[Adopted 7-17-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-13]
The Township shall have the authority to enter into agreements ("financial agreements") with redevelopers, developers and/or other appropriate entities, for the granting of up to five years of alternative tax treatment, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:21-1 et seq., and for a longer term, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq., concerning certain projects within the Township, subject to the following conditions.
Applications for five-year PILOT agreements may be informal but must be reduced to a financial agreement to be authorized by further ordinance.
Applicants for long-term tax treatment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:20-1 et seq., shall provide the Township Committee with an application setting forth the following:
A general description of the project for which an abatement, exemption, or payment-in-lieu-of-tax agreement is sought.
A legal description of all real estate comprising:
The project site; and
The proposed tax treatment at such project site.
Plans, drawings and other documents as may be required by the governing body to demonstrate the structure and design of the project.
A description of the number, classes and types of employees to be employed at the project site within two years of completion of the project.
A statement of the reasons for seeking tax abatement and/or exemption or other tax treatment as part of the applicant's project and a description of the benefits to the Township likely to be realized if a financial agreement is granted.
Estimate of the cost of completing such project.
Estimate of the time to complete such project.
A statement showing:
The real property taxes as currently assessed for the project site; and
Estimated, proposed tax payments that would be made by applicant for the tax treatment portion of the project site during the period of the financial agreement, pursuant to law.
Names of current owners of property within:
The entire proposed project site; and
The proposed tax treatment area.
A description of any agreements of sale and lease agreements between applicant and any other entity, including the proposed users of the project site, and a history and description of such users' business.
Such other pertinent information as the governing body may require.
Applicants shall apply for a financial agreement prior to commencement of construction (allowing, however, for minimal preparatory site work to be undertaken prior to commencement of construction if the applicant is under a redevelopment or development agreement with the Township).
Upon receipt of a completed, lawful, and timely application as set forth above, the Township Committee shall review the application to determine whether to negotiate and enter into a financial agreement. Once the Township Committee approves an application, the Township's counsel shall assist the Township in negotiating a financial agreement, and the Township shall adopt an authorizing ordinance for the project. Any agreement so authorized shall provide for the applicant to pay the Municipality according to the financial agreement and controlling statutes.
No abatement, exemption, payment in lieu of taxes, or other tax treatment shall be granted except upon written application, filed with and approved by the Township Committee.
No abatement, exemption, payment in lieu of taxes, or other tax treatment shall be granted, and no financial agreement shall be entered into, for any property for which property taxes are delinquent or unpaid, nor for which penalties for nonpayment of taxes are due.