[Ord. No. 2017-24, 7-11-2017]
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, harbor, commit or maintain, or to suffer to be caused, harbored, committed or maintained, any nuisance as defined by the Statutes of common law of the State as defined by Ordinance of the City at any place within the City or within one-half (1/2) mile beyond the City limits.
[Ord. No. 2017-24, 7-11-2017]
The following acts, when committed, or conditions when existing within the City limits or within one-half (1/2) mile beyond the City limits are nuisances.
An act done or committed, or aided or assisted to be done or committed, by any person, or any substance, being or thing kept, maintained, placed or found in or upon any public or private place, which is injurious, annoying, inconvenient or dangerous to the public health or safety.
All substances which emit or cause any foul, noxious, unhealthy, or disagreeable odor or effluvia in the neighborhood where they exist.
Establishments emitting or causing an offensive, disagreeable, noxious or toxic dust, vapor, fume, mist or odor.
All ashes, cinders, slops, filth, human or animal excrement, sawdust, stones, rocks, dirt, straw, soot, sticks, shavings, eggshells, oyster shells, or cans, dust, brush, logs, paper, trash, rubbish, manure, refuse, waste water, chamber lye, fish putrid meat, entrails, decayed fruit or vegetables, broken ware, rags, iron or other metal, old wearing apparel, all animal or vegetable matter, all dead animals or any other offensive or disagreeable substance or thing thrown, left, deposited or caused to be left, thrown or deposited by anyone in or upon any street, sidewalk, park, public square, public enclosure, lot, vacant or occupied, stream or waterway, or pond or pool of water.
The placement, parking or storage of machinery, vehicles or motorized equipment of any type, or parts thereof, that is not in operating condition and are not currently licensed upon residential or commercial premises.
The servicing or repair on residential premises, or upon adjacent public right-of-way, of motorized vehicles of any type which are not the property of the owner, lessee or tenant of such residential premises.
Any business or enterprise that causes or produces any vibrations, smoke, dirt, dust, odors or gases to such extent as to be detrimental or injurious to the comfort, peace or health of other persons that was located and conducted within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any building used exclusively for residence purposes at the time of the location of such business or enterprise.
Any putrid or unwholesome meat or fish, decayed fruits or vegetables, refuse, offal, human or animal excrement, or other filthy or offensive substance or thing.
The running or operating of a rock crushing machine in any block or square wherein there are three (3) or more residences or dwellings occupied.
The operating of rock crushing machine within three hundred (300) feet of any occupied residence or dwelling.
Any building or structure which in any way interferes with or impedes the flow of water in any lake, natural watercourses, or stream.
The discharge or placing of any offal, debris, or refuse, whether animal, vegetable, or other matter within the waters of the Lake of the Ozarks.
Mooring, anchoring, or maintaining, or allowing to be moored, anchored or maintained, upon the waters of the Lake of the Ozarks or alongside any pier or docks in such waters any multi-unit structure to be used for temporary or permanent living purposes.
All ponds or pools of stagnant water, and all foul or dirty water or liquid when discharged through any drain, pipe or spout or thrown into or upon any street, public place or lot to the injury or annoyance of the public.
Every act or thing done or made, permitted, allowed or continued on any property, public or private, by any person to the damage or injury of any of the inhabitants of this City and not heretofore specified.
Any building, shed, or fence or other man-made structure, which because of its condition or because of lack of doors and/or windows, is available to frequenting by malefactors or disorderly person who are not lawful occupants of such structures.
Unsheltered storage of old, unused, stripped, junked machinery, implements and or equipment or personal property of any kind which is no longer safely usable for the purpose for which it was manufactured for a period of thirty (30) days or more (except in licensed junkyards) within the corporate limits of the City is hereby declared to be a nuisance and dangerous to the public safety and prohibited. This shall include, but is not limited to, the keeping or the depositing on or the scattering over the premises of any of the following:
Lumber, junk, trash or debris.
Abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment such as freezers, stoves, refrigerators, cans, containers, bottles or rubbish.
This Section does not apply to boats and vessels, regulation of which are provided in Chapter 306, RSMo.
[Ord. No. 2017-24, 7-11-2017]
Upon being satisfied that a nuisance exists in accordance with the terms of this Chapter, an authorized City Officer or employee shall enforce this Chapter. He/she may, however, report the existence of the nuisance, or nuisances, to the City Administrator or his/her designee for assistance and instructions if, in his/her judgement, he/she deems that assistance and instructions are necessary or advisable. The officer or employee shall cause notice in writing to be served upon any person causing or maintaining a nuisance to forthwith abate such nuisance within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prepare such notices and the duty of any authorized City Officer or employee to serve the notice, and if the nuisance is not abated within the time required after the service of any such notice, any person notified shall be guilty of an offense.
[Ord. No. 2017-24, 7-11-2017]
Authorized officers or employees of the City may lawfully enter onto premises upon which a nuisance is located to abate it.
When any person causing, creating or maintaining a nuisance, or upon whose premises such nuisance is found, fails to abate the nuisance within ten (10) days after receipt of notice from the City to do so, authorized officers or employees of the City may abate such nuisance at the expense of the person failing to do so.