[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Dover 11-13-2013 by Ord. No. 2013.10.09-013 as Ch. 5, Ch. 14 and Ch. 41 of the 2013 Code; amended 4-9-2014 by Ord. No. 2014.03.13-002. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall be the following boards, commissions and committees in the City of Dover:
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
Board of Health.
Cemetery Board.
Library Board of Trustees.
Recreation Advisory Board.
Dover Arena Commission.
Personnel Advisory Board.
Planning Board.
Dover Utilities Commission.
Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Trustees of the Trust Funds.
Solid Waste Advisory Commission.
[Amended 8-10-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.07.27 – 008; 2-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.02.08-002]
Dover Arts Commission.
Transportation Advisory Commission.
Graffiti Management Advisory Committee.[1]
[Added 10-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.09.13-146]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(14), Joint Fiscal Committee, was repealed 3-11-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.02.26-002.
Dover Business and Industrial Development Authority.
McConnell Center Advisory Committee.
Parking Commission.
Conservation Commission.
Dover Pools Advisory Committee.
Dover Housing Authority.
Energy Commission.
Downtown Dover Tax Increment Finance Advisory Board.
Waterfront Tax Increment Finance Advisory Board.
Heritage Commission.
Licensing Board.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-.08.12-010]
Ethics Commission.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-.08.12-010]
Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion.
[Added 2-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.02.08-002]
All boards and commissions shall serve in an advisory capacity only, unless otherwise empowered by state statute, City Charter or ordinance.
All appointees to boards, commissions and committees shall serve for the term appointed and until a successor shall have been appointed and qualified.
[Amended 10-25-2017 by Ord. No. 2017.10.11; 5-8-2019 by Ord. No. 2019.04.24-008; 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
Records of attendance shall be kept by the Chair of any board, commission or committee appointed by the City Council, on a form approved by the City Manager, and be submitted to the City Clerk following any meeting, along with the meeting minutes. A summary of the attendance records of members of boards, commissions and committees shall be provided to the City Council by the City Manager in January of each year for the prior twelve-month period.
A vacancy shall be created when any board, commission, or committee member is absent for four consecutive meetings or four regular meetings in any consecutive twelve-month period. The vacancy shall be filled by the City Council for the remainder of the term. The Chair of any board, commission or committee may, for good cause shown and set forth in the records of attendance and meeting minutes, excuse the absence of any member from a meeting. An excused absence set forth in the meeting minutes shall not be counted toward the four meetings described herein.
In the case of any member who may be removed from a board, commission, or committee pursuant to the Charter, state statute, or any other reason, the City Council may remove that member by majority vote following a hearing for which the member has been provided with at least 10 days' advanced written notice and an opportunity to be heard.
Any appointments made to fill a vacancy in an unfulfilled term will be for the remainder of that term.
All board and commission members shall be residents of the City of Dover except for those members presently serving. All exceptions shall be approved by the City Council.
All boards, commissions and committees shall adopt rules subject to the approval of the City Council. Rules may contain provisions for the establishment of subcommittees consisting of members appointed by the City Council.
The City Council may appoint a City Councilor as an ex officio nonvoting liaison to any board, commission or committee to report to the City Council on a periodic basis unless otherwise stated.
The City Council shall appoint members to boards, commissions and committees to achieve a membership consisting of staggered terms to assure continuity in the functioning of boards, commissions and committees. Exceptions to the length of the term of appointment may be made by the City Council at the time of appointment to achieve staggered terms.
Staff members may be assigned as liaisons to assist the board, commission or committee at the discretion of the City Manager.
The City Council may appoint ad hoc committees for special projects for limited durations.
All appointments of City Councilors as regular or alternate members of a board, commission or committee shall be on an ex officio nonvoting basis, unless otherwise stated in this chapter. Said appointment shall not exceed the two-year term of office. This provision applies prospectively.
All appointments to committees, boards and commissions are made by the City Council unless otherwise stated in this chapter or law.
