The provision of proper fire protection to all users of land is a major concern of the community. Each applicant shall be required to address this question in his application and make adequate provisions to minimize the risk and exposure to fire. Design should achieve mandatory protection from this risk. Site plans and major subdivisions shall be reviewed and approved for fire protection by the board of fire engineers prior to final reviewing board approval.
Wherever a central water supply system services a development, provision shall be made for fire hydrants along streets and/or on the walls of nonresidential structures as approved by the board of fire engineers in accordance with Fire Insurance Rating Organization Standards.
Where streams or ponds exist, or are proposed on lands to be developed, facilities shall be provided to draft water for firefighting purposes. These facilities shall be in addition to hydrant service from a public water source, and shall not reduce or replace the requirements for a central fire protection system. These facilities shall include access from the source to a public street suitable for use by firefighting equipment, and construction of improvements to ponds, dams, or similar on-site development, where feasible. Such facilities shall be approved by the reviewing board engineer and board of fire engineers, and constructed in accordance with Fire Insurance Rating Organization Standards.