building, structure or natural landform shall be located or constructed in such manner as to intensify runoff in an unacceptable manner, pollute or cause erosion on adjoining properties. Surface water shall be appropriately drained to protect buildings and structures and to prevent development of stagnant ponds or pools. Surface drainage shall be conveyed to an existing system of stormwater disposal where available, and all surface drainage shall be designed so as not to discharge onto walkways, the roadway or adjacent property in such a manner as to create a nuisance or hazard.
Any person who shall construct, create or install an entrance, road, drive or similar entryway to a public roadway in the Town shall first obtain authorization of the proper authority having jurisdiction thereof. Before issuance of any permit, the Enforcement Officer or appropriate highway authority shall determine the requirements for proper flow of surface drainage and whether the proposed provision therefor is adequate. Where required by the Enforcement Officer, a corrugated metal or reinforced concrete conduit of a length and diameter as may be necessary, but at least a minimum of one foot in diameter and 20 feet in length, to adequately accommodate surface runoff along such public roadway shall be installed at the applicant's expense so as to ensure the unimpeded flow of surface drainage through such conduit.
No building, structure or installation shall be located or constructed and no site alteration made so as to alter any shoreline in the Town without a building/use permit therefor. All construction on any shoreline lot shall be carried out in a manner so as to minimize interference with the natural course of such waterway, to avoid erosion of the shoreline, to minimize the runoff of surface water into the waterway, and to remove only that vegetation which is necessary to the accomplishment of the project.
Flood hazard areas shall be as delineated on the Zoning Map(s) representing the area so classified on the Flood Hazard Boundary Maps prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and incorporated within the Land Preservation (LP) Overlay District of Part 3, Zoning Regulations.
All proposed construction, installation, alteration or replacement of any structure or appurtenant system or alteration of any shoreline or major landform in the Town will be reviewed to determine that such undertaking is consistent with the objectives of this part, the proper management of the flood hazard areas and any floodplain management programs affecting the Town. No such activity will be permitted, except in such manner and according to such restrictions as may be reasonably necessary, where it would have a deleterious effect on the proper management of any flood hazard area in the Town or be otherwise contrary to standards established in this part.
No building, structure, installation, construction or alteration of any shoreline or major landform will be located or initiated in any area of the Town in such manner as to jeopardize the safety, health or welfare of the occupants or users thereof.
No building, structure, installation, construction or alteration of the shoreline or major landform in any area of the Town shall be so located or constructed as to interfere with or diminish the effective carrying capacity, increase flood-stage elevation or flood velocities of any stream or its related floodway in the Town.
Construction, installation, alteration or replacement of any structure or appurtenant system in any area of the Town designated as a flood hazard area shall be flood-resistant, and, further, all construction methods and practices connected with the location, building or installation of the same will be carried out in such manner as to minimize potential flood damage.
Any new or replacement water supply or sanitary sewage disposal system located in any area of the Town designated as a flood hazard area shall be so designed as to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharge from the systems into the floodwaters. All such systems shall be located and constructed as to avoid their impairment, contamination to them, or contamination of any floodwaters.
All subdivisions or other major developments shall be reviewed to determine that they are consistent with the purpose and intent of this part, the proper management of the flood hazard areas in the Town and any floodplain management programs affecting the Town. In particular, all public facilities and utilities such as sewer, gas, electrical or water systems shall be so located, elevated and constructed as to minimize or eliminate flood damage and all storm runoff, surface and building drainage will be so designed as to minimize its effect on the flooding potential and its exposure to flood hazard.
Construction, installation, alteration or replacement of any structure or appurtenant system in any area of the Town designated as a flood hazard area shall be so designed and anchored as to prevent the flotation, collapse or lateral movement of same, or any portion thereof, due to flooding.
All applications for construction, installation, alteration or replacement of any structure or appurtenant system in any flood hazard area shall be accompanied by appropriate documentation, including certification by a licensed professional engineer or registered architect where required, that the proposal is consistent with the performance standards of this part and that, in particular, the following measures are adequately provided for in relation to the site and a potential one-hundred-year flood:
Anchorage is sufficient to resist flotation and lateral movement.
Reinforcement of walls and provision for relieving hydrostatic water pressure on external walls and basement floors is sufficient to resist water pressures.
Installation of any pumps to lower water levels in the structure and the absence of gravity-flow drains has been adequately considered.