Recording of meetings. All public meetings of the City Council and all boards, commissions, committees and subcommittees of the City shall be video or audio recorded. This subsection shall not apply to site walks, tours conducted by public bodies, special events and emergency meetings. In the event a recording is not an option for any reason, a public meeting shall continue without recording. A notation shall be made in the minutes of the meeting detailing the nature of the equipment failure. Written notice of the equipment failure shall be supplied to the City Manager within five business days of the meeting. Recordings shall be available for public inspection not more than five business days after the public meeting. Recordings shall be retained permanently or as long as the media used for the recordings permit.
Membership. The Board of Health shall consist of five regular members and one alternate member, including two members consisting of either a physician, dentist, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner who live or practice in the City of Dover, two citizens of the City of Dover with relevant qualifications or experience in public health, one acting as an alternate, an ex officio City Councilor, and the Health Officer. The Health Officer shall act as Chair and Secretary.
[Amended 3-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021.02.24-001; 11-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021.10.13-007]
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Board of Health shall perform the following functions:
[Amended 3-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021.02.24-001]
The Board of Health shall study, consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies for public health in the City of Dover.
As authorized by RSA 147:1, and with the consultation of the Board of Health, the Health Officer may make such rules and regulations for the prevention and removal of nuisances, for the control and restriction of infections and contagious disease and such other regulations relating to the public health as, in his/her judgment, the health and safety of the people may require, which shall take effect when approved by the City Council and published in one or more newspapers of the City. The members of the Board, except the Health Officer, shall serve without pay.
The Board of Health shall meet at such times and places as it may deem necessary for the consideration of matters relating to the public health; it shall investigate, inquire into and advise in all cases referred to it for such purpose by the Health Officer. In case the Health Officer is unable to act as the executive officer of the Board through sickness or other good cause, the Board may elect from its membership a suitable person to act temporarily as Chair of the Board for the purposes of conducting necessary meetings or proceedings.
Membership. The Cemetery Board shall consist of five members and two alternates appointed by the City Council.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Cemetery Board shall perform the following functions:
Study, consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies for the operation of the Cemetery Division of the Community Services Department.
Make recommendations on the investment and expenditure of donations and bequests made to the City for the benefit of said cemeteries.
Make an annual report of all cemetery activities to the City Manager and keep such other records and reports as he shall direct.
Membership. The Library Board of Trustees shall consist of five members and two alternates.
[Amended 10-26-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.10.10-012]
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years, consistent with staggered terms. The Library Board shall organize annually by the choice of a chair and other officers and committees if necessary.
[Amended 10-26-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.10.10-012]
Authority and duties. The Library Board shall perform the following functions and pursuant to RSA 202:A:
Study, consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies regarding the operation of the Dover Public Library, so far as they are consistent with the City Charter and other applicable laws, statutes and ordinances.
Receive and deposit with the City Treasurer any trust funds and, upon invitation of the Treasurer, make recommendations on the investment of donations and bequests of funds made to the City for the benefit of the City Library.
Maintain such records of library trust funds and trust income as will ensure proper management of principal and use of income in accordance with the donors' or testators' directions, and continuously solicit donations and bequests for the benefit of the library.
Make an annual report of all library activities to the City Manager and keep such records and other reports as he directs.
Advocate, promote and perpetuate the growth, prosperity and the usefulness of the public library.
Membership. The Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of 11 members and three alternates, appointed by the City Council. There may also be a City Council liaison who shall be nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council for the length of his/her Council term.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.02.14-2]
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Recreation Advisory Board shall perform the following functions:
Study, consider and recommend, to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies for the provision of recreation programs and facilities.
Review programs and recommend additions to or deletions of those programs in the City of Dover; advise and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, of such improvements.
Aid and assist the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, in the formulation of future plans and programs for the ultimate benefit of all users of recreational facilities.
Study and recommend methods for financing proposed recreation developments.
Membership. The Dover Arena Commission shall consist of five members and two alternate members, appointed by the City Council.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Dover Arena Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and City Manager or designee regarding the operations and maintenance of the Dover Ice Arena. The Commission shall review and develop recommendations for the arena facility and programs. The Dover Arena Commission shall perform the following functions:
Study, consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies for the operation of the Dover Arena.
