[Adopted by Ord. No. 2001-49 (Ch. 4, Subch. I, § 4.10, and Ch. 4, Subch. VI, § 4.50, of the 1998 Code)]
Pursuant to § 59.38, Wis. Stats., there is hereby created the position of Medical Examiner as a full-time position.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2004-2; 9-11-2019 by Res. No. 2019-16; 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12]
The Medical Examiner shall be appointed by the County Executive.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV)]
The duties of the Medical Examiner shall be generally as set forth in § 59.34, Wis. Stats.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 4.10(4) of the 1998 Code, Salary, as amended by Ord. No. 2008-22, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV).
The Medical Examiner shall file an official bond as required by Chapter 49, Finance and Taxation, § 49-5, of the Code of Washington County.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 4.10(6), Supervising Committee, of the 1998 Code, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV).
The Medical Examiner shall charge fees for services as authorized by § 59.36, Wis. Stats., and as authorized and approved through the County's annual budget process in amounts not to exceed the actual and necessary cost of providing the services.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2010-15]
All such fees shall be paid to the Medical Examiner in advance of the issuance of the certificate or permit, or other service.
All fees, including the travel surcharge, shall accrue to the County and shall be used to offset the costs of the Medical Examiner's office to the taxpayers.
No service fee shall be charged if the Medical Examiner determines that the person requesting the service is indigent. Proof of indigent shall consist of evidence that the individual is eligible for or receiving public assistance as certified by the County Department of Social Services.