Elevation of the lowest floor for all structures and their service equipment is at least one foot above the 100 year flood level, as such level has been established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Town may, where it deems advisable, request that any or all of the pertinent requirements and standards for floodproofing, as set forth in the manual entitled "Flood Proofing Regulations," prepared by the Office of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, revised December 1995, be established as a guide in any proposal for building construction, equipment location or utility installation and that compliance to such standards be certified by a licensed professional engineer or registered architect.
Potable water from an approved source shall be available at all times in all residential buildings and dwelling units and in every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed. Water supply systems shall be installed and maintained so as to provide a supply of water to plumbing fixtures and appurtenances in sufficient volume and at pressures adequate to enable them to function satisfactorily.
Connection shall be made to the public water supply system for all new construction within any established Town water district or where such can be reasonably extended or expanded to serve the proposed use in every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed. Such connections shall be at the applicant's expense according to the requirements of this part and at the direction of the Enforcement Officer in accord with any existing Town requirements pertaining to such connections, installations and the use of such public system. Any alteration in the source, storage, treatment or distribution of a public or community water supply system shall be submitted to and approved by the New York State Department of Health in accord with the applicable requirements of Part 5 of the State Sanitary Code.
No new or altered individual water supply system shall be allowed except upon application for and issuance of a permit under this part. Any such system shall be so located, constructed and maintained as to ensure an adequate supply of potable water at all times and to preclude any likely contamination. In particular, any individual water supply system shall be designed and approved according to the standards set forth in the current edition of the New York State Department of Health bulletin promulgated in accord with Appendixes 75-A, Wastewater Treatment Standards - Residential On-Site Systems, and 75-B, Individual Water Supplies - Treatment Systems, of the State Sanitary Code and according to the following provisions of this part.
Any individual water supply system shall be located not closer than 150 feet to any seepage pit, 100 feet to any tile field, 50 feet to any septic tank, 25 feet to any roadway right-of-way or open ditch or natural drainageway, and 10 feet to any lot line other than a roadway right-of-way.
No individual water supply system shall be so located as to intersect a public sewer, water or other underground utility line.
The top of any well casing shall terminate not less than 1 1/2 feet above finished grade level or any pump house floor, which floor shall be appropriately drained, except that any such casing shall be not less than two feet above any established 100 year flood stage elevation.
Construction of the well shall seal off, insofar as is practicable, water-bearing formations that are or may be polluted. No unsealed opening shall be permitted to exist in or around the well casing, and where any such opening is provided in the casing, a pit-less adapter will be used to seal such opening.
Before being put into use, the well shall be tested for yield and drawdown for at least four hours' duration. The test pump shall have a capacity at least equal to the pumping rate at which it is expected the well will be pumped during its usage. The test pump shall be installed to operate continuously until the water level has stabilized and, at this point, the yield and drawdown determined. Periodic water level observations shall be made during the drawdown and subsequent recovery periods. A minimum sustained well yield of five gallons per minute shall be obtained or equivalent storage capacity provided.
The well shall be pumped until clear and then properly disinfected, after which the well water shall be tested for purity and certified potable before its connection to the plumbing system.
Temporary capping of the well until the pumping equipment is installed shall be such that no pollutant can enter the well. Pump and pumping equipment shall be of a type and so installed as to allow for the proper and sanitary operation of the water supply system.
An abandoned well shall be appropriately filled and sealed in such a manner as to avoid accidents and to prevent it from acting as a channel for pollution of water-bearing formations.
Plumbing fixtures conveying sanitary wastes shall be drained to a sanitary sewerage system, and such system shall be connected to a public sewer or to an adequate and approved private system of sewage disposal.
Connection shall be made to the public sewage disposal system for all new construction within any established Town sewer district or where such can be reasonably extended or expanded to serve the proposed use in every building in which plumbing fixtures designed to receive sanitary wastes are installed. Such connections shall be at the applicant's expense, according to the requirements of this part and at the direction of the Enforcement Officer in accord with any existing Town requirements pertaining to such connections, installations and the use of the public system.
No commercial or industrial wastes, stormwater or surface drainage or groundwater shall be discharged into any public or community sanitary sewer system without prior written approval of the Enforcement Officer in consultation with the Superintendent of Public Works in accord with any existing requirements of the Town or sewer district.