Make recommendations to the City Council and City Manager for the ongoing maintenance and operations of the arena, its related programs, capital improvements, budget and fee schedule.
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
The membership and duties of the Personnel Advisory Board shall be as provided in § C7-6 of the City Charter.
Pursuant to the provisions of RSA 673:2, there is hereby created the City Planning Board, with the powers and duties specified in RSA 672 to 677 and this section.
Membership. Pursuant to the provisions of RSA 673:2, I-a, and 673:6, the Planning Board shall consist of nine regular members and three alternates, as follows: the City Manager or designee, one administrative official of the municipality, who shall be selected by the City Manager, and a member of the City Council appointed by the City Council. All of the foregoing regular members shall be ex officio members with voting privileges. The remaining six regular members and the three alternate members shall be appointed by the City Council. Planning Board members may only serve on other municipal boards and commissions pursuant to RSA 673:7.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years consistent with the provisions of RSA 673:5, II. The terms for member appointments shall be made to allow for subsequent appointments to occur on a staggered basis. The ex officio Council member's term shall be the same as the Council term. The administration official shall be appointed by the City Manager. All other Board members' terms shall be for three years.
Chair. The Planning Board shall elect a Chair and may create other officers it deems necessary. The term shall be for one year. The Chair is eligible for reelection. An ex officio member shall not serve as Chair.
Meetings. The Planning Board shall hold at least one regular meeting per month. The Chair shall designate an alternate if a member is absent or disqualified. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.
Vacancy. The City Council shall fill any vacancy for the unexpired term, with the exception of a vacancy in the administration official position, which shall be filled by the City Manager.
Removal of members. In accordance with RSA 673:13, the City Council may remove any member, or alternate, after a public hearing and a written finding of inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. The written reasons shall be filed with the City Clerk.
Disqualification. All members shall comply with relevant sections of the City Code of Ethics (Chapter 21) concerning conflicts and disqualification rules pursuant to RSA 673:14.
Finances. Any Planning Board expenses shall be paid in accordance with RSA 673:16.
Bylaws. The Planning Board shall adopt rules of procedure for governing the conduct of meetings.
Authority and duties. The duties and authority of the Planning Board shall comply with RSA 672 to 677 and this section.
Pursuant to the provisions of RSA 674:43, the Planning Board is hereby authorized to require preliminary review of site plans and to review and approve or disapprove site plans for the development or change or expansion of use of tracts for nonresidential uses or for "multifamily dwelling units," which are defined as any structures containing more than four dwelling units, whether or not such development includes a subdivision or resubdivision of the site.
Pursuant to the provisions of RSA 674:43, III, the Planning Board may delegate its site review powers and duties in regard to minor site plans to a committee of technically qualified administrators chosen by the Planning Board from the Community Services Department, the Planning Department, and other similar departments in the City of Dover. Should the Planning Board elect to do so, the aforesaid committee of technically qualified administrators may be delegated final authority to approve or disapprove minor site plans.
[Added 1-25-2023 by Ord. No. 2022.12.14-014[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection J(2) as Subsection J(3).
Pursuant to RSA 674:35, the Planning Board is authorized to require preliminary review and approval of subdivisions, including the review and approval of plats, the grading of streets and the installation of utility structures.
Membership. The Dover Utilities Commission shall consist of seven members and one alternate.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years. The Dover Utilities Commission shall meet monthly or more often as circumstances may require. The Community Services Director and the Superintendent of Public Works and Utilities shall act as technical advisors to the Dover Utilities Commission and shall attend all meetings of the Commission.
Authority and duties.
The Dover Utilities Commission shall perform the following functions:
Study, consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies for the operation of the water and sewer functions of the Community Services Department.
Study and make recommendations regarding the development, maintenance, operation and expansion of the water supply system in the City of Dover.
Assist in an advisory capacity in the determination of the Community Services Department policy, rate structure, public relations and matters of general public interest.
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
Hear and decide abatement appeal requests filed by citizens regarding administrative abatement decisions.
Subject to the review and approval of the City Council, the Dover Utilities Commission shall have the power to formulate necessary rules and regulations with regard to the use of the public water and sewer systems in the City of Dover.
