Right to request informal review. Prior to the submittal of an application for development, the applicant may request an informal review before the Board in order to:
Acquaint the applicant with the substantive and procedural requirements of the subdivision and site plan ordinance;
Provide for an exchange of information regarding the proposed development plan and applicable elements of the Master Plan, zoning ordinance and other development requirements;
Advise the applicant of any public sources of information that may aid the application;
Identify policies and regulations that create opportunities or pose significant constraints for the proposed development;
Consider opportunities to increase development benefits and mitigate undesirable project consequences;
Permit input into the general design of the project.
Documents and fees to be submitted. Applicants seeking review of a concept plan shall provide 15 copies of the plan and one copy of the completed application and the required review fees to the Board Secretary at least 14 days before a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.
Nature of concept plan. The concept plan is a general plan that need not be fully engineered. The plan or plat should be sufficiently detailed to allow the Board to make suggestions on general site design and layout for circulation, stormwater management, location of open space and buffers, building arrangements and to determine how the proposal meets the Township's development goals and objectives.
Effect of informal review. Neither the applicant nor the Board is bound by any concept plan or informal review. The amount of any fees for such informal review shall be a credit toward fees for review of the application for development.
The designee of the Board shall examine each application to ascertain that all required checklist items required by municipal ordinance are shown or furnished in the application or accompanying documents, or that otherwise a waiver has been requested. If all checklist items are provided, and no waivers requested, the application shall be deemed complete in which case the applicant shall be notified and the date of hearing scheduled, and in the case of a major site plan or subdivision, the applicant shall be notified of a Development Review Committee meeting date, which shall occur prior to the scheduling of a hearing date on the application.
If waivers are requested as to any items, the Board's designee may deem the application complete, except for the waiver requests. The applicant shall then be notified of the date of hearing of the entire application, or in the case of major site plans and subdivisions, the date of a Development Review Committee meeting, including the request for waivers.
Alternatively, the Board's designee may submit only the request for waivers to the Board, which shall, at its next ensuing regular or special meeting held not later than 45 days from the date of submission of such application, decide whether to grant or deny the waiver or waivers requested and applicant shall be notified promptly. If applicant is notified of the deficiencies within 45 days from the date of filing, the application shall be deemed to be complete as of the 45th day following the date of its submission.
Prior to being heard by the Board, all applications for major site plan, major subdivision, conditional use and general development plan approval shall be presented to the Development Review Committee for review. The Board, at its discretion, may require applications for minor site plan, site plan waiver request, minor subdivision, or change of use approval to be presented to the Development Review Committee for review. This Committee shall also review, on an as-requested basis, development concepts and provide assistance on matters related to development as may be requested by Township staff.
Conduct of the Development Review Committee meeting.
The Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting is a working session between the DRC and the applicant. The meeting is used to provide the applicant with a comprehensive review of his or her application, to provide insight as to the deficiencies of the plan and to offer suggestions and recommendation for the improvement of said plan, to analyze the application to help in determining completeness, and to comment on the acceptability of the proposed plan. It is not a public hearing and need not be advertised. It is not a formal review, and no minutes will be kept nor action taken.
Attendance by the applicant and/or his representative is mandatory.
The members of the DRC will review the development application for conformance with applicable development regulations and standards, determine the appropriateness of the proposed development to the site in question, and review with the applicant reports submitted by the Board's professionals related to the proposed development.
The DRC shall recommend to the Board via the Board Secretary, hearing dates for applications, which shall occur within the mandatory statutory guidelines.
Generally, no application shall be forwarded to the Board unless and until outstanding issues, other than those for which a variance or design waiver is requested, are resolved.