The Mayor may appoint, subject to the approval of the Council, a Town Manager to be the chief administrative officer of the Town. The compensation for the Town Manager shall be determined by the Council. The Town Manager shall be responsible for the proper administration of all affairs of the Town government and for carrying out the policies determined and approved by the Council. The Town Manager shall attend Council meetings (unless excused therefrom) and may take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the Council. The Town Manager shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required by the Council not inconsistent with this Charter.
The Mayor, with approval of the Council, shall appoint a Town Clerk who shall serve as Clerk to the Mayor and Council. The Clerk shall serve at the pleasure of the Council, and the compensation of the Clerk shall be determined by the Council. The Clerk or designee shall attend meetings of the Council and keep a full and accurate account of the proceedings of the Council. The Clerk shall serve as custodian of all official Town records. The Clerk shall ascertain that all taxable property within the Town is assessed for taxation and arrange for collection of all taxes, special assessments, license fees, liens, and all other revenues of the Town and any other revenues for whose collection the Town is responsible. The Clerk shall perform such other duties as may be required by this Charter or the Council.
The Mayor with the approval of the Council may appoint a Town Attorney. The Town Attorney shall be a member of the bar of the Maryland Court of Appeals. The Town Attorney shall be the legal advisor of the Town and shall perform such duties in this connection as may be required by the Mayor and Council. The Town Attorney's compensation shall be determined by the Council. The Town shall have the power to employ such other legal consultants as it deems necessary from time to time.
The Town shall have the power to employ such officers and employees as it deems necessary to execute the powers and duties provided by this Charter or other State law and to operate the Town government.
The Town may provide by ordinance for appointments and promotions in administrative service on the basis of merit and fitness. To carry out this purpose the Council may adopt such rules and regulations governing the operation of a merit system as it deems desirable or necessary. Among other things these rules and regulations may provide for competitive examinations, the use of eligible lists, a classification plan, a compensation plan, a probation period, appeals by employees included within the classified service from dismissal or other disciplinary action, and vacation and sick leave regulations.
The Town shall have the power to include its officers and employees within any retirement system or pension system and to pay the employer's share of the cost of any such retirement or pension system out of the general funds of the Town.
The compensation of all officers and employees of the Town shall be set from time to time by a resolution passed by the Council.
The Town is authorized and empowered to provide for or participate in, by ordinance, hospitalization or other forms of benefit or welfare programs for its employees, and to expend public monies of the Town for such programs.