The Dover Utilities Commission shall be responsible for reviewing the sewer user charges annually and periodically recommending to the City Council necessary revisions to reflect actual treatment work operation and maintenance costs.
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
The composition, functions and duties of the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall be as provided by RSA 672 to 677 and the Code of the City of Dover.
Membership. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall consist of five members and three alternates appointed by the City Council, in a manner prescribed by the Council, pursuant to RSA 673:3 and 673:5.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years pursuant to RSA 673:6.
Chair. Pursuant to RSA 673:9, the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall elect a Chair and other officers if desired to serve one-year terms. Said Chair and officers are eligible for reelection.
Meetings. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules of procedures for governing the conduct of meetings as set forth in RSA 676:1. The rules shall also designate meeting times and the role of alternates in place of members who are absent consistent with RSA 673:10 and 673:11. The schedule of meetings shall be held at the call of the Chair and at such other times as the Board may determine. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
Vacancy. The City Council shall appoint new members when a vacancy occurs for the unexpired term in accordance with RSA 673:12.
Disqualification. All members shall comply with the relevant sections of the City Code of Ethics (Chapter 21) concerning conflicts and disqualification rules pursuant to RSA 673:14.
Removal of members. In accordance with RSA 673:13, the City Council may remove any member, or alternate, after a public hearing and a written finding of incompetency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. The written reasons shall be filed with the City Clerk.
Finances. Any Zoning Board expenses shall be paid in accordance with RSA 673:16.
Authority and duties. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have duties and responsibilities pursuant to RSA 672 to 677. The members shall also perform the duties of a Building Code Board of Appeals pursuant to RSA 674:34.
Membership. The Trustees of the Trust Funds shall be comprised of five members, four appointed by the City Council and one of whom shall be the City Finance Director on an ex officio basis with voting privileges, who shall also be the bookkeeper. Other members shall be citizens of Dover who shall have experience in the field of professional banking and/or financial matters.
Terms of members. The City Finance Director shall hold a position as a member of the Trustees of the Trust Funds for a term concurrent with the term of office as City Finance Director. Remaining members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Trustees of the Trust Funds shall have all of the authority and perform all of the duties as may be provided by state law relating to the administration of trust funds of the municipal corporation. The Trustees of the Trust Funds shall administer all trust funds pursuant to RSA 31:19 and shall have all the authority and duties provided by state law.
[Amended 8-10-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.07.27 – 008]
Membership. The Solid Waste Advisory Committee shall consist of five members and three alternates, appointed by the City Council. Additionally, there shall also be an ex officio nonvoting member of the City Council who shall be nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council to serve for the duration of his/her Council term.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Solid Waste Advisory Committee shall perform the following functions:
Meet at least quarterly and more often as circumstances may require.
Study, consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies for provision of solid waste and recycling programs and facilities.
Serve to collect factual information and citizen/property owner input as necessary to determine policy recommendations.
Review the management and charges of the Bag and Tag Program annually and periodically recommend to the City Council necessary revisions to reflect the actual operation and cost.
Membership. The Dover Arts Commission shall consist of nine members and two alternate members, together with one additional ex officio member who will be appointed as the Literary Laureate.
[Amended 7-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019.06.26-010]
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Arts Commission shall perform the following functions:
Study, consider and recommend to the City Council and the City Manager, or designee, general policies for the arts in the City of Dover.
Develop and promote programs, forums and exhibits that highlight the talent and active art-related venues currently existing within the City.
Duties of the Literary Laureate. The Literary Laureate shall perform the following functions:
[Added 7-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019.06.26-010]
Promote literacy and literature among City of Dover residents of all ages throughout the community, as well as in schools and nonprofit organizations.
Encourage appreciation of the language art form and creative expression by a wide range of City residents, including youth.
Perform at least one annual project in the City.
Attend literary and other cultural events in the City as appropriate.
Membership. The Transportation Advisory Commission shall consist of nine members and two alternates. The membership shall include one member of the City Council, one representative of the Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST) Public Transit System, and three staff members assigned by the City Manager. All ex officio members shall have voting privileges. Four members shall be citizen members.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties.
