Powers and duties.
The Public Art Commission (herein referred to as the Commission) shall provide leadership to enhance the experience of public space, be an effective decision-making body to recommend and implement approved Public Art policy and procedures, and maintain thoughtful public participation, outreach, and communications concerning public art.
The Commission shall approve all public art applications and said approval shall be necessary prior to the installation of public art in the City of Auburn unless exempted by the terms of this chapter.
The Commission shall initiate and develop proposals to receive recommendations and to solicit contributions for additions to the existing collection of public art.
The Commission shall be responsible for the development and oversight of a Public Art Plan including criteria and guidelines for the selection, acquisition, exhibition, and display of new public art, either temporary or permanent. The criteria and guidelines shall relate but are not limited to economic feasibility, maintenance, security, and aesthetics. No public art shall be acquired, loaned, or installed, nor shall existing public art be deaccessioned or removed from public places without prior review by the Commission.
The Commission is authorized to establish a jury or advisory group, or consult with public artists when reviewing an application or acquiring a piece of public art.
The Commission shall submit an annual report to the City Council on its activities and shall report to the Mayor on a regular basis.
The Commission shall consist of a minimum of five voting members who must be residents of the City of Auburn.
The Commission shall be composed of the following members:
When possible, two individuals chosen from the following disciplines: landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning, interior design, engineering, or a related design discipline.
Two professional artists.
One citizen knowledgeable in the field of public art, education, or community affairs.
One citizen knowledgeable of the real estate and development community.
One at-large citizen.
Nonvoting members of the Commission shall include at least one representative from the Planning and Economic Development and a member of the Department of Public Works.
Members of the arts community may serve as nonvoting, at-large members of the Commission to provide specific knowledge and expertise.
All members of the Commission shall be residents of the City of Auburn.
Terms of office.
The membership of the first term of the Commission shall be filled by the City Council of the City of Auburn with the following appointments:
Two members to serve a two-year appointment;
Two members to serve a three-year appointment;
One member to serve a four-year appointment.
Terms shall be two years in length with the exception of four members of the first established Commission, staggered such that not more than three of the two-year terms expire in any calendar year.
Once a person has served three full and consecutive terms on the Commission, that person shall not be eligible for reappointment for a length of time equal to one full term on the Commission.
If any member shall fail to attend three consecutive meetings or more than half of the meetings in one calendar year without just cause as determined by the Commission, then that member shall be replaced by the Chairperson of the Commission.
Any vacancy that results from an expired term or resignation shall be filled by the City Council.
The Commission shall have a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson, as elected by a majority vote of the Commission.
Compensation of members.
The members shall receive no compensation for their services.
The Commission shall meet for the purpose of organization as soon as reasonably possible after January 1 of each year.
The Commission shall meet at such times as it finds necessary throughout the year, but not less often than once every quarter.
All meetings of the Commission must be open to the public as required by the New York Open Meetings Law. A quorum shall consist of a majority of appointed voting members of the Commission.
Public notice of the time and place of a meeting scheduled at least one week prior thereto shall be conspicuously posted in one or more designated public locations at least 72 hours before such meeting.
The Commission shall establish and publish rules and regulations governing the conduct of its meetings, the procedure and criteria to be utilized in approving or denying public art applications and any other matters within its power and duties, provided that the rules and regulations are not contrary to the terms and intent of this chapter.
Conflicts of interest.
All members of the Public Art Commission shall abide by the adopted City of Auburn Code of Ethics.
Any conduct that creates an appearance of impropriety or may otherwise impair a Commission member's judgment in the selection of a project site, artist, or artwork is prohibited.
Anyone in a position to receive financial gain from the selection of sites, artists, or artworks shall abstain or recuse themselves from the Commission.
Committee members must declare any conflict of interest and recuse themselves if a conflict of interest arises.
A Committee member may not participate in discussion or voting on an application submitted by said member.