When used in connection with a particular use in the Table of Permissible Uses included in this article,[1] the letter "P" means that the use is permissible in the indicated zone with a zoning certificate issued by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Editor's Note: The Table of Permissible Uses is included as an attachment to this chapter.
When used in connection with a particular use in the Table of Permissible Uses, the letter "PC" means that the use is permissible in the indicated zone with a zoning certificate issued by the Code Enforcement Officer provided the conditions stipulated in Article XI are met.
The letters "SC" mean the conditions of approval stipulated in Article XI for the proposed use must be met and a special exception permit must be obtained from the Board of Appeals.
The letters "SE" mean a special exception permit must be obtained from the Board of Appeals.
Reference to applicable conditions of approval in Article XI is provided in the "Use Description" column.
In the event an applicant wishes to use property for a use which is not specifically identified as a permitted use or a special exception use and where such use is not specifically prohibited from the district, the following provisions shall apply:
The Code Enforcement Officer shall submit to the Board of Appeals a written request for a determination of the unclassified use.
The Board of Appeals shall review the request as submitted and determine if the proposed use is of a similar character to the uses in the district in which it is proposed.
If the Board of Appeals determines that the use is of a similar character and meets the intent of the principal permitted uses within the district, then it shall instruct the Code Enforcement Officer to issue a zoning certificate.
In the event that the Board of Appeals determines that the proposed use in the district is consistent with the character and intent of the uses permitted by special exception within the district, then the applicant shall apply for a special exception in the normal manner.
In no event shall the provisions of this section be used to allow an incompatible use or a use specifically prohibited by this chapter within a certain district.
Once a use has been allowed or disallowed by the Code Enforcement Officer or the Planning Commission, it shall then be considered classified under the appropriate category in the district.
The presumption established by this Zoning Chapter is that all legitimate uses of land in the Town are provided for within at least one zoning district in the Town's planning jurisdiction. Because the list of permissible uses set forth in the Table of Permissible Uses cannot be all inclusive, those uses that are listed shall be interpreted liberally to include other uses that have similar impacts to the listed uses per the process outlined in § 163-39.
All uses that are not listed in the Table of Permissible Uses, and which are determined by the Board of Appeals per § 163-39 to not be of a similar character to another use in that district, are prohibited. Nor shall the Table of Permissible Uses be interpreted to allow a use in one zoning district when the use in question is more closely related to another specified use that is permissible in other zoning districts.
No building or tract of land shall be devoted to any use other than a use permitted hereinafter in the zoning district in which such building or tract of land shall be located, with the exception of the following:
Uses lawfully existing on the effective date of this chapter.
Special exceptions recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Board of Appeals.
Uses lawfully existing on the effective date of this chapter and rendered nonconforming by the provisions thereof shall be subject to the regulations of Article VIII of this Zoning Chapter.
The following uses are specifically prohibited in all districts:
Any use that involves the manufacture, handling, sale, distribution, or storage of any highly combustible or explosive materials.
Stockyards, slaughterhouses, rendering plants.
Use of a travel trailer or accessory building as a temporary or permanent residence.
Use of a motor vehicle parked on a lot as a structure in which, out of which, or from which any goods are sold or stored, any services are performed, or other business is conducted.
Solid or hazardous waste collection or disposal facilities excluding approved wastewater treatment facilities.
Sanitary landfills.
Adult-oriented businesses, establishments providing adult entertainment or material, adult oriented commercial enterprises adult nightclub, bar, restaurant, or similar establishment adult bookstore; or massage parlor. See definitions.
Every structure hereafter erected, reconstructed, converted, moved or structurally altered shall be located on a lot of record, and in no case shall there be more than one principal structure on a lot unless as provided in Subsection B below.
More than one principal structure may be located upon a lot in the following instances subject to the lot, yard and density requirements and other provisions of this chapter:
Institutional buildings.
Public or semi-public buildings.
Multiple-family dwellings.
Commercial or industrial buildings.
Additional principal structures in permitted mixed-use projects with the prior approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Student housing.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Zoning Chapter or the Town Code, no zoning permit or special-exception permit is necessary for the following uses:
Access driveways to an individual, detached, single-family dwelling.
Essential services and public utilities.
Yard sales or garage sales, so long as such sales are not conducted on the same lot for more than three days (whether consecutive or not) during any ninety-day period.
Table of Permissible Uses. The following table lists permissible use and special exception uses by zoning district.[1]
Editor's Note: The Table of Permissible Uses is included as an attachment to this chapter.