The Transportation Advisory Commission shall perform the following functions:
Review transportation policy and safety matters involving conventional vehicles, transit, alternative modes (i.e., pedestrian and bicycles), and commercial vehicles, and attendant amenities.
Serve as a sounding board for citizens' traffic, pedestrian and safety issues and making recommendations to Council or staff for appropriate action.
Solicit feedback from the School Department regarding sidewalk and crosswalk safety issues on a quarterly basis.
Assist with developing the City Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) by soliciting citizen input on needed projects for submission to the Planning Board and City Council.
Study issues arising under the City of Dover Master Plan as they relate to transportation.
Make recommendations to the City Council and/or Planning Board and study and prepare reports to aid in the development, implementation and general improvement of the Master Plan relating to transportation in the City of Dover.
Establish its own bylaws and appoint a Chair annually.
The Transportation Advisory Commission may hold public hearings for neighborhood transportation-related reconstruction projects.
[Added 10-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.09.13-146]
Membership. The Graffiti Management Advisory Committee shall consist of the following members, each of which shall be voting members:
One City Councilor recommended by the Mayor and ratified by the City Council;
One Arts Commission representative;
One Community Trail Advisory Committee representative;
One Recreation Advisory Committee representative;
Police Chief ex officio, or designee;
Director of Planning and Community Development ex officio, or designee;
Community Services Director ex officio, or designee;
Five citizens at large;
Two alternate citizens at large, who may be seated and vote if and when one of the five citizen members is unable to attend, and who otherwise may attend and take part in discussions.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Graffiti Management Advisory Committee will meet regularly, as determined by the members. The Graffiti Management Advisory Committee shall:
Work with City staff to study, review, identify, and recommend one or more possible solutions or ways to mitigate or address graffiti, to identify areas where "street art" can be done, to improve security, and to support ongoing enforcement;
Make recommendations to the City Council and City Manager concerning graffiti and promotion of sanctioned street art;
Coordinate with City staff to organize community volunteer graffiti clean-up events;
The Graffiti Management Advisory Committee shall be advisory only and shall not have the authority to commit the City Council to any action or position.
Rules. The Graffiti Management Advisory Committee shall adopt and, as needed, update operating rules, all subject to approval of the City Council.
Editor's Note: Former § 9-15, Joint Fiscal Committee, as amended, was repealed 3-11-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.02.26-002.
Membership. The Dover Business and Industrial Authority shall consist of not fewer than nine and no more than 15 members, including the City Manager (or designee) and Mayor or other City Councilor designated by the Mayor as ex officio nonvoting members. The majority of Authority members shall reside in Dover.
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001; 10-11-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.09.27-10]
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The duties and functions of the Dover Business and Industrial Development Authority shall be governed by RSA 162-G. All actions of the Authority shall be authorized by resolutions of the Authority passed on the affirmative votes of at least 2/3 of the Authority members present and voting.
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
Membership. The McConnell Center Advisory Committee shall consist of seven members and two alternates. The membership shall include two representatives of McConnell Center tenants.
[Amended 2-13-2019 by Ord. No. 2019.01.23-001]
Terms of members. Members and alternates shall be appointed to terms of three years, consistent with staggered terms.
[Amended 2-13-2019 by Ord. No. 2019.01.23-001]
Authority and duties. The McConnell Center Advisory Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and City Manager for the following functions:
Advocate for achieving the mission of the McConnell Community Center.
Review the operations budget recommended to City Manager.
Seek and recommend tenants to the City of Dover.
Assist in the creation and dissemination of publicity related to the McConnell Community Center.
Foster collaborative programming between tenants of the McConnell Community Center and other agencies.
Study, consider and recommend policies for the operation of the McConnell Center.
Review the McConnell Center governance structure.
Rules. The Committee shall adopt operating rules subject to the approval of the City Council.
Membership. The Parking Commission shall consist of seven members with representation as follows:
Five Dover residents; and
Two Dover commercial property or business owners.
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years.
