The sketch plan initially submitted to the Planning Board shall be based on Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base map at a scale (preferably not less than 400 feet to the inch) to enable the entire tract to be shown on one sheet. The sketch plan shall be submitted showing the following information:
A location map to indicate the relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing community facilities which will serve or influence the layout, such as existing road patterns, schools, parks and other public lands, local villages and hamlets, and special districts, including school, fire, agricultural, etc.
All existing structures, burial grounds, railroad rights-of-way, existing property lines, wooded areas, streams or watercourses, flood hazard areas, wetlands, quarries or excavations, bedrock outcrops and other significant physical features within the area to be subdivided and within 200 feet thereof. For all minor and major subdivisions, topographic conditions shall be indicated at contour intervals of not more than 20 feet.
The name of the owner, the name of the professional person(s) responsible for the subdivision design, and the names of all adjoining property owners within 500 feet of any perimeter boundary of the subdivision as disclosed by the most recent municipal tax records.
The proposed subdivision name, the Tax Map sheet, block and lot numbers, scale, North arrow and acreage involved.
All the utilities currently available, including any existing easements, and all roads which are either proposed, mapped, or built.
The proposed pattern and approximate dimensions and area of lots, road layout, recreation area, proposed surface water drainage, sewerage and water supply within the subdivision area.
All existing restrictions on the use of land, including easements, covenants, or zoning divisions.
For all simple subdivisions, the applicant shall have the sketch plan notarized before presentation to the Planning Board to indicate compliance with the definition of simple division.
In addition to the information required by § 180-44, the following shall be submitted for minor subdivisions only:
A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as are proposed to cover all or part of the tract.
An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete description data by bearings and distances, made and certified to by a licensed land surveyor. The corners of the tract shall also be located on the ground and marked by monuments as approved by the Town Planning Board or its agent and shall be referenced and shown on the plat.
All individual on-site sanitation and water supply facilities shall be designed to meet the minimum specifications of any applicable state, county, Town or New York City agencies having jurisdiction, and a note to this effect shall be stated on the plat.
The proposed subdivision name, the date, North arrow, map scale and name and address of property owner and applicant and the names of adjoining property owners as listed on sketch plan.
The plat shall conform with the filing requirements of the Delaware County Clerk's office.
The preliminary plat shall be submitted at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, or another scale approved by the Planning Board, whichever most clearly illustrates the applicant's proposal. The preliminary plat shall be clearly marked "preliminary plat" and shall include:
Proposed subdivision name, name of Town and county, name and address of property owner, subdivider, engineer or surveyor preparing the plan, including license number and seal, date, true North point and scale.
The name of all subdivisions immediately adjacent, if any, and the names and addresses of the owners of record of all property adjacent to the subdivisions and within 500 feet of any perimeter boundary.
The approximate location and dimensions of all property lines, the total acreage of the proposed subdivision, the location of any zoning district lines, special districts or municipal boundary lines affecting the subdivision.
All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use for roads, highways, easements, parks or other public facility and the conditions of such dedication.
The location of all existing structures and pertinent features, including railroads, water bodies, watercourses, wetlands, flood hazard areas, stonewalls, rock outcrops, wooded areas, and any other significant existing features that may influence the design of the proposed subdivision area and within 200 feet of any outside perimeter.
Location of existing sewers, water mains, culverts and drains serving the property, with pipe sites, grades, direction of flow and existing easements.
The width, location and names of any roads or public ways or places shown on the Official Map or in the Master Plan, if such exists, within the area to be subdivided. Also the right-of-way width, location, grades, proposed and existing easements, and road profiles of all roads or public ways proposed by the developer. Contours with intervals of five feet or less as required by the Planning Board, including elevations on existing roads.
Approximate location and size of all proposed water lines, valves, fire hydrants, and sewer lines or alternative means of water supply or sewage disposal and treatment, including sites for on-site systems as provided in the Public Health Law. Profiles of all proposed water and sewer mains. If required by the Planning Board, the results of soil percolation tests and soil suitability test shall accompany the final plat.
Storm drainage plan indicating the approximate location and size of proposed lines, their profiles and connection to existing lines or alternative means of disposal, including existing and proposed drainage easements. Temporary measures to control erosion shall also be shown.
Construction plans, profiles, cross sections and other drawings as required to show the proposed location and types of all improvements required by Article V or by the Planning Board or proposed by the applicant.
Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required.
The proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and area of each lot. An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete descriptive data by bearings and distances made and certified to by a licensed land surveyor. Corners of the tract shall also be located on the ground and marked by monuments as approved by the Road Review Committee and shall be referenced and shown on the plat.
Where the topography or design is such as to make difficult the inclusion of required facilities within the public areas as laid out, the preliminary plat shall show the boundaries of proposed permanent easements over or under private property, which permanent easements shall not be less than 20 feet in width and which shall provide satisfactory access to an existing or proposed public road or public open space shown on the subdivision or Official Map.
A copy of any covenants or deed restrictions that are intended to cover any lot in all or part of the tract.
If the preliminary plat submitted for approval covers only a part of the applicant's entire holding in the area, then a map shall be prepared, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet, showing the entire tract as it relates to the parcel included on the preliminary plat.
A site location sketch, at a maximum scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet, showing the general situation of the applicant's property with respect to surrounding properties and roads, including all utility lines.
The final plat, to be approved by the Planning Board and filed in the office of the County Clerk, shall be drawn at the same scale as the preliminary plat and shall conform to the filing requirements of the Delaware County Clerk. When more than one sheet is required, an additional index map on the same size sheet shall be prepared and included for filing, showing to scale the entire subdivision with lot and block lines clearly legible. The final plat submission shall show:
Proposed subdivision name or identifying title, the name of the town and county in which it is located, the name and address of the owner of record and of the applicant (if other than owner), the name, certification and seal of the registered engineer or licensed land surveyor who prepared the plat, the names of the owners of record of adjoining properties and of properties directly across the road, scale, true North point and date.
Location of existing buildings, wooded areas, wetlands, ponds, creeks, drainageways, stone walls, burial grounds, large trees and other features to be retained or removed.
Sufficient data to enable the Planning Board to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every road line, lot line, boundary line and to reproduce such lines upon the ground. The length and bearing of all straight lines, radii, length of curves and central angles of all curves and tangent bearings shall be given for each road. All dimensions and angles of the lines of each lot shall also be given. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot. Where applicable, these data should be referenced to monuments and tied into other reference points previously established.
The final plat shall show, by proper designation thereon, all public open spaces for which deeds are included and the title(s) to which is reserved by the developer. For any of the latter, there shall be submitted with the plat copies of agreements or other documents showing the manner in which such areas are to be maintained and the provisions made therefor. All offers of cession and all covenants governing the maintenance of unceded open space shall bear the certificate of approval of the Town Attorney as to their form and legal sufficiency.
Roads, pedestrianways, lots, reservations, easements, and other areas to be dedicated to public use.
Notations explaining any drainage, sight, slope, road widening, park area or other reservations or easements, as may be required by the Planning Board, including any self-imposed restrictions or covenants.
The boundaries of the property, location, total acreage included in the entire subdivision and the identification number and acreage of all lots and land reservations within the proposed subdivision. Lots and blocks shall be numbered or lettered in accordance with the prevailing Town practice.
Permanent reference monuments and lot corner markers shall be shown and their location referenced on the final plat.
A site location map, at a scale no greater than one inch equals 2,000 feet, showing the location of the applicant's property with respect to surrounding land and roads.
Construction drawings, including plans, profiles and typical cross sections, as required, showing the proposed location, size, grade and type of roads, sidewalks, road lighting standards, road trees, curbs, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, pavement and subbase, manholes, catch basins and other improvements as required by the Planning Board or proposed by the applicant.
The following notes shall be placed upon the final plat:
No building permit shall be issued to any property owner within this subdivision other than to the owner or applicant unless all improvements are completed and approved in accordance with the Planning Board's resolution of approval of this plat.
Sanding, snowplowing and other similar maintenance of highways within this subdivision shall be the responsibility of the developer or as specified in any applicable landowner's road maintenance agreement until such time as the Town accepts the roads.
Certification from the Health Department of jurisdiction of sewage disposal and water supply systems. No modification may be made after Department of Health certification.
Statement from the appropriate Town officials certifying that required improvements have been satisfactorily installed or that an acceptable bond for such installation has been filed with the Town Clerk.
Form for endorsement by Planning Board Chairman as follows:
"Approved by Resolution of the Walton Town Planning Board"