Authority and duties. The Parking Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and City Manager, or designee, assisting with the development, implementation and continued monitoring of a comprehensive public parking system throughout the City. The Parking Commission shall review and develop recommendations for the ongoing financing and operation of public parking services and facilities, to include the following functions:
Assist with the development, implementation and continued monitoring of a comprehensive public parking system throughout the City.
Review and develop recommendations for the ongoing financing and operation of public parking services and facilities, to include:
Making recommendations to the City Council and City Manager for the maintenance and implementation of an overall public parking plan that defines goals, policies, regulations and their enforcement.
Making recommendations to the City Council and City Manager with respect to funding for a parking activity fund.
Making recommendations to the Planning Board, the City Council and City Manager with respect to capital improvement programming as it relates to public parking facilities.
Making recommendations to the City Council and City Manager with respect to special parking districts, related maintenance programs and their funding and management.
Promote communication and the exchange of ideas and concerns between users of public parking, property owners, merchants, and City agencies.
Act to promote public awareness of public parking areas in the City.
Statutory authority. This section is enacted pursuant to authority granted by Chapter 36-A of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated.
Establishment. In accordance with RSA 36-A, there is hereby established a Dover Conservation Commission, hereinafter called the "Commission."
Purpose. The establishment of the Conservation Commission shall be for the declared purpose of developing, protecting and promoting the natural resources of Dover, for promoting an awareness of the conservation practices and policies throughout the City and for protecting the watershed resources of the City.
Membership; terms; removal; vacancies. The Commission shall consist of not fewer than three members and not more than seven members, all citizens of Dover and all appointed by the City Council. One of the seven members may be a member of the Dover Planning Board. The City Council shall appoint the original Chair for a term of three years. Appointment of respective successors shall be for three-year terms. The second-term Chair shall be selected by the members from one of their number. Any member of the Commission so appointed may, after a public hearing if requested, be removed for cause by the City Council. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as an original appointment. In addition to the regular members of the Commission, the City Council shall appoint two alternate members, said members to serve for a term of three years. Whenever a regular member of the Commission is absent from a meeting or whenever a regular member disqualifies himself, the Chair shall designate an alternate member, if one is present, to act in the member's place.
Powers and duties. The Conservation Commission shall have the powers and duties established by state law pursuant to RSA 36-A and consistent with this section. The Commission shall have the following duties and perform the following functions:
The Commission shall prepare a program of conservation and a program of watershed and open space protection for the City of Dover and, in undertaking this program, shall conduct research into local natural resources, watershed areas and open spaces, along with evaluation of the uses thereof. It shall keep an index of the open areas, swamps, wetlands and areas of unique natural value of ecological importance within the City. The Commission shall coordinate its efforts with the activities of other official or unofficial bodies conducting studies, research and evaluations for similar purposes.
The Commission shall prepare, adopt and, from time to time, review and amend a conservation and open space plan and shall submit said plan to the Planning Board for consideration as part of the Master Plan for the City of Dover. In preparation of said plan, the Commission shall also obtain information pertinent to the proper utilization of open areas in the City, including any lands owned by the City and by the state, and shall make recommendations for the better promotion, development or utilization of said natural resources and open areas in the City.
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
The Commission shall inform itself of the ways and means by which its plans and programs may be achieved and shall advise municipal agencies, the City Council, private interests and the public of the manner in which these objectives may be accomplished. It may accordingly advertise, prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts, plans and pamphlets which in its judgment it deems necessary for its work as defined herein.
The Commission shall adopt bylaws and shall keep accurate records of its meetings and actions and shall file an annual report with the City Council which shall be included in the annual City report.
The Commission may receive gifts of money and property, both real and personal, in the name of the City, subject to approval of the City Council, such gifts to be managed and controlled by the Commission for the purposes of this section. It may also, subject to approval of the City Council, acquire by gift, purchase, grant, bequest, devise, lease or otherwise the fee in such land or water rights or any lesser interest, development right, easement, covenant or other contractual right, including conveyances with conditions, limitations or revisions, as may be necessary to acquire, maintain, improve, protect or limit the future use of or otherwise conserve and properly utilize open spaces and other land and water areas within the City. The Commission shall manage and control such property in accordance with the purpose of this section, subject to the review of the City Council.
Any moneys received by the Commission shall be placed in a conservation fund and allowed to accumulate from year to year, and such moneys may be expended from said fund for purposes consistent with this chapter. The City may also make appropriations to the Conservation Fund. All moneys maintained or expended by the Commission shall be recorded in accordance with City accounting procedures, and any matters relating to personnel shall be governed in a manner consistent with the pertinent requirements of the City Charter and appropriate City ordinances.
Open Lands Committee. The Conservation Commission may establish an Open Lands Committee as a subcommittee within its rules subject to the appointing authority of the City Council and subject to the approval of the rules by the City Council.
Editor's Note: Former § 9-20, Dover Pool Advisory Committee, was repealed 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024.02.14-2. This ordinance provided that the currently appointed and serving members of the Dover Pool Advisory Committee are reappointed to the Recreation Advisory Board for (and to the extent of) the remainder of their existing terms for the repealed Pool Advisory Committee.
Membership. The Dover Housing Authority shall consist of five members appointed by the City Manager pursuant to RSA 203, qualifying as a supplementary public corporation.
Terms of members. The Commissioners shall be appointed to five-year terms pursuant to RSA 203.
Authority and duties. The functions and duties of the Housing Authority shall be as provided in RSA 203.
Membership. The Energy Commission shall consist of seven members and four alternates.
[Amended 2-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.02.08-001]
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years consistent with the provisions of RSA 38:D.
Authority and duties. The Energy Commission shall have the powers and duties established by state law pursuant to RSA 38:D.
Appropriations. Any appropriation established by the City Council for use by the Energy Commission shall be held in an Energy Commission Fund and disbursed in accordance with RSA 38:D subject to the requirements of the City's purchasing procedures and accounting requirements as administered by the City Manager.
[Added 4-9-2014 by Ord. No. 2014.03.12-002; amended 2-25-2015 by Ord. No. 2015.02.11-006]
Membership. The Downtown Dover Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Advisory Board shall consist of seven voting members, including one City Councilor, two citizen representatives who do not own or occupy real property within or adjacent to the Downtown Dover TIF District, and four citizen representatives who are owners or occupants of real property within or adjacent to the Downtown Dover TIF District, one of whom may be recommended by the Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce and one of whom may be recommended by Dover Main Street. The City Manager (or designee) shall be an ex officio nonvoting member. All members shall reside in Dover.
Terms of members. The first three citizen representatives appointed shall be appointed to terms of two years. The next three citizen representatives appointed shall be appointed to terms of three years. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed to terms of three years. The City Council member will serve for his/her current Council term and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Board shall sunset upon expiration of the Downtown Dover TIF District.
Authority and duties. The duties and functions of the Downtown Dover TIF Advisory Board shall be in accordance with RSA 162-K:14 and as defined herein. All actions of the Advisory Board shall be authorized by resolutions of the Board passed on the affirmative votes of at least 2/3 of the Board members present and voting.
The Board shall advise the City Council and the District Administrator on the recommended policies and actions for the administration and operation of the Downtown Dover TIF District.
The Board shall advise the City Council and the District Administrator regarding the planning, construction and implementation of the Development program and the operation and maintenance of the district after the development program is completed.
The Board shall review all community revitalization tax credit applications and provide a recommendation to City Council and the District Administrator on potential impacts to the administration and operation of the Downtown Dover TIF District.
The Board shall submit semiannual reports to the City Council.
[Added 2-25-2015 by Ord. No. 2015.02.11-007]
Membership. The Waterfront Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Advisory Board shall consist of five voting members, including one City Councilor, one citizen representative who does not own or occupy real property within or adjacent to the Waterfront TIF District, and three citizen representatives who are property owners or occupants of real property within or adjacent to the Waterfront TIF District, one of whom may be recommended by the Dover Chamber of Commerce and one of whom may be recommended by the Dover Business and Industrial Development Authority. The City Manager (or designee) shall be an ex officio nonvoting member. All members shall reside in Dover.
Terms of members. The first two citizen representatives appointed shall be appointed to terms of two years. The next two citizen representatives appointed shall be appointed to terms of three years. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed to terms of three years. The City Council member will serve for his/her current Council term and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The Board shall sunset upon expiration of the Waterfront TIF District.
Authority and duties. The duties and functions of the Waterfront TIF Advisory Board shall be in accordance with RSA 162-K:14 and as defined herein. All actions of the Waterfront TIF Advisory Board shall be authorized by resolutions of the Board passed on the affirmative votes of at least 2/3 of the Board members present and voting.
The Board shall advise the City Council and the District Administrator on the recommended policies and actions for the administration and operation of the Waterfront TIF District.
The Board shall advise the City Council and the District Administrator regarding the planning, construction and implementation of the development program and the operation and maintenance of the district after the development program is completed.
The Board shall submit quarterly reports to the City Council.
[Added 10-28-2015 by Ord. No. 2015.10.14-021; amended 6-8-2016 by Ord. No. 2016.05.25-008]
Membership. The Heritage Commission shall consist of seven voting members, including one City Councilor; one citizen recommended by the Woodman Institute Museum, and five citizens, one of whom may be a Planning Board member and one of whom may be a Downtown Dover Tax Increment Finance Advisory Board member. A representative from the library, appointed by the City Manager, shall be an ex-officio non-voting member. A staff liaison shall be appointed by the City Manager.
[Amended 5-11-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.04.26-006]
Terms of members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years. The City Council member shall serve for his/her current Council term and shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Council. Original appointments may be staggered so that all Commissioner's terms do not expire at the same time.
[Amended 5-11-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.04.26-006]
Authority and duties. The Heritage Commission shall have the capacity to oversee the following duties and functions consistent with RSA 674:
[Amended 5-11-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.04.26-006]
Survey and inventory all cultural and historic resources, in order to plan for preservation and include valuation.
Conduct research and publish findings to inform the City Council and City Manager.
Assist the Planning Board, as requested, in the development and review of those sections of the Master Plan which address cultural and historic resources.
Advise, upon request, local agencies and other local boards in their review of requests on matters affecting or potentially affecting cultural and historic resources, including advising the City Council on the historic value of potentially replaced qualifying structures pursuant to RSA 79-E:4.
Coordinate activities with appropriate service organizations and nonprofit groups, at the discretion of the City Council.
Appropriations. Any appropriations established by the City Council for use by the Heritage Commission shall be held in a Heritage Commission fund and disbursed in accordance with RSA 674:44-b, subject to the requirements of the City's purchasing procedures and accounting requirements as administered by the City Manager.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-.08.12-010]
The membership and duties of the Licensing Board shall be as provided in Chapter 97, Licensing, of the Code of the City of Dover.
[Added 8-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-.08.12-010]
The membership and duties of the Ethics Commission shall be as provided in § C11-5 of the City Charter and Chapter 21, Ethics, Code of, of the Code of the City of Dover.
[Added 2-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.02.08-002]
Membership. The Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion shall consist of up to nine regular members and two alternate members. The appointed members shall include one City Councilor ex officio and one Dover School Board Member ex officio, and efforts shall be made to ensure diversity in the perspectives, experience, and/or expertise of appointed members. Exceptions to the Dover residency requirement may be made if recommended by the City Council's appointments committee and approved by the City Council.
Terms of Members. Members shall be appointed to terms of three years. Subsequent appointees shall be appointed to three-year terms or less, if necessary to achieve membership with staggered terms.
Authority and duties. The Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion shall be only advisory in nature and shall not have authority to bind or commit the City or the City Council to any action or position. The Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion shall perform the following functions:
Study and make recommendations to the City Council and City Manager concerning the elimination of systemic racism and promotion of inclusion in municipal operations.
Work with the City Manager to gather necessary information on municipal operations, and will coordinate as necessary with Boards and Commissions and the Dover Schools Racial Equity Vision Keepers Committee.
Review data, hold listening sessions, and make recommendations to the City Council and City Manager, outlining action items on steps to be taken to work to eliminate systemic racism in municipal operations, including boards and commissions.